Carl Albert Robertson Interview Published on: 07, Jul 2022

Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Yes! The one childhood memory which has stayed on my mind since about the age of thirteen or fourteen, was when four white New Orleans (plan clothes) police officers jumped out of a car with guns drawn on me because they believed that I had stolen a purse. However that was not the case. My disabled mother (Godmother who raised me) had left her purse in the house, and asked me to go inside and get it. As I was returning to my sister’s car the four white police officers saw me, jumped out of their unmarked vehicle, grabbed and tossed me onto my sister’s car, while one of the white officers placed the barrel of his gun at the base of my scull. I will never forget that excessive and uncalled for confrontation.

What inspired you to start writing a variety of poems?

I started writing (what I called) poetry at a young age, but it was not until I was serving within the U.S. Navy when I became serious about writing poetry. The first poem I wrote was called “For I am a Black Man,” now called “Reflections,” which was written in 1974 after living, seeing, and experiencing the frequent incidents of racial discrimination against Black Sailors while stationed on a naval vessel called the USS Orion. I could not understand how I had enlisted into a Branch of the U.S. Military, fighting for its cause, and still be treated as less than a human being or less than a man by many of my white ranking Non- Commission Officers and/or Commissioned Officers.

Were you a big reader as a kid too? If so, what were some of your favorite books then?

I read what I was instructed to read as required by my various schools and school teachers, but what I really enjoyed reading was stories in the Bible, comic books, some poetry, and books about UFOs.

The Holy Bible, comic books, poetry, and books about UFOs.

What inspired you to start writing "Titans of Corruption and Other Poems"?

“Titans of Corruption and Other Poems” was written to reveal the unworldly and ravaging effects of racial bigotry and intolerance as perceived and understood by me as a Native Black African American man. As I have watched this world evolve over several years, with the United States being in the forefront; it has become clear to me that much of the global problems people face at present were/is caused by those who are wealthy with money, power, and prestige. Those individuals are today’s culprits (“giants in the earth . . . mighty men . . . men of renown”) behind the majority of people being led blindly astray into wickedness, immorality, lust, greed, murders, and other type deceptions while moving further away from GOD.

What made you decide to publish your book, "Titans of Corruption and Other Poems: Revised Edition Indignation"?

It is the right time. At this present moment within these United States, America is no longer moving forward as a nation seeking equal and judicious rights for all its citizens. There are those within America’s society who are now trying there best to turn back time to the days when the only Americans who had Constitutional and Civic Rights were/are white people (or white men). My book of poetry “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems, Revised Edition, Indignation” is a wake-up call to all open-minded Americans Citizens that “A house divided cannot stand.” It must be understood that the young Black generations of today will no longer allow the white power structure to completely dominate them as a culture, and will do what they must do as a whole to stop white supremacy and systemic racism. That is the purpose of “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems,” and why I published my book.

What are the skills that you learned as a writer while writing the "Titans of Corruption and Other Poems"?

I learned nothing while writing “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems,” but what I have learned after the book was published and release to the public; is that systemic racism engulfs Corporate America (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Messenger, etc.) at the highest form. They use their community standards as a means of censoring Black voices, as well as their written content, and/or particular videos speaking about racism. Since white supremist are no longer allowed on those platforms to speak about destroying this nation, or killing others, or telling outright lies; Black voices must therefore also be silenced, and will not be allowed to speak about the past and present atrocities brought against Black people by America’s entire Caucasian power structure.

What is your work schedule like when you are writing?

I have no particular writing schedule, however when particular thoughts come upon my mind, my fingers do the walking and talking. However, I do have a marketing and promotional schedule for my book, blogs, posts, other writings, and videos (book trailer) which are usually all related to my specific writings relating to my book “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems.”

Why do you think many authors struggle with book marketing and promotions, even if they've written a great book?

I have no idea about any other author’s struggles with book marketing and/or promotions, because each individual circumstances are not the same. What I can express is the struggles that I have faced with my book marketing and promotions. Since I am a man with a meager income, I choose to market and promote my book through the social media platforms. Starting in February 2021, I begin promoting Titans of Corruption and Other Poems (Fulton Books Publisher), on several outlets like Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter. As time passed, I begin noticing that my posts were being removed from my news feed(s) very quickly and placed directly onto my profile page. I disregarded what was going on, and then started paying for ads on social media to promote “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems.” Those platforms were/are Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, and each of them has either rejected my book’s paid ads, or have only allowed my paid ads to be seen through their specific targeting audience which is typically and generally the white communities. The question is WHY?

