Connie L Biskamp Interview Published on: 08, Dec 2022

What do you miss the most about the mountains of New Mexico?

The beauty I took for granted astounds me now. I would love to go for a hike at this moment and grasp handfuls of damp pine needles and smell their rich fragrance. In my youth, I thought the grass was greener elsewhere, and maybe in some ways, it was but the mountains…I’ve never could replace.

What developed your love of nature?

I’ve always been fascinated with nature and archaeology. As a child in Ruidoso, I crawled around searching for pottery fragments and arrowheads. I enjoyed fishing for rainbow trout in the Rio river. Nature saved me from a troubled home life.

What type of books did you read during childhood?

I’ve always enjoyed mysteries and Sci-Fi. Has your taste changed since you started pursuing a writing career? I’ve added Tana French’s, Broken Harbor to the top of my all-time favorite crime novels. It plays into my love of mysteries.

How would you describe your experience of working in the independent film industry?

Filmmaking is some of the most memorable moments in my life. I love being on set. There is nothing like planning for an outcome and then being blown away by an actor’s performance and their unique interpretation of what the character MUST say or feel.

Was there any point in your life when you ever doubted that being an author was what was right for you? What was your biggest motivation?

Self-doubt haunts me most of my days. I’m working on a crime novel that has received some excellent beta reviews, but I sometimes hesitate to keep writing. I know for all writers, the only true failure is to stop writing—writing in itself is a worthwhile journey whether one ever publishes or not.

How did you come up with the idea of your book, Trammel?

I’ve always been fascinated with creating a robot since a young child, and my career in electronic manufacturing exposed me to cutting-edge technology. But the human side of my Trammel story comes from my real-life experiences of trying to navigate the meaning of life in general.

What are some under-represented themes or people you feature in your books, and why do you think it is important?

AI robots are discriminated against as their intellect expands and as paying jobs become too scarce for humans to find. I connected with readers by pulling them into the story, and they felt empathy for metal beings. (Validated by beta readers' feedback). Also, there‘s one pivotal character that appears later in my book, that has a more prominent role in my sequel. Keep in mind, I wrote my story over five years, and I didn’t realize how controversial a transgender character would be at the time. I’m not sure I’ve done a good job with my writing on that topic, and like my android, Trammel, I still have much to learn, but I believe in respect and equality for all of us. It’s eye-opening to realize that my novel will not be welcome in all venues because of my inclusiveness.

How many of your family or friends have been the model for one of your characters?

For sure, my husband! He can be so analytical at times, and he plays a significant role in Trammel. And Woody is based on my grandfather. I learned much from him about life and my love for crazy contraptions.

What challenges did you face while setting your novel, Trammel, in the year 2445?

Confirming a timeline is accurate is of the utmost importance. I actually created a poster board with sticky notes to make sure my flashbacks worked adequately. Also, look how far we have advanced in a hundred years; no way to truly prepare, but I will say since the writing of my book, several things have already come true; a pandemic that left children parentless, the discovery of a DNA combo containing native Americans and Icelandic heritage, and men’s drastic reduction in sperm count. Several other items are eerie when I look back on it now and I wonder how many more will come true; I thought I was just making things up.

Every art form is open to various interpretations and reviews. How do you handle any negative reviews that come your way?

We all need different things from stories, and we can’t make everyone happy. If only one sentence I wrote makes someone FEEL something, then I’ve already won—whether good or bad. I try to keep my ego in check. My writing is not me as a person; it’s something I’ve done. They aren’t saying they don’t like me, and even then, that’s okay. Self-approval is the only way to survive a bad review.

Over the years, what would you say has improved significantly in your writing? What would you say is the easiest aspect of writing?

I’m still learning to write, I’m not sure anyone truly masters it completely, it’s a constant struggle and journey, but I feel I’m doing a better job with descriptions now than I used to—grabbing the reader and making them hear, smell, experience the pleasure, and or fear by showing them and not telling them what’s happening. My main goal is for the reader to forget they are reading.

How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?

Wonderful! Most anyone can read at any time. But, I still love to hold a printed book—nothing beats the smell of ink and aged paper.

What do you think being an author has taught you about life? Do you have any words of wisdom to pass down to new authors reading this interview?

The reason you are writing doesn’t matter to anyone else but yourself. Make yourself happy first! Be open to learning about life and your hidden demons—they will appear. Write the hard stuff, don’t hold back. Don’t worry about offending anyone. If you write stifled, you aren’t writing your truth.

Are you working on anything right now?

Two manuscripts. The sequel to Trammel and a serial-killer, crime novel set in the forties. I keep walking away from the crime novel because I’m an organic writer, and I’m not sure who the killer is yet. I’ve created many compelling characters, and I’m terrified to know the truth. The novel is scary, and I keep freaking myself out as I write.

What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some highlights?

AllAuthor is an excellent partner for established writers and novice. I’m especially impressed with the social media ads that AllAuthor creates for writers to use on various platforms—they are amazing. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my writing journey.

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