Ask Tania L. Giguere a question

Tania L. Giguere

Tania L. Giguere

Crime Fiction Teen & Young Adult Children's Poetry Cooking
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Tania L. Giguere Tania L. Giguere 5 years ago
      • The Bible. The most awesome amazing powerful story ever written to date. It will always be History. To travel the world over from corner to corner shouting out the good news and having an entire Nation Read your Words I can only say how Magnificent.
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      • Tania L. Giguere Tania L. Giguere 5 years ago
      • A story on inspiration. A story that tells the child to achieve to be a better you to become your most amazing dream. The child should learn to never quit. Never give up but to give all they can and never expect anything back in return. A story on how awesome they are and that life is good, not easy but not so hard that your dreams are untouchable. Give of yourself and people will give back.
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      • Tania L. Giguere Tania L. Giguere 5 years ago
      • Yes, every day I would write on an old typewriter that father found for me. I loved him so much for that too. I would sit at the kitchen table and type poetry I love poetry it is something that touches every one even if they don't understand what it means. My father would read what I wrote and laugh because he didn't get it either. For hours I would type away on that old thing even some of the letters would not come outright. Haha. I have always wanted writing as my career but my life went in other directions taking me far away from my goal. I am now sorry for that because Publishers really don't need us anymore they have their own writers and they do a lot of remakes of movies. Even if you have an agent it is very difficult to get a Big Publisher to notice your books which is sad so someone somewhere came up with the idea of self-publishing. If you write books nowadays it is because you enjoy the art of it and that to me is awful. I hate self-publishing it shows the world that no one wanted to publish your book good or bad no publisher really cared. Plus they make a lot of rules just to send in your manuscript which you slaved over and then never hear back from them. Self-publishing is a billion-dollar a year market. Yes, every day I want to make it my Full-Time job.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Tania L. Giguere Tania L. Giguere 5 years ago
      • Rest and then go back. Cry wipe away the tears then go back to writing. Writing can touch your soul so profoundly; that is why I love writing.
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