Diana Jackson Interview Published on: 30, Mar 2023

Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Surry, UK and had a happy childhood, moving when I was three to St Albans in Hertfordshire, which I recall with fondness.

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?

My early memories were of having Winnie the Pooh read to me. It was the rhythm, poetry and philosophy which has stayed with me all my life. A secret of mine is when I'm feeling low, I find my battered old copy of House at Pooh Corner, settle into an armchair, read, giggle, shed a few tears sometimes, and generally end up feeling much better. I can hear 'tiddly pom' in my head as I write this and it makes me smile just thinking about it.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing? What developed your passion for writing?

My English teacher Mrs Yates caught me writing poetry and short stories and became my greatest encourager. She was such an inspiration and certainly helped me to develop a passion for writing ~ as did reading the classics.

What, to you, is an ideal setting or environment for a good writing session?

I need peace and quiet to turn the taps on to my creativity. I love that feeling of the house being still and I take a deep breath, breathing it all in before the words flow out.

How did you come up with the idea for 'MISSING, Past and Present', your second Mystery Inspired by History?

I worked as a volunteer in a soup kitchen in Luton several years ago and more recently in a Foodbank locally. The two Irish sisters who ran the soup kitchen, Noah, back then in Luton, were an inspiration; such good fun but compassionate too. It was a wonderful place.

Are any of the incidents described in the historical fiction, Riduna inspired from your own family events?

No, in the case of Missing all of the historical events were inspired by research. One piece led to another. I knew that Milly would end up at New Lanark Mills via Glasgow, but it was fun tracking her progress fleeing northwards, as I read about different places and incidents in history. Even more fun spanning the years in the past on her way back south again. (without being too much of a spoiler!)

How did you begin writing motivational books?

The Healing Paths of Fife flowed after moving to Scotland. It was my thank you to the community in which I live. Search for the Pearl Inside Yourself was first drafted as I was leaving my work at Barnfield College Luton, where I gave a second chance to sixteen to nineteen year olds. I have a third in the series in the pipeline talking about Dementia. Late teens early adulthood / Retirement / Elderly. ~ crucial stages of our lives.

Who inspired the character of Dorothy in "MISSING, Past and Present"?

Dorothy was a sum of many characters I met in Luton and up here in Kirkcaldy. I wanted to show that homelessness could happen to anyone. There but by the Grace of God in fact.

What is the best age to write your first book?

Any age. Whenever you are inspired, have the time and the means to do so. It is all consuming though.

What are some things to keep in mind while writing a mystery?

Murder Now and Then was more of a conventional mystery. Keep the reader guessing. Lots of tension but relief moments too. Give clues along the way, but not too obvious. Try to make sure that you tie up lose ends.

Is it better to edit while writing a book or wait until after it's finished?

I do a bit of both. If the house isn't quiet, but I know it is going to be, I often spot edit a few chapters to settle myself into the flow of the story before continuing. My writing takes several edits before I am content to pass it on to beta readers for feedback.

Are you friends with other authors? If so, how have they helped you in your journey as a writer?

Back in Bedfordshire I began a writers' group which I am happy to say is still thriving. I have a group of authors in Fife who are very supportive; have many authors on line who look out for each other but also feel privileged to work with authors in Eventispress. I never feel alone in my writing (unless I want to be of course!) There is always someone to turn to, to link up with on Social Media, think of group promotional activities and share each step of the journey, celebrating every little taste of success.

Which is the next book you are writing? Give us an insight into it.

MISSING Past and Present has a sequel which I am two thirds of the way through, but I am also working on a prequel to Riduna, actually written by my parents. This is a very special project for me, since they both passed away during the pandemic.

When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far?

It is a relief having a platform such as AllAuthor to do promotional tweets on my behalf, but I love the mock ups and have stored many of them away to use in the summer in a strategic way. I know if I had time I could benefit far more from the platform, but it is a lot to take in. Maybe with my next novel I will use you more strategically in a book launch. I joined nearly five months ago but I'm still learning.

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