Ask Marie Tuhart a question

Marie Tuhart

Marie Tuhart

Contemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • Marie Tuhart Marie Tuhart 5 years ago
      • My books are romance. Yes, they are sexy and explicit, but that's part of life. My books are about my heroine's and the man who wants to make her every wish come true. There is conflict between them and its fun reading how the characters work it all out.
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      • Marie Tuhart Marie Tuhart 5 years ago
      • It does vary from day to day, but a lot of days it's social media and marketing in the morning, and writing in the afternoon. Plus getting up and down all day to let the dog out and let the dog in.
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