Beth Worsdell Interview Published on: 13, Nov 2020

What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?

My great grandfather’s spirit visited me the night he died. My mum thought I was having a nightmare until she received the call to say that he had passed away.

Of science fiction authors whom you read as a child, who holds up best?

As a child I was more into fantasy. I didn’t have access to a local library, so even though I was fascinated with sci-fi, especially as Star Wars was launching, I couldn’t get hold of sci-fi books. I loved C.S Lewis.

What are some of the most beautiful places in California?

I have fallen in love with a few places in California. Big Bear in the mountains is beautiful in the winter. Del Mar, San Diego is another stunning place and I could easily live around the Pismo beach area. I’m a big nature lover, so I adore being near the ocean or lakes.

What first inspired you to start writing poems for yourself, friends, and family from a young age?

I fell in love with words. As a child I discovered that poetry was a way in which I could express my feelings. My love for my family and my appreciation of friendships. We didn’t have much money when I was a child, so a poem was something I could create for those around me.

What challenges did you face while writing your first story, ‘Earth’s Angels’, a novel full of action, adventure, humor, love, and magic?

I had never tried to write a book before, so I was a total novice. I had to do a lot of research, as to what was expected, such as word count, chapter length etc. I don’t have any qualifications in English literature either, apart from my high school qualifications, so I had a lot of learning to do there too. I’m still learning everyday. Luckily, I am good at story telling and being descriptive, which my readers love. I receive messages all the time from readers telling me that my books are like movies in their minds as they read.

How were "The Marilians" created in The Earth's Angels Trilogy?

My Earth’s Angels trilogy started as a single dream, which was so vivid, it stayed with me. The more I thought about my dream, the more I knew something was coming after the ancient, world-saving aliens (the Earth’s Angels). I knew what the Marilians looked like in my mind. Putting their description in my story was tough. However, by the time I finished, I knew that I had nailed the description. Especially with the burning-red eyes and their razor-sharp taloned claws. I wanted them to be as frightening and vicious as they were in my mind.

What according to you are the key ingredients of a successful book?

Enabling your reader to be part of your story. To feel the joy, loss and drama of your story as your characters experience these emotions. For your readers to feel like they are in the story, to the extent, that they can’t wait to tell others about your book.

Who inspired the character of Mel in The Marilians: YA version. Our Planet Dying, was just the beginning?

Mel is based on average mothers like myself. Women who will do whatever it takes, to not only save their family, but also rise to the challenge of trying to save the world, for those we love and the rest of the human race. I think mothers have a strength they don’t know they have, until its tested.

What is one message that you try to impart through your books?

I try to convey the serious threat we are as a race, on a world we need to survive. That we need to change our ways before its too late. I also express that when everything seems lost, race, color, money, and power mean nothing.

If you had to choose your top 3 favorite moments within the Earth’s Angels Trilogy, which would you pick?

My goodness that is a tough question lol. I think my first favorite moment is when Mel is reunited with her kids, because I know how I would feel.

The second, would be when Mel, her family and the other survivors are kicking the Marilians butts with the help of the Earth’s Angels and the dragons.

As much as I adore Mel’s daughters amazing wedding in the under water city of Cubanaz, I have to say the final, epic battle is my third favorite. I loved writing it and I would love to see it brought to life in film.

What is your journey of being an author? What difficulties did you face while writing your book?

I think the toughest part of being a writer and a mother of four older children, is finding the time to sit and write. I have a daughter in school and my other children work, which means that I do everything at home. A mothers work is never done, as they say. Who ever said it gets easier, as they get older, lied!! Lol I’m also one of those people who can’t ignore things that need doing. I spend many a late night, writing into the early hours because I wasn’t able to write during the day. If I get ten minutes to write, even if its waiting for my youngest to coming out of school, I write!

If you could meet one American or English author from between 100 and 500 years ago, who would it be?

I think it would have to be C.S Lewis, as his books had such a profound effect on me and my love for books.

Why is it so hard to create a science fiction/fantasy films that stay true to the original novels?

I think it used to be the gap between the amazing descriptions from authors and the lack of technology for film makers. However, with todays technology and the leaps in animation, that gap is getting smaller every year. Avatar is the perfect example of what can be created now.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

I am currently writing a series of books about a Christmas spirit called Jinx. I’m so excited to share them, when they are finished. They will be short stories for 6-9 year old children and for adults to read to young children.

I also have an adult comedy story planned, which will hopefully be as funny as Bridgette Jones.

There are plans for more stories, about my dragons, the Jeli, and Mel’s daughter Abigail, and her journey with the Jagu.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

I have been blown away by the support and encouragement I’ve received from everyone at AllAuthor. It’s a tough business, especially for new writers and I think your support, excellent website, and media pages have been a massive help and benefit to me, and so many others.

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