Going to the French Market acting like tourist
In which year did you get married? 2002 Where did you meet your husband?Actually my daughter and one of her high school friends introduced us. He is her little sisters godfather so he would visit their house often.
Which type of music do you usually listen to?Contemporary Christian and Jazz
How has been your experience of being a licensed Minister two times over?It's rewarding being able to teach people the Word of God.
Since how long have you been teaching a faith class at Bible Institute?I started a few semesters ago, but now with COVID it has been put on hold
How did you come up with the idea for your book, Ruth Ready?I was talking with a friend and she was talking about her BOAZ and then under a year it was over and I said, maybe she wasn't Ruth Ready and a light bulb went off. The title for a book!!
Who inspired the character of three-year-old Logan in "If Daddy Can, I Can"?The book has been revised so now it's "I Can Do What Daddy Can Do" and my daughter actually drew the characters after reading what I wrote
What challenges did you face while writing a prayer book, "Yo' God, Can Ya' Hear Me?"?Trying to come up with prayers for teens and young adults, but my kids were teens when I wrote it so they shared some things with me that the youth were dealing with. I also found out that the issues were the same when I was younger so it wasn't really challenging.
In what ways do you think your book, Talitha Cumi, It's Time You Were Celebrated will give guidance to every girl on where to direct your emotions?I'm actually revamping this one also, but it's a book that is helping to build their self-esteem and see themselves the way God sees them. It also has questions in the book to help them think about where they are and how they feel at that moment.
Do you hand-write your novel or do you type them out?I don't have a novel YET (Smile) but I actually handwrite and then type
What are you trying to achieve through your writing?I just want to be an encouragement to others, How far off do you think you are? From all the feedback I believe I'm right on track
What advice do you have to offer to the young writers everywhere?Just write! Everyone has a story to tell or some information to share. Its' no good holding it inside when you can inspire and encourage others.
Do you play board games with your kids?My kids are actually adults so we really don't get together that often because of work and one lives out of town, but when we do get together, we have to pull out a game or two. Have you discovered any new games during quarantine? Not really board games, but I have gotten really interested in the conversation cards
What are some book ideas that you've got bouncing around in your head?I actually have one for men bouncing in my head. Ruth Ready is for women, but how can I get the women in a good place for the men and not get the men in a good place for the women (smile) When can we expect the next publication? I have a goal of 2021, hopefully January. I haven't started writing it yet, it's still in my head.
How has your experience with AllAuthor been?It's been great. Meeting some new people and finding some new reads. It's great to see all the creativity out there. I wish the cover contest wasn't so many steps, although I stil brag that my cover came in 4th place (smile)
Born and raised in New Orleans Louisiana, Kitty Arceneaux wants to be an encouragement to others. A licensed Minister two times over, wife and mother of three, Kitty writes relative, refreshing, and enlightening Christian fiction. From writing inspiring stories for young readers to enlightening women, and men as well, Kitty Arceneaux has made a great impact on her readers worldwide.