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Kristen Morgen

Kristen Morgen

Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance
      • Kristen Morgen Kristen Morgen 5 years ago
      • For the most part, I try to write for a couple hours (minimum) every day, but exactly when that couple hours happens during my day is usually a moving target. I run my own business and have a family to keep up with, aside from writing, so it can get a little crazy at times. But I find, and so does my family, that I tend to get a bit … cranky … if I don’t write on a regular basis. What can I say? Writing is my drug of choice and I love getting my fix whenever I can! Now, there are also plenty of times when inspiration takes over completely, and I’ll find myself writing for hours on end until 2 a.m. to finish a chapter, or I’ll hear a song on the radio when I’m driving and a scene will pop into my head and I’ll pull over onto the side of the road to jot it down before it’s gone. I just try to exercise the ‘writer side’ of my brain as much and as often as I can.
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      • Kristen Morgen Kristen Morgen 5 years ago
      • Many people have compared my writing and content to that of Nicholas Sparks. He is definitely one of my favorite authors and that’s a huge compliment!
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Kristen Morgen Kristen Morgen 5 years ago
      • I get this question a lot actually (from friends mainly) wondering if it’s semi-autobiographical and the answer is actually no. I may have a scene or two in my book that comes from something in real life, but for the most part, I have a VERY active imagination and I’m always coming up with new ideas. I’m constantly interested in exploring relationships and discovering the little reasons people fall in love with each other while uncovering deeper truths about themselves or life in general.
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      • Kristen Morgen Kristen Morgen 5 years ago
      • The first time I realized how much I loved the act of writing was in high school. I was the kid who got excited when I saw essay questions on a test rather than multiple choice questions and most of my friends thought I was crazy! I absolutely loved and excelled in any English class I took throughout college and I found myself spending large amounts of time on writing assignments. My father is also a writer (more technical than creative) and he has been my writing coach my whole life. He always pushed me to be a better writer and could be quite tough on me at times (something I’m still thankful for). Although I pursued architecture throughout my life, I have always longed to write. So one day, I simply sat down and started writing Behind the Glass. What can I say? Writing is my drug of choice and I love getting my fix whenever I can!
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