Cemone Rowe Interview Published on: 08, Jun 2021

Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born and raised in Montego Jamaica , where I had to experience a very difficult life growing up. I was raised by a single mother who did her very best to take care of us but in the end I was raped by a family friend. Raising 8 of us by herself didn’t give her much time to spend with us, so at times I felt as if I had no mother or father which is why I was constantly being bullied by others there. I grew up in the country area of Jamaica where I had to cook food outside on wood fire because we couldn’t afford Gas most of the time, I would travel miles after miles to catch drinking water by the river, plus I spend most of my child hood having to raises my younger brothers at home. I had many fun time there playing different sports outside and the culture there really does bring joy to my heart.

What are some of the most memorable books you read as a child?

I grew up reading book like Jack and Jill went up the hill and humpty dumpty but as I got older I love this very powerful book called where the heart is.

Which of your childhood dreams was the first to die?

My dream to become a nurse like my big sister in Jamaica was the first to die because after coming to Canada to live with my step mom and my father she treated me like garbage and she wanted to destroy my life and the fact that she was a nurse and had that evil heart towards me ,I couldn’t find myself to follow that dream anymore I did not want to share the same career as her.

What is the hardest part of being a single mother?

The hardest part of being a single mother is everything, nothing about being a single mother is easy,I get many sleepless nights when my children are sick because I have to do everything alone, I cant really make plans because most of the time something will happen and that plan has to change, finding time to do things is a challenge at times because 90% of the time they are with me if not more. Having to cook,clean, groceries shopping ,taking them shopping for clothes , helping them with their homework,taking them to the park for playtime ,the dentist,the doctor, school when it was open, and so much more is more than enough for one person but I do it with a smile because I love them and they are worth it.

What was the hardest part about writing your book, You Are Not Alone - A Mother’s Journey?

The hardest part for me about writing my very first book titled You are not alone A Mothers Journey was having to relive everything that had happened , I went through hell before and after my son Gabriel died and this had me in tears most of the time. It took so much out of me to sit and write about how I was fighting severe depression while raising my other 2 children completely alone because his father walked away from us and family and friends wasn’t there to help me it broke my heart into pieces, because it was too painful. After writing it I felt a sense of relieve because I know through my story many people will be helped mentally and emotionally .

What is your ideal setting to write in?

Honestly as a single mother I do not have an ideal setting sometimes it quiet ,other times it noisy as hell but I have to program my mind to block out the sound so that I can focus on my writing in peace.

Who designed the cover of your book, You Are Not Alone - A Mother’s Journey?

My publisher Robert J Moore took care of my book cover for me ,all gratitude and appreciation goes to him and his team, they did an excellent Job with it.

When are you most satisfied with a book or piece of writing? Do you often edit things OUT of your books?

My greatest satisfaction from writing books comes from the impact it is making in the lives of others around the world. When I see people, who was hopeless finds hope, people who were broken becomes healed and those who felt like giving up start believing once again ,after my final draft I usually don’t go back to edit anymore because I make sure its good before it gets published.

What is the one advice you would like to give to young writers in the world?

To any young writer out there my one advice is to write from your heart and do not hold anything back, speak your truth and let it help those who need it.

What is the best age to write your first book?

I do not believe age is a factor when it comes to writing; the only factor is be inspired to do it, once it times it is time. , I wanted to write my first book from age 12 but I wasn’t inspired to do it until I was 32 so whenever you find that inspiration you go for it no matter what age that might be.

Do you prefer writing on a notepad first or you directly start writing on your computer?

I would rather go straight to my computer most times because I usually write straight from my heart.

Audio book vs e-book vs printed book, which one do you prefer and why?

I rather printed over the rest because at times it’s better to just sit back with a nice book in your hand and read away. Also technology does act up at times so having your own personal book with you is a plus.

Which is the best compliment or fan-mail you have received for your work?

My best compliment was when someone told me I am their hero ,she said you were my voice, because your story was my life and while reading your book I felt like it was also my book too . This was powerful which is why I have to keep writing to be a voice to those who needs it in the world.

Which is the next book you are working on? When is it due for release?

My next book I am working on is called HOPE FOR THE HOPLESS; it will be another masterpiece. It should be release this June 2021. I am super excited.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

My experience meeting other authors has been amazing but I don’t mind connecting with more in the future because I enjoy meeting new people.

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