Anna J Walner Interview Published on: 01, Mar 2021

Where were you born and how has it affected you?

I was born in Houston, TX. However the place was not as impactful as what happened after. I was adopted, which is the inspiration for The Uluru Legacy Series.

Do you remember the first book you ever read? What was it about?

I remember having “’Twas the night before Christmas” memorized as a child. But the book that stands out the most was a book my father had, that he would read to us from. A large collection of British Poetry. Keats, Byron, and Coleridge.

Who was the first person you shared your first ever story with?

I entered into a competition for short stories in High School. I don’t have the book anymore, but I made the finalist list. I don’t even remember what the story was about!

How did you begin writing your first story? Did it ever get published?

The first real attempt I made at writing was the first book in the Enrovia series. I sat on it for years and years, and finally published it about this time last year.

How did you begin writing The Enrovia Series?

I had an idea I couldn’t shake, a question that kept springing to mind, “Do all dogs really go to Heaven?” And from there the story blossomed.

What challenges did you face while writing your book, Ethera and the Island of Evisara: Book One of The Enrovia Series?

Fear of rejection. Fear of putting my work out there and not having it received well. I think that’s pretty common with your first book. It seems so personal to put it out there.

How did you come up with the title of your series, The Uluru Legacy?

Uluru is also the name for Ayers Rock in Australia. Because of my biological heritage, I chose the location of Australia, and Uluru seemed like the personification of the Country and the Aboriginal culture.

As a writer producing a work of fiction, do you tend to know the ending when you start, or do you find out as you write?

I know the start and I know where I want to end up, but the characters will surprise me along the way, which is sometime a very good thing!

Is there anything from the past you wish you could do differently? What is it about?

I think we all have things that we would like to change in our past. But remember, we are who we are today because of it, not despite it. Some inspirations for the greatest works have come from difficult pasts.

Who inspired the character of Hailey in "Ethera and the Island of Evisara"?

My daughter, and also the fishing trips that I would take as a child growing up. I write strong female lead characters for young women to look up to. I think we need more of them.

What is the great question you do not understand from your childhood until now?

That parents don’t have all the answers, as much as we wish they did. That learning from your mistakes in life is the best way sometimes to grow as a person, which is tough to understand and accept.

What do you like to do to relax? What kind of books do you enjoy reading?

Relaxing for me is anything by the water. Fishing, boating. Just staring off blankly over the ocean waves. As for reading, I enjoy reading what I write. Paranormal Romance, YA Fantasy, Fantasy of any kind.

Which is the next book you are working on? When is it due for release?

The Legacy continues, and it will be available for preorder in July, just after Garkain releases on June 25th.

What do you think of AllAuthor? Has this website been helpful to you?

AllAuthor has been useful for marketing aspects, and for getting your cover in the public eye.

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