When I was a kid, I loved Superman. He always stood up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. But my real-life role models are my parents. They are strong, defiant and never backed down from anyone. Their values became my own. I always try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who they are or where they’re from.
Did you always want to be a writer?No. I always loved to read books but it wasn’t until I had a religious experience in 2002 that I wanted to become an author. After that strange but beautiful event, it was like a vault containing all these stories was unlocked. They just came tumbling out.
As a teenager, what were you obsessed with?I loved playing videogames. Reading comics was another pastime, especially Batman, Superman or X-men comics. Like many young boys in the 1990s, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, soon became another obsession of mine
Irish author Aidan Lucid always loved reading books. His writing journey began in 2002 after having a religious experience. He loves to write fantasy and horror novels. One of his first pieces to be published was a poem about people with disabilities living in today’s world. He loves meeting and engaging with the audience.