Anna D Jenkins Interview Published on: 01, Sep 2020

What is the best lesson your parents have taught you?

Well, I lost both parents before I was five years old, so I guess you can say they taught me that tomorrow is not promised, so live your life today.

What was your childhood dream? And were you able to fulfill it?

I had a lot of childhood dreams and surprisingly enough one of them was to become a writer and it's come true. So yeah, I was able to fulfill it.

Are you fond of reading romance novels? Who is your favorite author?

Yes! Very fond of romance. It's what has gotten me through life, lol. I don't have an all-time favorite author because there's always someone out there that I discover and love just as much as the one before. But if I had to pinpoint one author, it would be Sylvain Reynard. I've been reading his Gabriel Inferno series for almost ten years and he opened my eyes to a new genre of romance that I don't see to many authors approach. His writing is so lovely and hard to put down. I just love the man and love even more now that his books are being made into films. Yeah, totally fangirling over this guy.

Why do you enjoy writing romance novels?

I guess because growing up I didn't see a whole lot of it in my home. The closest I got to seeing it in my home was on tv, movies, or books. So being able to visualize someone falling for another person through my eyes is really cool in my opinion. Kinda like your making a life, but instead of making a baby, you're making a story that I hope brings joy to the people that read it. Plus you get to make it your way and no one can tell you differently.

How was your passion for writing started at the age of 12 years old?

Well growing up was hard for me, because as I mentioned before I didn't have a lot of love. I was raised by my grandparents who weren't the nicest people on earth and I didn't really have anyone to talk to because we lived in a small town, but I wanted a way to express myself to someone. So I got myself a notebook and starting writing how I was feeling, you know like a diary. Not too long after that, I started writing letters to people I would make up. We did it in Social Studies class as part of a project and I loved that project so much that I just kept doing it. I would pretend to be someone in another time and I would write a letter to someone else. For me it was fun, I got to be another person for a little while. So yeah, I guess you can say it started with a notebook and a Social Studies project that I ended up loving.

What sparked the idea for your book, An Unexpected Chance?

Ironically enough it was an episode of Family Matters. I mention the show in my book I guess as a little nod for the inspiration. Anyway, there's a Christmas episode where Laura yells at Steve and tells him "I wish you knew what it was like to be me." and she gets her wish. Only it doesn't go the way she thought it would because she ends up in an alternate universe where she's the nerd and Steve's the cool attracitve one. It's basically a goofy version of it's 'A Wonderful Life.' Anyway, after watching this episode that I've seen probably seen a thousand times I kept thinking to myself, what if the story kept going like this. What if Laura had been the nerd and had to fight for Steve's heart instead of the other way around. What if Steve had been so annoyed by Laura he felt the need to make her life miserable only to regret it later and see how an ugly duckling can become a swan. What would he do if after realizing that she was the one for him but it was now too late, he was no longer the one for her. And thus An Unexpected Chance was born.

Who inspired the character of Ryland in An Unexpected Chance?

Laura Winslow Lol But I also envisioned a muscular, tattooed type of guy and when I see him I see a clean-shaven Finn Balor. (He's a professional wrestler )

What does a normal day look like for a professional book author?

Well, I imagine for other authors their days look productive with a bunch of writing and promoting going on in there writing space, but I had just had a baby, and my firstborn just started junior high so it's mainly focused on being a mom and taking care of our home. However when I do have a moment I try to write a crap ton of if I can, and if I'm not writing I'm researching or thinking about my characters and think about how I want them to come out in my next story.

What common mistakes do female writers make when writing about male characters?

I think the biggest mistake us, female writers do is assuming we know how the male body works. Like we know everything they feel on the inside and what pain there is like. We don't, were women, we're assuming this is what they feel, but who's to say what they really feel. it could be way more painful from what women feel or way less. it's hard to say and we'll never truly know. Also, I would say their dirty mouths. Speaking from experience, I don't really see men talk a whole lot during sex. At least when I'm with my husband, he's more focused on getting me satisfied then talking about getting me satisfied. But you know it's a book, we gotta the dirty out somehow.

Does writing poetry put you more in touch with life?

It used too. I used to love it, it brought me so much peace at a point in my life when I needed it. Now though, I really don't read it, let alone write it.

What are the best places to visit in Arizona?

Oooh, there are a lot. However, for me there are two places that I love. First my hometown, Willcox. Not too many people have heard of this small town. It's about 100 miles from the Douglas border and it gave birth to the one and only Rex Allen. Not too many people of heard of the man, but believe me he's a big deal to that small town and at one point Walt Disney. He has a star on the walk of fame, so yeah. Aside from that, it's also known for its famous apple orchard, Apple Annie's, and famous apple pie along with its new Vineyard. I moved away before the Vineyard became famous so I have yet to visit it yet and tell you why it's probably awesome. And it's around 30 miles from historic Tombstone. So definitely a town with history. For me, it's home and I'll always love it. The other place you should visit is beautiful Sedona. Seriously that's the only way to describe Sedona, beautiful. It's a small tourist town with stunning red mountains everywhere you see. It's the place my husband proposed to me and one of the few places within driving distance that offer's me four seasons throughout the year. (Where I live it's nothing but endless summer and you get sick of that really fast.)

When you are writing a romance novel, what do you do to not make it into a cliche?

I read it over and over and over and over again. Not only that I read it out loud and as I'm reading I try to think if this has been down before and if it has, how often. Some cliches are easy to catch but others not so much, that's why I do what I do.

What are some tips for writing romance in a fiction story?

Try not to make the story too easy or fast between your main characters. Yeah, there suppose to like each other, but don't make them like each other so much they're having sex in the 5th chapter. Because seriously that's mostly what we want when we read romances, we want the steamy stuff. But I personally don't want it so soon that it makes me lose interest in the book before I'm halfway through. Plus if we're being honest, how often do women find a guy on the first date and think, I'm gonna marry this guy right after having sex with him. Not a whole lot if you ask me. For me, a semi-slow burn is best because if you go to slow with the burn you're gonna lose the reader but if you go to fast, you gave to the reader what they want before you get to the actual good stuff and they're gonna stop reading anyway. In my opinion, it's best to get a reader hooked before you give them the steamy stuff.

What will be the subject of the next book that you will write?

The romance of course, but it will also have a sports aspect to it. and that's all I'm giving you for now.

How did you first come across AllAuthor and what made you join? What are your thoughts on the website so far?

I actually heard about you from another author I follow, B.L Wilde. I've followed her fanfiction and have her as a friend on my Facebook page. When she mentioned she had made an account on her page, I asked her about it and decided to check it out. After doing some research on you guys, I saw that I really liked what you have to offer so I decided to give you a shot. So far I love what you guys have going on so far. Especially your weekly mock-ups, those save my life.

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