Life is like playing hide the key with God. God has hidden the key and now it is up to us to find the key again. It also takes us a while to realize that the key is hidden in our own heart. The heart is the door to allow life to guide us. The heart is the door to say "yes" to life. The heart is the door to surrender to life.
Our heart is the door to allowing Existence to guide us, instead of being directed by our ideas, desires and expectations. Since the days of Aristotle’s, we have been taught that logic is the only way to reach a solution. But while logic works in a step-by-step-process to reach a solution, intuition simply takes a quantum leap to a solution without any intermediate steps. Meditation and love are the basic nourishment to develop our intuition.
I have always had the capacity to go within myself and to discover the silence within, the inner meditative quality, the inner source of love and truth – the inner language of silence. Now I also notice that this silence is going deeper, and that I go beyond the ego and disappear into the silence. First this brought up fear, but now I am enjoying this meditation of disappearing into the silence and to be nobody. I have started experimenting with this phenomenon to understand how to consciously go beyond the ego: yesterday when I took a coffee at a restaurant, I consciously turned my attention within and disappeared into the silence, which was like finding an inner source of bliss. In aloneness, I experiment with being consciously alone as a door to be egoless. In conscious aloneness, the ego cannot function. In aloneness, you are not. When I am walking, I consciously experiment with being with Existence without having the mind constantly commenting. I try to just be wordless with the people and situations that I meet on my walk. When I can just be with Existence, it opens the door to be one with the Whole.
I was 9 years old when I had my first glimpse of wholeness. It was early Christmas morning and I was standing in my pajamas in the living room and looked out of the large windows. Outside the white snowflakes silently singled down toward a snow clad landscape. Suddenly I was filled with a feeling of being one with the slowly dancing snowflakes, one with the silent landscape. I did not understand then that this was my first taste of meditation, but it created a deep thirst and a longing in my heart to return to this natural and effortless experience of being one with the Whole.
The spiritual journey means to learn to listen more and more to the heart. It means to learn to follow the heart. It means to gather the courage to follow the heart, instead of listening to the mind. The mind is not yours, it is given by the society. The heart is yours, it is given by God, the divine. If you listen to the heart, it will not be difficult to go into meditation. Then you will know what to do and not to do. You immediately know what to do in the moment. You know from your being. The heart knows what to do, because the heart is already in contact with the whole. The heart lives in the mysteries of existence.
The most valuable insight I have got through my own inner journey is how Existence continuously has guided me towards a greater awareness that life is fundamentally one. Existence has continuously guided me with a greater lovingness and caring than I ever could imagine. Long before I was even aware of it, life has continuously guided me through periods of love and aloneness, joy and sadness, light and darkness, success and failure and negative and positive experiences. My own inner journey towards awareness and meditation has step by step developed the trust, sensitivity and subtle listening, which is necessary to surrender to life and to allow life to be my teacher.
Life is continuously communicating with us and it is a valuable experience to look back and see how life — despite my sleep, unconsciousness, lack of trust and resistance — continuously has guided me towards a greater awareness that life is one. Life has continuously led me to the people I need to meet, to the situations I need to experience and to the places where I need to be. There has never been any real reason to worry since we are all small rivers already leading to the ocean, to the whole. Awareness is not about swimming faster or fighting with life, it is about relaxing and floating with life in a basic trust that life is already leading towards the ocean of consciousness, towards the whole.
My path in life in life has always been to trust myself; my path in life has always been to trust my intuition, to trust my heart, to trust the inner true voice, to trust my inner source of love, truth and wisdom, which is already in contact with the Whole. I have always listened to other people, and to what situations in life can teach me, but then I have always listened to the silent whisperings of my heart.
Our intuition is the inner teacher, the inner guide, the inner master. The old Indian scriptures say that the outer spiritual teacher is helpful to find your own intuition, your own inner teacher, your truth. Intuition is to create a trust in yourself and in your intuition, your inner guide, the inner master. Intuition is to learn to listen to the still, small voice within, and that will guide you.
In 1982, I was directed by the Divine presence in a trance session with the American trance chancellor Lin David Martin: “You have listened to your intuition, to your true inner voice, more than most. You have been searching for the contact with the Spirit for a long time and now it is beginning to manifest on the outer plane. You have been gifted many times in previous embodiments and now everything will come rather easy for you. I want you to put your energy into the lives of others, because you can.”
Intuition is a “yes” to life. Intuition means to develop a trust in life. Intuition means to learn to listen to life. When we allow ourselves to follow the silent whisperings of our heart, the fragrance of love arises. Intuition means to follow the silent whispers of the inner in a basic “yes” to life.
Intuition is the language of silence, the Existential language. The word “in-tuition” means to listen within yourself. Intuition is the silent voice within, which is already in contact with the Existence. Intuition is the voice of God.
Intuition is to create a trust in yourself and in your intuition, your inner guide, the inner master. Intuition is to learn to listen to the still, small voice within, and that will guide you. You have to be silent, quiet, so you can listen to the still small voice within you, and then follow it. Wherever it leads, it is good. Go in deep trust, following your own voice.
To give meaning to your life, to your heart, existence has given intuition to your heart. Out of intuition arises the possibilities of art, of love, of friendship – intuition will lead you to wisdom, to enlightenment. Then your life is a life of immense light, joy and serenity. Intuition makes a man wise – call it enlightenment or awakening, those are simply different names from wisdom.
