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Cynthia Ulmer Author

Cynthia Ulmer Author

Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction
    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
    • Huge congratulations to Cynthia Ulmer Author on your award-winning and acclaimed book series, The Cedar Cove Chronicles and Beyond Cedar Cove!

      I'm thrilled to see your wholesome 'Southern Family Fictional' series captivating readers with its realistic drama, Christian themes, and relatable characters. Your ability to craft engaging stories that resonate with readers is truly inspiring.

      Your dedication to your craft, as evident in your award medals and 5-star reviews from Readers Favorite, is a testament to your exceptional storytelling.

      Would you be open to discussing some promotional ideas and strategies to reach a wider audience?

      Let's connect and explore ways to share your captivating stories with readers everywhere!

      Best regards,
      Lisa Deborah
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        • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
        • Thank you for reaching out! I completely understand the need to work within a budget.

          One option that might interest you is Reedsy Discovery Pick, a platform that helps authors gain exposure for their books. With this service, your book is showcased to an audience of avid readers and reviewers, increasing its visibility. There is a one-time fee of $50, making it a cost-effective choice for promoting your work.

          If you'd like to explore this further or have any questions, feel free to ask, I’d be happy to help!
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          • Cynthia Ulmer Author Cynthia Ulmer Author 2 months ago
          • That sounds like a good plan. Let me look into it some more. I may have to wait a while. We live off my husband's social security. It will probably be the end of January before I can do anything.
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            • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
            • Hi Cynthia,

              Thank you for considering the Reedsy Discovery Pick option! I completely understand your budget constraints and appreciate your honesty.

              As we're approaching the festive season, we're offering a special opportunity for authors to promote their books. With more people reading and gifting books during this time, it's an ideal chance to increase visibility and reach new readers.

              Would you be interested in letting us run a small promotional campaign for your book during the festive season? This could help you gain some extra exposure and momentum, and then we could revisit the main campaign at the end of January as planned.

              Let me know if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, and we can discuss the details further.

              Best regards,
              Lisa Deborah
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                • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
                • I completely understand, and I apologize for not being more sensitive to your current situation. Please don't worry about the promotional campaign or the Reedsy Discovery Pick option right now. Your priorities are clearly elsewhere, and that's completely understandable.

                  Take care of yourself and your family first. We can revisit the conversation about promoting your book when your situation improves. You're not alone, and I'm here to support you whenever you're ready.

                  Feel free to reach out to me on Facebook anytime you'd like to keep in touch or discuss your book further. I'd love to stay connected and support you in any way I can.

                  Sending you warm regards and wishes for a better tomorrow,
                  Lisa Deborah
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                    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
                    • You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you.

                      I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season as well!
                      I sent you a message on your Facebook page already.
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                      • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
                      • Thank you for your prompt response! I completely understand about the holiday schedule, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

                        Regarding promotion strategies, I'd love to discuss tailored approaches that fit your book and audience. I've had success with various clients using social media management, email marketing, book blog tours, and more.

                        If you'd like, please feel free to contact me at my Gmail address: [your email address]. I'd be happy to share some previous success stories and outline strategies that could work well for your books.
                        I encountered an error while trying to connect with you on facebook you can find my mail on my bio kindly send me a message.
                        Looking forward to hearing from you after the holidays!

                        Best regards,
                        Lisa Deborah
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