I believe that those social media systems were/are hoping that by showing my ads to a majority Caucasian audience, that groups of people would then complain (which some did). If they were/are able to receive a large number of complaints against my book, those social media venues could then completely ban me from there platforms. However, things backfired, and what did occur was that there were more positive responses from the white audience to my poems, posts, videos, and book much greater than any negative responses those mediums obtained. Once Facebook (along with the other named social media platforms), realized that a large number of the white community gave positive responses to my paid ads or posts, those social media forums I sincerely believe clandestinely decided to outlaw (ban) my name and the name of my book from their social media platforms. This information was given to me by a young lady who claimed that she had obtained the data through her knowledge of Facebook’s algorithms somehow. (It must be notated that I have never been notified by any social media platform of my name or the name of my book being banned from their platforms). I have no problem with any person reading my book or anything I have written. In a matter of fact I welcome it. Nonetheless, it should be obvious that my primary target audience is actually [my] African- American community, with the hope that others of all cultures and races will enjoy and understand “Titans of Corruption” as well. I must admit that I am still learning and have made a few mistakes, but as far as the totality of my marketing and promotional efforts for my book; I also believe that I have been purposely stymied by some outside, unforeseen obstacles and forces to the point of hindering my book sales. Fulton Book Publisher has indicated that I have sold approximately thirty copies of the original book that was published and released by them during August 2021. Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing) sales reports has shown that since January 2022, the revised edition of “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems, Indignation” have not sold any e-books or paperback books at all. Even with promotional and marketing (social media) help from websites like AllAuthor, it appears that my marketing and promotional efforts are absolutely futile.

What are some things that haven't been done in poetry that you hope to introduce through your books?

It is not what haven’t been done in poetry, it is what most poets are now trying to avoid doing (the speaking/writing about societal/cultural issues and concerns) that was once done by very famous poets. My writings are different, my poetic style is different, I do not follow the norm, and I try to tell a rhythmic story through poems in ways not told before. What I am trying to introduce through my books is my vision on how “Treating others the way you would want to be treated,” is the only way that life upon this earth will ever become righteous.

What kind of audience do you hope to appeal to with your books? Would you let your children read your books?

“Titans of Corruption and Other Poem” was written, published, and released for those persons with an open-mind and heart to abolish the disparaging circumstances of bigotry which surrounds them. Individuals who realizes that the pointless biases which plagues America in the past is rebounding today, and such preconceived notions of supremacy must change. If such chauvinistic principles are not eliminated today, those beliefs will eventually and fully destroy this nation tomorrow. It is my hope that people of all ages, colors, creeds, etc. enjoy reading and keenly understanding the words of my books of poetry.

Several children have already read my book or manuscripts, and have read several of my poems.

What is one of your strangest writing habits or rituals?

I do not consider my habit or so-called ritual strange. Many times before I write, no matter what I might be writing (poetry, legal document, letter, etc.), I pray. What do I pray for: That my LORD lead my heart, words, and writing with wisdom and righteousness.

How important do you think book covers are? Who usually designs your book covers?

It is the book cover that leads people first to the book. A book’s cover is very important to me, and should represent what the book is about.

I have designed my own book covers.

What are your plans for the future as a writer? To continue writing. Are you working on anything new?

Yes! Hopefully, by September 2022, I will be releasing my second book of poetry called “Once There Was a Rose.”

The lives of every individual have changed in one way or another due to the pandemic we are facing currently. How do you think people can maintain their emotional balance during this time?

The pandemic did not bother me, even when one of my daughter’s was close to death from Covid 19. No man or woman can make it upon this earth alone, and the only real hope, or emotional balance during any time (no matter crisis or not) that I am aware of is in the ONE whom I call my LORD.

When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far? Do you have any feedback?

I believe that I joined AllAuthor sometime around November 2021.

I have no problem with AllAuthor, and as far as I can see they have honored all that they have said they would do.

Keep up the good work. As far as the answer to these interview questions, all I ask is that AllAuthor do not edit my words to the point of changing what I have expressed. If AllAuthor believes that what I have said is too straightforward for their taste, I request that these answers to your interview questions and answered by me, not be posted at all. Thank you.

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