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Sam Muller

Sam Muller

Mystery Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
      • Sam Muller Sam Muller 2 months ago
      • I started writing as a way of dealing with what seemed a problem over which I had little control. One of my dogs, Peggy, was not well and the vet suspected it could be a tumor. She was still a puppy and well... While waiting for various test results to come in, I just jotted down a story in a notebook with a dog character called Peggy who, of course, lives a long and a happy life. She turned out to be ok and I forgot about the story. That was around 2009.

        Then in 2015, while I was spring cleaning I found the notebook. The story wasn't good - it wasn't meant to be. But it made me wonder whether I should try my hand at fiction writing since I seemed to having a lot of story ideas jostling inside my head. I wrote a flash piece about a woman who loses her memory and sent it around, almost as an experiment. It was accepted by a webzine and the reader comments were very encouraging. So I started writing seriously in my spare time.

        Writing is a great way to deal with presonal stress because you can escape into a world of your own creation where you can do anything, save anyone. Give it a try.
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