Book Discussion: Unlikely Soldiers Book One: (Civvy to Squaddie)

Unlikely Soldiers Book One: (Civvy to Squaddie)
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Unlikely Soldiers Book One: (Civvy to Squaddie)by Deb McEwanPublish: Nov 04, 2015Series: Unlikely SoldiersContemporary Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Teen & Young Adult
    • Deb McEwan Deb McEwan 5 years ago
    • I joined the British Army in 1979 and left at the end of 2013. Females weren’t routinely weapon trained during basic training until 1986 – and few went on operations. I wanted to join as a Radar Operator but was told I would spend most of my career in Scotland. I’ve always hated the cold and didn’t fancy going to Scotland so joined as a Clerk. My first posting on completion of my training was to the Army headquarters in Scotland!

      Parts of the story are exaggerated versions of some of the things that happened to me, and lots of the scenes involving Guy, the male protagonist, are based on the service of a good friend who was in the Royal Military Police. I chose to write it this way as I didn’t want the book to be about my husband and I.

      Will you be able to work out what’s fact and what’s fiction?
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