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Abdur R Mohammed

Abdur R Mohammed

Action & Adventure Historical Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy
      • Abdur R Mohammed Abdur R Mohammed 5 years ago
      • My first book in "The Anuk Chronicles" series - RISE OF PROPHECY, was a challenge. I was still in the US Navy attached to a deployed F/A-18 Fighter squadron, and therefore lacked all necessary tools any writer would deem necessary. I still managed to finish a product which properly establishes a foundation for the rest of books.

        I think the hardest thing was the disturbing shot in the arm with regards to marketing, and the 'questionable' people and firms out there, luring writers with promises of excellent PR representation and publishing...boy do I have stories to tell. This experience has paved the way to avoid potential pitfalls with further writing/publishing experience.
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      • Abdur R Mohammed Abdur R Mohammed 5 years ago
      • I have always been inspired, and enjoyed, the tales of ancient Greek heroes - Perseus, Hercules, Athena. That being said, there has always been a story begging to be told, one locked away since childhood. I started writing you can say, in childhood, but did not get back into it until recently.
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