Patricia Reynolds Interview Published on: 06, Sep 2022

Where have your spent most of your childhood?

In Michigan. I left after graduating high school and moved to San Diego.

What is the one thing you hated the most when growing up?

No indoor plumbing or central heating... very cold in Michigan...

At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?

I began writing my story later in life. My first two books are about a Native boarding school in the 1890's. The main hero, Hidden Spirit is a dashing young Lakota Sioux, who is determined to bring the children back home from their horrible fate. The story is heartwarming and heart-wrenching, mixed with humor and lively characters to make for an entertaining read... filled with magical realism.

When did you decide to share the stories floating around in your mind?

I didn't share my story until I finished writing my first book.

How did you do the research for your book, A Scattering of Clouds?

I read numerous books... literally hundreds, and I spent time alone in nature... (two years in the Alaskan wilderness with my dog. That's where the ideas began to flow.)

What was the hardest part about writing your book, A Scattering of Leaves? Did you edit anything OUT of the book?

A Scattering of Leaves was not so hard, as it was a continuation of my first book... A Scattering of Crows. I edited my book many times and made hundreds of changes.

Have you always wanted to be a writer since you were little or did the dream develop after a certain instance or experience?

I had never thought about writing when I was little, One day, when I was older, I was pondering life, when an idea came to me in a blink, literally out of the blue. I knew at that moment, this was what I had to do...Write... and so I did.

What is your favourite place to eat and what do you like to order when you go there?

The Alcove in Los Feliz, Ca. I love the Cobb Salad.

Is there anything else that you're passionate about besides writing?

Rescuing abused animals.

Have your parents read your book? What do they think of your writing?

No. Unfortunately, they both have passed on.

Has a book ever made you cry? If so, which book was it?

Bridges of Madison County, by Robert James Waller

Do you prefer writing really early in the morning or really late at night?

I prefer writing really early in the morning.

Do you think a person can be a writer without having a somewhat overactive imagination?

Anyone can be a writer, but an overactive imagination really helps to take it to another level.

Which is the next book you are working on? Give us an insight into it.

The next book is different than my first three books... I will keep that a secret for the time being.

What is the hardest part about promoting your books? Has AllAuthor been able to help in this aspect and would you recommend this platform to other authors?

Promoting a book is so different from writing that it feels like a whole other job. Very difficult. I really like AllAuthor and I would highly recommend using them.

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