Allistar Banks Interview Published on: 16, Dec 2021

Born and raised in McCormick South Carolina, which is your most cherished memory?

I cherish going to Gold Rush and panning for gold.

What school did you attend as a child and how do you think your time in elementary and high school helped shape you and your career?

McCormick Elementary School and I transferred to Abbeville High School.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My former journalism teacher in high school Mr. Land. My author friend Donna Cowan.

What do you miss the most about Lander University?

I miss my newspaper writing class and being on XLR radio.

In what ways do you think your degree in Mass Communications has helped you in your writing career?

Networking with the Greenwood community through the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce.

Your book, "Girl, Rise" was much loved and appreciated by the readers. Why do you think so many people resonated with the book?

Millennials are a generation of people who struggle to find true love and keep it.

How much did you research while writing your book, 40 Recipes to Tackle Diabetes?

I did a fair amount of research. I read my moms diabetic cookbooks and got ideas from those.

What is your ideal setting to write in?

Outside at the park or near the water.

What is your writing kryptonite? Inversely, what is something that never fails to inspire you?


What do you think is more helpful to a writer: Good reviews due to their encouragement or bad reviews due to the (sometimes) constructive criticism?

Bad reviews because it helps me to see what I need to work on and improve as a Writer.

Do you write to escape or to focus more? Can an author ever have "vacation" weeks or months where they don't write or is it something you just always want to do?

To focus more. Writing is something I always want to do. Writing is enjoyable to me and it’s therapeutic.

What was your reaction when you got featured in the Index-Journal?

I was very excited because it’s a fairly large newspaper for the rural area that I live in and sometimes is picked up by the metropolitan city Greenville, SC.

Why do you think a lot of very beautiful stories never get to see the spotlight?

A lot of beautiful stories don’t get the chance to be seen in the spotlight because the traditional publishing world wants what’s popular.

Which is the next book you are working on?

I am working on Girl Rise II and Sarah’s Story which is a story about a girl named Sarah Crossroads who comes to a crossroads in life to choose the 9-5 job in Psychology like her parents want me to pursue or become a WNBA star for the Atlanta Dream team. I have a third manuscript completed called The Past Life Connection which is a story about a karmic love relationship of betrayal about Marianne Banks and Andrew Wells.

When did you sign up as a member for AllAuthor? What sort of impression has the website left on you?

Couple of months ago. It has left a good impression on me with the tools and creative social media postings I can utilize for my platforms to make my books stand out.

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