Shiela Stewart Interview Published on: 09, Jun 2021

Do you remember the first book you read?

The first book I read was given to me by one of my sisters. It was called Flowers in the Attic.

When were you first drawn to writing?

I’ve always been a writer. I wrote silly stories as a child and as I grew so did my stories. I guess you could say I was born to write.

What are the challenges of being a paranormal suspense author?

Making it believable. I want the readers to question if ghosts, demons and vampires really do exist.

What do you read as inspirations for your writings?

I’ve been hooked on Nora Roberts/JD Robb for years. The first time I picked up one of her books I felt a kinship to her writing style. It's soo similar to my own. Reading those gave me the courage to keep writing.

What encouraged you to finally get published in 2006?

That would be my husband. For years he nagged me to get them published, but I never thought I was good enough. I could only take so much of his nagging so I finally started looking into publishers.

What are the must-have attributes for the male love interest in a women's romance novel?

A sense of humour. I love inserting some comedy in my stories to bright it up a bit. Aside from that, kind, understanding and willing to change.

Why do you prefer series stories over stand-alone books?

I’ve written a few stand-alone, but I always see potential in the other characters. There are just some characters that deserve their story be told. Also, I have trouble letting go. LOL

Who inspired the character of Daniel Vega in "Charming the Darkness"?

There really is no who. As I got into writing his twins story, Dante, I felt his brother needed to give the readers his point of view as to why he wanted to be a vampire.

What are you most proud of in your "A 1 Night Stand Story Book 127" series? If the books were to be made into a movie, who would you want in your cast?

Actually, being able to write a short story. I decided to challenge myself and see if I could do it. My stories tend to be long, so telling a story and have lovers come together was a big challenge for me. Honestly, I’ve never thought about who would be the actors. LOL

How do you combine romance and suspense to make an entertaining book for a wide range of people?

It’s all about balance and splitting yourself into two people. The die-hard suspense reader and the romantic reader.

When writing a series how do you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself?

For me, each character has their own life, their own circumstances, their own way of seeing the situation. I can see through the eyes of the characters and their perspective. It’s like an actor. Each character they play is completely different from the one before. You just have to stop being yourself and be someone else.

What was your reaction when "Surviving the Darkness" became the winner of Long and Short Reviews book of the month contest?

I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I had to read it twice before it sunk in. It’s such a great honor as an author to achieve that, but also as the cover artist for the book. I designed all of the Darkness covers.

Is it better to be a dreamer than a realist?

If you ask anyone from my past, they’d tell you I’ve always been a dreamer. Realism is great, but what is life without dreams.

What are you currently working on? May we know when we can expect a new book?

Currently I am working on, (Big surprise, another series) book 2 in the Lost Souls series. It’s a paranormal story where the main characters can communicate with the dead. There is no set date for its release at the time.

What do you like the most about AllAuthor? Do you have any suggestions for the website?

I love how much they care about the authors and readers. AllAuthor makes it easy to promote the books. I especially like the tweet option. Seeing the books of other authors as soon as you open the page is great.

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