Steven LaChance Interview Published on: 24, Feb 2025

Can you describe the moment you realized you needed to share your family's experience with the Union Screaming House?

I remember it quite vividly. When we left the house, the actual nightmare came with me, and I experienced them at least three nights a week. I believe it was April 2004. I had one horrific nightmare about the screaming house. When I woke up, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I’ve always written; it serves as therapy for me. That night, I sat at my computer and began to write down what I had experienced. I felt a lot better after writing it. Looking at what I had written, I asked myself, “What in the hell am I going to do with this?" So, I decided to share it on a paranormal board. I found one where people shared their experiences, posted it there, and then went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, my email was full of comments from people—many who had their own experiences. It seemed to help them. The rest of my sharing came in phases after that. But that was the initial moment.

What was the most terrifying experience you faced during your time in the haunted farmhouse, and how did it shape your perspective on the supernatural?

People often ask me if I was skeptical before living in the Screaming House. It wasn’t that I was skeptical; I didn’t give it much thought until it happened to us. Of course, then you have all kinds of questions. The most horrifying thing that happened to us while we lived in the house was when whatever it was locked my three children in a bedroom, and I couldn’t get the door open to reach them. Something was screaming. The house was literally shaking. I could hear my daughter screaming, too. I began throwing my body against the door. Once it opened, I got them, and we got out. Like I said, it raised a lot of questions. It sent me on a sort of quest for knowledge. I’ve learned a lot over the years. In May of 2001, something horrible happened to my family and continued afterward. I’ve never received concrete answers about what “it” was. But I do know that no amount of paranormal gadgetry ever provided me answers. I still don’t have a label for the horrific personal experience, nor do I have a complete explanation. I can tell you what the Church says about it and share various theories I’ve been given regarding it. However, not one person or group has ever been able to provide me with a definitive cause. Not one. Sometimes, you have to accept things as they are. Of course, we will eventually get those answers when we die. I have discovered that a more vibrant approach works best for me. I view paranormal activity as a naturally occurring part of life, much like how one would see rain. I have realized that it simply happens when I don’t push for it. I’ve had amazing experiences in the streets of Europe, Asia, and Africa by taking this approach. I follow the stories and history with the mindset of experiencing and learning. I can’t tell you how many experiences occur organically with this understanding and attitude. It has truly changed and broadened my perspective on living beyond just the idea of death. The best part is that I no longer find myself sitting in a dark, damp basement of some rundown building, waiting for a gadget to light up or for roaming radio stations to provide me with the answers because, in truth, I know they won't.

Did you ever question your experiences or immediately accept them as paranormal? How did others react to your accounts?

At first, I wasn’t quite sure how to view or feel about it. You know when something like this happens, everything you thought you knew comes crashing down. You become very unsure about everything. I think the public misunderstanding about those of us who have lived through these experiences is that we instantly believe in ghosts. That is not the case at all. In some ways, it makes us much more skeptical. Even today, as I mentioned in the previous question, I don’t have any definitive answers. I can share all the theories people have proposed, but they are just theories and not proof. I’ve reached a point where I don’t like to label things, and when I do, it’s just to give someone a frame of reference. There are three things I tell them about what I feel is true about the paranormal. First, there are no answers. None of us really know what they are or why they exist. Secondly, there are no paranormal experts in this world. If someone claims to be one, they are lying to you. Get away from them quickly because they are either crazy or looking for cash. Thirdly, I tell them they are the expert of their own haunting. I don’t think anyone can truly understand it unless they have lived through it. Paranormal, by definition, refers to something unexplained. Right now, that’s how it feels to me. The overall reaction has been largely positive, and the message seems to resonate with those who need it most. You can’t go public with something like this without receiving all kinds of responses. My mother told me something early on that I carry with me: “Speak your truth and don’t alter it to make anyone else feel comfortable. It’s yours to share, and whatever people do with or say about it afterward is up to them. Never be ashamed of what you experienced, because whatever it was, we both know it happened and was terrible.” It was wise advice to live by always. She was always the wisest person in the room.

How do you balance personal experiences with research when writing your books?

