Tricia T. LaRochelle Interview Published on: 12, Apr 2023

Being a Vermont native, which is your fondest childhood memory?

That’s a good question. One of my fondest memories is playing in the woods for hours, building forts, and allowing my imagination to guide me.

What got you obsessed with tragic love stories?

When I was very young, I watched a series called The Thorne Birds. I cried, I laughed, and I experienced what was it was like to be moved by a story. Later, I read The Bronze Horseman another tragic love story that touched my heart. I am attracted to stories where the love interests have to fight with everything in them to save themselves and each other. I dealt with my share of tragedies in my youth, and my work reflects that pain. I am also an optimist at heart, and my stories have that, too.

What is it about the romance genre that piqued your interest?

The devotion that two people feel for each other. The sacrifices they are willing to make to protect their love.

What are some things to keep in mind while writing a romance novel?

One thing to keep in mind is that if you aren’t moved by your own stories, how can you expect your readers to be? My stories tug at my heart just as much as I hope they do for my readers.

Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?

I am a self-published author. I tried for years to mold my book into a product that an agent would want. I was close a few times (very close), but never quite got there. I am enjoying being my own boss and in charge of my own promotion. I’ve learned a great deal and continue to learn every day.

What sparked the idea for the series, "SARA BROWNE"?

Sara was on my mind for years before I finally put her story on paper, so was her love interest, Scott Williams. Who knows where a story comes from? It became part of my life, and I just had to share it with the world.

How supportive and critical is your family when it comes to your writing?

My immediate family has been extremely supportive. They have been my rock when I needed it most.

If you ever get writer’s block, where do you go to overcome it, or what activities help you overcome it?

For my first book, Flickering Heart, the story was eager to tell itself, I just became the vessel. For my sequel, Revive, the story, once again, poured out of me. For my third book, Handfast, in the Sara Browne Series, I did have some writer’s block, mainly because I wasn’t sure what the story was going to be about. I struggled for a couple of months, worrying the story would never form. I tried writing the ending first to see if that would help, and it did. A lot. Before long, the story was flowing again. Thank God.

What inspired the story of "Flickering Heart"? What was the toughest part about writing this book?

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve dealt with some tragic moments in my youth that reflect in Flickering Heart. The toughest part was watching my main protagonist suffer and struggle. I cried every time I encountered those scenes.

Who inspired the character of Carrie Stevens in "Revive"?

So, Carrie Stevens is a very limited character in Revive. What she represents is a girl who went missing, and in the story, my main protagonist, Sara Browne, wants so badly to find out what happened to her. It’s that disappearance that become the catalyst for what is to come.

What percentage of your daily writing do you end up not using in published works?

A fair amount. Once I finish my first draft, that’s when the real work begins. I edit over and over again, have betas read and offer input, and then edit some more. My books go through many revisions before I feel confident they are worthy of my audience.

Do you think book covers play an important role? Who designs your covers?

I do think the cover is important, especially for that first book in a series. You want to grab your potential reader’s attention enough that they want to read your book. My cover designer is 17 Studio Book Design, and I’ve been very happy with their work.

If you could describe your journey as a writer in 5 words, what would they be?

Inspired, passionate, patient, frustrated, and humbled.

When can we expect your next book to come out? We're sure your fans are dying to know.

Handfast, my third book in the Sara Browne Series will launch this May. I hope my readers enjoy Sara Browne’s continuing journey. I’m extremely excited about it.

How were you introduced to AllAuthor? Has this website met all your expectations?

I just love All Author and find it extremely supportive of authors. They are easy to work with and continue to find ways to help authors get their name out there. I found them when a fellow author asked me to vote for her cover in the AllAuhtor Cover Contest, and I’m so glad I did.

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