Cherise Arthur Interview Published on: 19, Jul 2021

Which city or town did you grow up in?

I grew up in Beaverton, Oregon which is a suburb of Portland, Oregon. We lived in a rural area with huge open fields and a forest of about 50 plus acres just down the road from our home.

What is the earliest experience you had with books/writing that you remember?

My first memory of hanging out in the library in elementary school and reading books about cowboys and horses.

One of my favorite books was Black Beauty and the Misty series. I enjoyed writing stories in elementary school and enjoyed my writing classes at school. I always excelled at writing rather than math classes.

When and how did you decide that you wanted to be a professional writer?

I loved going places in my books and imagine what it would be like to be a character and run free on horses. I started to write Sierra and Star at the age of 61.

How did you come up with the idea for your book, "Sierra and Star"?

I was inspired one day as I was out riding and thought of this little girl and her love of ponies and desire to have one of her own.

Sierra and Star is a beautiful story of a young girl and her horse. Would you like to own a horse some day?

I was lucky to have ponies when I was a child and also my grandmother had horses and we were able to ride them until we are teens.

If you could only read one book in your entire life, what would it be?

If I could read only one book I would probably pick "The Secret Lives of Bees" I love Sue Kidd Monk's writing and this particular story I really loved and enjoyed the characters and her style of writing.

Do you prefer paper books or e-books? Why?

I prefer to read both hardbound and paperbacks. I love the feeling of holding onto a book and getting into the story. I am currently reading Revolver: The Secret History of the Beattles - it is a personal history of people interviewed during their time together.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given as a writer?

The best piece of advice I have been given is to be a reader and read the classics and learn your voice and style. You can never read too many books!

Do you prefer writing on a notepad first or you directly start writing on your computer?

I like using my computer to compile notes - that way I can do back and edit. I do love writing in notebooks too but find working on computers is a lot easier.

Are you a "re-reader" or are you a "read-it-once-and-I'm done" person?

I would say I am a re-reader if I really loved the story. I might pick it up again and read it. love books and have a large library of my favorites. Lots of travel books as well has political history and photography and fictional stories with strong female characters.

Which is the next book you are writing? Give us an insight into it.

My next children's book is named "Bella and the Queen's Ponies". This is a delightful book for children 7-12 years old about a young girl who lives in England. Bella and her parents go out to the Wistman's Woods located in Devon (just outside London) and go bird watching. Bella sees a magical light in the woods and walks in by herself. It is a day of adventure and see has a magical experience with a heard of Dartmoor Ponies, a talking owl and a Queen. A great adventure and fantasy for children. A portion of the proceeds from this book will support the Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust in Devon, England. They help these endangered ponies and education is key to their foundation.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

I have really enjoyed being a member of AllAuthor as a new writer and learning from other writers and having tools to help market my first children's book. I have told others about AllAuthor and recommend it to them as a wonderful way to meet writers and to help market your books.

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