You need to have a point of view. You can share your ideas and thoughts when writing a book. Sometimes, these thoughts change over time as you grow and learn more. I believe I have a strong grasp of both my perspective and the viewpoints from the research and theories I present to my readers. The most important aspect is never to tell them what to believe. Share what you know and think, then let them make their own decisions. I think my work resonates with people because I encourage them to think for themselves about topics they may or may not have considered. The work I’ve been doing recently is fascinating because I am blending factual research into a fictional narrative. I must tell you, the most shocking part of writing the Modern Monsters series has been the extensive research it has required me to undertake—some very creepy stuff that is backed by historical fact. Each book in the series begins with my research and personal experience, and then after introducing the research, it transitions into the fictional narrative. This approach effectively stimulates thought, provides diverse ideas, and entertains readers simultaneously. The response has been positive. Following the Monsters series, I plan to write another complete nonfiction book that explores my experiences, travels, theories, and beliefs about the paranormal and the supernatural. Having just turned sixty, it seems like a good time to write another nonfiction book in my voice, drawing from my personal experiences and thoughts. You know, when I wrote about Confrontation with Evil regarding the St. Louis Exorcism, many people felt that the story had already been told due to the movie The Exorcist. However, once I delved into the research, I found a wealth of details that had been completely overlooked. Everyone aimed to tell the story as it was portrayed in the film. I decided to touch upon the impact of the movie but wanted to really examine what happened to the boy in St. Louis. I received overwhelming responses for a more balanced and fair approach. I didn’t rely solely on the Church's interpretation of what happened or listen to the urban legends surrounding it. I believe this approach has truly defined my work and aligns with what my readers expect from me. I have to tell you, that was one book where the research was genuinely creepy.

What challenges did you face while recounting such emotionally charged events in your debut book, “The Uninvited?”

Without question, having to relive the events as I wrote them was challenging. There were some very emotional days while writing it. But, once I started, it all flowed out onto the page, and through the process, I began to find a healing of sorts. It was cathartic. I was very resistant to the idea of writing it all down at first, but in the end, it lifted a lot off my shoulders. What you read on the page is how it happened and what I felt living through it. I could have done a book with everyone’s point of view, but I felt that maybe someday they would like to write about it. I think The Uninvited is very much from my voice as if you were to sit down with me and talk about it. That wasn’t my intent when I sat down to write it. It’s just how it flowed onto the page, which is why people respond to it so well. I was having a conversation with myself as I wrote, and for the reader, it has become a dialogue between me and them as they read it.

Your books often include meticulous research into historical cases. What’s your process for diving into the past while keeping the narrative engaging?

I see it this way: I love learning about new things because I am naturally curious. History is always a good place to start when dealing with paranormal and supernatural topics. However, I don’t think this desire to learn is a unique trait. I believe we all share this curiosity to varying degrees. From my perspective, I cannot share my thoughts with my readers without thorough research. In “Confrontation with Evil,” research became particularly significant since multiple avenues existed. When writing, I always ask myself, “What does this mean?” This is where research plays a crucial role. It could mean this, that, or the other. If that’s the case, then I should present multiple viewpoints, especially in "Confrontation," when discussing demon possession from a wide array of ideas and not just a religious perspective. Readers respond positively to this because I offer them thought options. The best compliment a reader can give me is, "Because of what you wrote, I went out to research on my own.” That’s impactful, and to me, it means I’m making a positive difference in people’s lives with what I do. I don’t want to sound too esoteric because it’s really quite simple. Again, that dialogue between me and my readers is important, which makes research even more crucial since you had better know what you are talking about because they will spot it if you don’t.

How do you approach paranormal investigations differently now compared to when you first started?

