I grew up in a very rural area. Southern Maryland is a large peninsula and (back then) was one of those places where you really couldn't "get there from here." Once here, your only option was to turn around on the one road leading in and go back the way you came from! When the local naval testing base grew, locals discovered the meaning of the great American mixing bowl. I was exposed to divergent ideas--both nationally and internationally. My parents were always supportive of whatever dream I wished to follow. My Dad was a voracious reader and once wrote for a local paper. My Mom was very creative and encouraged all of my efforts.
What was your favorite subject in school? How has your childhood inspired you as an adult?Reading was my favorite, of course, with history a very close second. The old truism is that you most enjoy the things you are good at and reading and history accounted for the majority of my school years' accolades.
Did you ever dream of becoming an author? What were your dreams during childhood?I suppose all authors answer yes to this and I'm no exception. Reading was my first love and writing is an extension of that love. I viewed authors as trendsetters and arbiters of social change from Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to Poe's forcing us to stare grim reality in the face to Thoreau's answer on what the core of life is.
What kind of cultural value do you think reading and writing has/brings?Guess there's a little overlap for me here from Question 3. I noted above the authors that immediately came to mind (for me) who've brought about social reform. There are so many others throughout history that made us question our values and reevaluate what we thought we knew. I know of no nobler art form.
When did you publish your book "Call of the Falconer"?"Call of the Falconer" was released in September of 2018.
Have any negative reviews or constructive criticism come your way for your writing? How do you handle it?Actually, my reviews have been very positive for the most part. One reader caught an error in the timeline for "Falconer" that I immediately edited. Shame on me (and thank you loyal reader). Most less-than-stellar reviews have been left without comment so I have no idea what they didn't like. Still, as in all things, you cannot please everyone. I have a loyal base of readers that I'm eternally grateful to.
What qualities about Garren's character in Sons and Brothers: Legends of the Family Dyer do you personally admire?Garren is a good kid. Respectful and loyal yet hungry for knowledge and experience. He's a young man who's faced much anguish already in his young life. (Actually, this can be said for all of the major characters in the book. Their responses to their travails are a large part of the plot). Even with his good guy persona, Garren is still a teenager. He can, like all of us, sometimes sacrifice common sense at the altar of adventure. But he's the kind of guy you'd wish to have as a best friend.
What did you enjoy most about writing the book, "Call of the Falconer"?I love reading post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction. I'd long pondered the real life scenarios that might bring about such a horror to our modern world. (I'm also a big fan of The Walking Dead.) I'd just completed the "Legends of the Family Dyer" trilogy. That series required an enormous amount of historical research and "Falconer" provided both a respite and an opportunity for my imagination to run free with no encumbrances.
What are you currently working on?I'm deep into a collection of holiday themed dark fiction short stories. I hope to have it released in the Spring. I've also begun a sequel to "Falconer" due to the many requests on my reviews page. There's a murder mystery clawing at my brain and invading my dreams that will need an outlet sometime next year or I may burst. Lastly, The History Press has indicated an interest in another novella idea for their "Haunted America" series.
Judging from your experience so far, how would you rate and review AllAuthor?A+- Great interaction and communications with both authors and readers. A wonderful exposure outlet for new and veteran writers. Appreciate you guys!
David W. Thompson grew up in a very rural area. Reading was his first love and writing is an extension of that love. He loves reading post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction. The author gives the readers colorful and vivid details about the adventures in his books. David W. Thompson has a very natural way of writing and of shifting viewpoints.