Having a Gen Z daughter I have seen first hand how engaged she and her friends are with literature. It also pleases me that they are very keen on physical books - new and second hand. There is hope!
I actually plan most of my plots now rather than just freewheel it! Although I am currently writing a short story in weekly parts and, other than the overall final goal of the plot I have no idea what is going to happen from episode to episode. That is how I wrote my first book and I do enjoy the freedom it gives and the surprises that happen in the story! (I am not saying I would want to write like this all the time, but it does make a nice change)
I go away and plot revenge... Then I get over myself and take what learning there is from a bad review and make sure that I cover that in future writing. But - you can't please all of the people all of the time so try to stay positive and as long as the good reviews outweigh the bad I just get on with it.