Great question. I was just discussing this. You know, blinking lights and gadgets have never provided the answers I was searching for, and science hasn’t either, but it has helped by ruling out some possibilities and aiding my understanding of certain aspects. At this point in my life, I feel—from my personal perspective—that there will never be definitive answers about any of this until we die. I have shifted my approach to a more experiential and historical viewpoint. I have traveled around the world, and how different cultures handle the paranormal and spirituality is quite different from how it is in the States. There is a more accepting view of it as something that “just is" in life. My experiences become more interesting when I follow the legends and history rather than spending countless hours in the dark with flashing lights and roaming radio stations trying to convince myself I just heard a voice saying ‘help.’ In May of 2001, something horrible happened to my family that continued afterward. I have never received concrete answers about what "it" was. But I do know that no amount of gadgetry ever provided me with any answers. I still don't have a label for the personal experience, and I have no complete explanation. I can tell you what the Church says about it. I can share all sorts of theories I’ve been given regarding it. However, not one person or group has ever been able to provide me with a definitive cause. Not one. Sometimes, you have to accept things as they are. I don’t think I have changed much over the years. Traveling to places like Europe, Africa, and Asia has truly taught me that my gut feeling was correct. Viewing life in general from a different lens can teach you a lot. My focus now is on allowing things to happen organically. Follow the history, stories, and legends; the experiences will unfold from there. Whatever we choose to call it, there is something in this world that occasionally reacts to us, or perhaps even multiple things. This is all about life around us and the living world and likely has less to do with actual death than we would prefer to believe. If you simply stop trying so hard and open your eyes, it will come to you. However, it’s essential to have some research behind it so you can gain a personal understanding of whatever it is. I recognize some of this answer is similar to other questions, but it’s all connected, isn’t it?

What’s the most surprising or unexpected thing you’ve learned through your investigations?

There are actually two things. First, people generally fear death, and from this fear, they develop beliefs that help them sleep at night and cope with the reality that we all will die. Second, in individual cases, I’ve found that people contribute to their own haunting. If you can identify that trigger, you can assist them. This understanding was groundbreaking for me. Next, I don’t fear death any longer because I died on an operating table in November 2011 during heart surgery. That experience completely changed how I view death because I’ve already reached that point. It’s a personal experience, but I can tell you that I know there is something else after we die. Death is merely a doorway to something more. The two aspects are closely connected because before I died, I had to come to terms with the fact that I was feeding my haunting through my own curiosity of wanting to find answers about what it was. In the second part, when I died on that operating table in 2011, whatever was following me from the Screaming House was gone. I came back from death on that table, but it didn’t.

Have you ever encountered a case that you chose not to pursue further, and if so, why?

There have been times when you just can’t help people. I once had a case where a woman captured the creepiest images of people and things you couldn’t see with the naked eye every time she took a picture. She was terrified all the time but was addicted to the adrenaline that fear brought her. She wouldn’t stop taking pictures, and I knew that the fear would continue as long as she kept at it. She literally had the power in her hands to stop it, but she wouldn’t. I have experienced this in other cases where people become entangled with EVP recordings in their own homes, hearing voices over and over again, often listening for what they want to hear. I walked away from these individuals because I couldn’t help them; they refused to help themselves. You can take a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink.

How has sharing your experiences impacted your personal life and relationships?

For the most part, it was good. The shared experience brought my dad and me even closer. We had always been close, but you feel like you’re in a club when the rest of the world hasn’t gone through what you did together. We could talk about it and felt comfortable doing so because we knew we understood each other. I think it’s imperative to allow those who lived through it with you to have their own interpretations. No explanation is the right or wrong one. With my kids, this is especially true. I have a son who is a chemist and looks at our experiences from a strictly scientific perspective. My daughter approaches it from a very religious standpoint. My youngest son and I see things in a very similar way. But the point is that all of these opinions are just as important as the others. Outside relationships can be tricky, though. Sometimes, people are drawn to the idea of knowing you for what they can gain rather than genuinely wanting to be around you. You know, like the person who only wants to go on paranormal investigations with you and isn’t interested in anything else. They’re easy to spot because they never want to do or talk about anything else. My life and perspective leave no space for that because, as I mentioned earlier, it’s more about embracing a living life with the unexplainable than dwelling on it. I keep those coattails pretty close to home. Anyway, I hope that makes sense. What do you hope readers take away from your books about the supernatural?

What do you hope readers take away from your books about the supernatural?

I sometimes feel like Detective Mulder from The X-Files when he says, “The truth is out there.” While we likely won’t find the truth during our lives, that doesn’t mean these things don’t exist or happen. What I want readers to take away from the books is that unexplainable things are out there. By the way, what are your personal thoughts on this subject? What do you believe? Think about the world beyond your house and backyard. Step outside and take that trip to Oz for yourself. For me, that’s the most important takeaway. I don’t care what you think about my beliefs, but for goodness’ sake, form your own opinion. I believe there is value in that. Hopefully, the books make them think and maybe even send them on an adventure of their own.

