My journey from being a registered professional nurse and licensed mental health counselor to becoming an author and artist… well…I’ve always been an artist since childhood, and I’ve written poetry off and on, at times when going through emotional trials. And short stories, while in school for a bachelors degree. After 22 years plus I left nursing because I became involved in drugs (meth user in an abusive relationship). Once I quit meth, after suiciding, I invited Adonai into my life and returned to school for my masters in counseling. Later a doctorate.
How do you manage to balance your various roles as a nurse, counselor, author, and artist?As of 1993 I quit nursing. As of 2024, I have one client I still see for PTSD. I rarely paint, but that may change and I write almost daily, either editing or designing book covers. I do whatever strikes my fancy on any given day. I don’t do a lot of painting but after a dream last night, about painting, I may start painting again. My book series is finished and I have story ideas and outlines but they can wait.
What inspired you to start writing and painting, and how do these creative outlets intersect with your professional background?Since childhood I have drawn pictures. When in the state school in Salem Oregon, the superintendent gave me an oil painting set and that was my first time painting. When I returned home, I continued to paint off and on for years - mostly off as I was busy being a single mom and going to school and raising two sons. After I bought my second home in 2002, I thought Adonai gave me the talent, so, use or lose it so I used it but not commercially. I give away a lot of paintings, and hang them in my home. I also design my own book covers.
What inspired me to start writing? I read a lot, a book or two a week and after a while, I get bored with what I’m reading, so I decided to write stories. They say to write what you know. I know a lot about human behavior but wanted to apply it to angels and the fallen (demons) so that’s how I write about them. It may not be fair to angels, and if not, I hope they forgive me for taking liberties. I mean we don’t know if there are female angels much less them having affairs - if there are with one another, but we do know, angels, the watchers came to earth and may have cohabitated with female humans, so...
My creative outlet as a writer intersects with my counseling background because I’ve seen the dark side of Christians who pretend to be holy on Sunday or during the week in Christian groups but in counseling they confess their sins to me, and have a great deal of trouble asking for and sending forgiveness to others.
Can you tell us about your favorite piece of artwork or written work that you've created, and what makes it special to you?My favorite artwork are two paintings: "Time Unfolding" the universe with pieces of a clock scattered about with a ribbon of highway and "Tree of Life" an angel in the upper left corner and a barren bronze tree with no leaves, and a white peacock and moon behind it, very symbolic. Both are from dreams. I’ve attached images below.
How do you find inspiration for your writing and artwork amidst your busy schedule?I’m inspired in my writing and artwork by dreams and an active imagination.
What themes or subjects do you often explore in your writing and artwork?Themes I often explore in your writing are angels and demons and artwork is landscapes always with at least one bird.
Could you describe your creative process when it comes to writing a book versus creating a painting?My creative process when it comes to writing a book or creating a painting is the same. I start with an idea, slap on some words or paint, and when I know where I’m going, then I devise a plan. So, I go from being a pantser to a planner.
What challenges have you faced in pursuing your passions for writing and painting, and how have you overcome them?The challenges I have faced in pursuing my passions for writing have not been a problem because there are huge resources online. Marketing is a huge downfall and so, I persist in doing what I can when I can. Like responding to your email and the like when opportunities arrive.
How do you incorporate your love for animals into your creative work?I don’t always incorporate my love for animals into my creative work. In one novel, Lucifer finds himself overcome by pride and his evil ways. He storms out of the palace into a snowy landscape and comes upon a small white wolf and rescues it; in doing so, he regains his good sense.
Do you have any rituals or routines that help you get into the creative mindset?My rituals or routines that help me get into the creative mindset are to feed my cat and three Aussies, then sit down at the computer and start to look at email, but almost always, my eyes land on what I was writing the day before and soon I’m back into the story, emails forgotten.
How does your background in nursing and mental health counseling influence your novel, “An Affair with An Angel:”?My background in mental health counseling influenced my novel, “An Affair with An Angel:” by drawing on mental health issues Lucifer deals with in his anger and his reasoning as first created by Adonai led to him seeing himself as being better than anyone else(?) I’m the second child who felt I could never measure up to my older first-born brother. Lucifer’s problem could have been: feeling pressure to set a good example for younger siblings; it can be overwhelming; feel a greater sense of responsibility for his siblings and expected to help take care of them; he may have felt Adonai had higher expectations for him, which can lead to feelings of pressure and stress. As first created meant navigating new experiences without an older sibling's guidance. Any of these would have led to stress and possible rebellion. I tried to work it into his conversation with the angel Miriam - he kidnapped her into hell.
Can you share a particularly memorable experience or moment from your career as an author and artist?A memorable experience from my career as an author? When I first published An Affair with An Angel and it sold I believe close to 200 books the first day. It was exhilarating.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors or artists who are juggling multiple passions and responsibilities?Advice for aspiring authors/artists with multiple passions and responsibilities? You can only do what you can do. Take a walk and a warm bath.
When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far? Do you have any feedback?Thank you for the opportunity to share part of my story.
Brandy Marks is a multi-talented author and artist, whose passion for storytelling and creativity knows no bounds. With three Australian shepherds, a cat, and a serene pond home to four Koi, she finds inspiration in the tranquility of nature. Though skilled in watercolor, oils, and acrylics, her heart belongs to writing, where she weaves captivating narratives that enchant readers far and wide.