Do you think your work has contributed to a shift in how society views paranormal phenomena?

I really hope so. At first, almost every time I talked to someone about their experiences and what was happening with them, one of the first things they always said was, “Please don’t think I’m crazy.” That resonated with me because I understood that feeling; I had felt the same way initially. As the years have passed, I receive that question or plea less and less. I believe I have taught people that they are not alone in their thoughts and experiences and that these things are okay to discuss. In fact, most people have a story of their own. I think I have helped make the topic more approachable.

What was it like sharing your experiences on shows like The Exorcism of Roland Doe and A Haunting? Did anything surprise you about how these stories are portrayed on screen?

I have a broadcasting background, so these things fall within my skill set. It’s fun to take them out for a walk occasionally. Filming something for the screen has its ups and downs. You never know how the edit will turn out. A Haunting surprised me with the portrayal of the clown. The focus seemed to hinge on that one experience instead of the broader story. That show inspired me to write The Uninvited because I knew I was the only one who could tell the story completely without over-sensationalizing just one aspect of it. The other elements in The Uninvited were much more frightening and important than the clown. However, that clown is considered among the top ten clowns in horror films. I was pleased with the result of The Exorcism of Roland Doe. Often, when you film something like this, hours of footage are captured, but the final product includes only a small portion of that. I believe that Roland Doe showcased the best parts of the interview. Of course, I was working with the Emmy-winning team from 1895 Films. You’re in good hands with that kind of expertise behind you. It's important to remember that it all comes down to the edit. As time passed, I became more discerning about this, and now I’m better at selecting what I will and will not do. I felt very honored, excited, and happy with how The Exorcism of Roland Doe turned out.

Can you give us a glimpse into your upcoming novel, “Glow?” What inspired you to tackle the concept of nightmares in this story?

"Glow" was released this past October for Halloween and is the first book in my Modern Monsters series. “Glow” delves into the dark realm of nightmares, exploring the devastating effects of sleep disturbances and PTSD. It was inspired by some truly horrific cases, research, and conversations I had with an exorcist and others about the nature of evil in the world and how it operates. Did you know that 38% of Americans suffer from sleep disturbances, while 20% of youth experience recurring nightmares? Sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and sleepwalking can lead to tragic outcomes. In fact, various types of viral nightmares are occurring around the globe. "Glow" focuses on one of these viral nightmare cases, where young men are attacked in their sleep. This evil can infiltrate the darkest corners of the human mind, transforming nightmares into a very real, viral modern monster. “Glow” begins with an introduction discussing the research and experiences, setting the stage for the following fictional narrative. It's a unique way to share information while also entertaining with a terrifying story—it's one scary ride. The four books in the Modern Monsters Series are based on very real cases, events, and historical facts, illustrating how these monstrous phenomena can and do exist in our world. The books aim to encourage readers to reflect on their surroundings and the different kinds of monsters we all encounter, warning us about where these very real monsters may lead us. The concepts of Frankenstein and Dracula feel outdated in today's living world, yet there are still real monsters among us if we take the time to notice. The intriguing aspect of this idea is that we have become almost comfortable and complacent with the notions of evil and the monsters present in our daily lives. Every day, we are exposed to it, but most of us tend to look the other way, as confronting it would mean facing our fears and an uncomfortable reality we may not be ready to accept. I hope my modern monsters will make these thoughts and ideas accessible to my readers, opening their eyes to the dangers and monsters surrounding us. Ultimately, I aim to inspire them to reconsider what they believe to be true in their lives and the world around them. Now is the time for monsters.

Finally, how has your association with AllAuthor influenced your writing career, and in what ways has it supported your journey as an author?

“Glow” was my first book with AllAuthor, but it won't be the last. It has truly helped me with promotional tools and generated sales. I will use it for the next three books in the Modern Monster series: Gorilla, Grace, and Gabriel.” I am a unique type of author who publishes some work through traditional publishing and self-publishes others, and AllAuthor suits both approaches well.

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