When Buddha was lying on his deathbed, and the disciples asked him if he had any last words for them, he said: Be a light to yourself. You are born with a light within you. You are enough to yourself. You are sufficient to yourself. Listen to the still small voice within, and that will guide you. Buddha defines wisdom as living in the light of your own consciousness. Buddha's message to be a light to yourself is a message to all seekers of truth and all meditators on the path of enlightenment. You have to be silent, so that you can listen to the still small voice within you. Follow your own voice in silence, love and deep trust. You have to follow the still, small voice within you and you have to follow your being.
How would you summarize your teachings for someone who is unfamiliar with your work?My teachings are essentially love and meditation. Padma, my beloved friend for many lives and a participant in satsang for several years, said that satsang is a mystery school, which she felt blessed to participate in. What is a mystery school? The Mystery school teaches you how to live. The whole work of The Mystery School is to help you to find yourself, to find your authentic inner being. The work of the mystery school is to wake the student up and to allow him to be himself. The Mystery School was born in the autumn, 2019, in Stockholm.
Padma also said that her experience of spiritual organizations is that people try to impose themselves on others and aggressively tries to make each other somebody else, but with me she found a freedom to be herself. The satsang participant Samarpan also commented that my quality of allowing people to be themselves is a rare quality. The satsang participant Deva Emanuel commented that he would not have stayed in satsang if it was not for the atmosphere and climate of love. He also says that satsang with me is a mystery school. The mystery school is a place where love is taught. It is a place where love is nourished. It is to make your love pure – without ego, power and domination – just a sheer gift of joy and delight in the being of the other person.
The mystery school is the way of the Upanishads, which I have been teaching for the last 4 years. The word Upanishad means "to be near, to be close", which is the heart of satsang. The word Upanishad means to be in the presence of the spiritual teacher and to take in his silence. That is the essence of the work of a mystery school. The mystery school manages to create a certain field of energy and if you are receptive, if you are available, if you are ready to go on the journey of the unknown. The spiritual teacher simply provides a system to enter slowly into the deep waters and ultimately to enter a stage, where you disappear into the ocean; you become the ocean itself.
To become a part of a mystery school is a great blessing. It is very difficult to find a mystery school to find people who are searching and not imposing themselves on each other, but only helping each other if the need is there.
The whole work of the mystery school to let your ego dissolve and to help you into a deep let-go with existence. To be initiated into mystery school simply means that now you are taking the first step towards actualizing your potential for freedom. He is Buddha, he is a Christ; then he lives in freedom. The Mystery School is the science of meditation: how to observe the mind and its processes in a relaxed, non-judgmental way and find the perception and clarity of self-realization. Meditation is a way of settling in oneself, at the innermost core of your being. Once you have found the center of your existence, you will have found both your roots and wings. The roots are in your inner being and existence and the wings are in the fragrance that is released in contact with existence. The fragrance consists of love, freedom, compassion, authenticity, sincerity, humor and a tremendous feeling of blissfulness. The roots make you an individual, and the wings give the freedom to love, to be creative, to share unconditionally the joy that you have found.
The mystery school is supported by silent satsang, which is a direct insight and realization of being.
Which spiritual leaders or philosophies have influenced your teachings the most, and how have they shaped your approach?I do not belong to any spiritual tradition or organized religion, because the moment truth is organized it becomes a lie. Jesus and Buddha never created any organized religion. An organized religion becomes politics. It becomes a manipulation, control and exploitation by the priests.
The essence of religion is love. It is very simple. No rituals, ideologies and dogmas are needed. It is a very simple approach towards life. The seeker of truth has to be in a love affair with existence. The question is not whom you love, the thing that matters is that you should love twenty four hours a day. Your love should be like your breathing. Love has the same relationship to the soul as breathing has to the body. Sometimes you are loving with a friend, sometimes you are loving to a tree and sometimes you are loving to a river.
The soul exists through love, but many people don't have any soul, because they have never started to love. Many people assume that they have a soul, but it is only a potential. If they start loving, their soul will become a reality. Love transforms our potential soul into actuality. It is the greatest miracle of life. It is the greatest mystery of life. There is nothing higher than love. Love is a relationship with the whole. Love is a friendship with everything.
Society has not prepared us for it. On the contrary, society has prepared us for hatred, power, ambition, violence, jealousy, possessiveness and domination. Society has prepared you for kinds of ego trips, but it has not prepared us for love. Love goes against all these things. A loving person cannot be an egoist. That is poison for love. It will kill the spirit of love.
I am just interested in exploring what it means to live with open eyes. People in spiritual organizations also tend to get caught in ideas of how it should be, and in the need of the ego to create hierarchies of power, status, roles, ambition and obedience. Spiritual Masters teach on many different levels at the same time. Some people take what they can, and some take something deeper.
How did you approach the process of writing your book, “Presence – Working from Within”?"Presence - Working from Within: The Psychology of Being" is a documentation of 30 years of experience of working with people from love and awareness. The most important therapeutic capacity is the ability to be present with an open heart and to be grounded in our inner being, in our essence and authentic self, through which we can meet another person. It is to meet that which is already perfect within a person. In the therapeutic process based on awareness, there exists no” I" – it just exists a presence, a light, a love and a silence.
Love is what allows us to go beyond the surface of the other person and to touch his inner being, his inner essence. Without love, it is only possible to reach the personality of the other person, to reach the surface and periphery of the other person.
Working with people is basically not a question of formal education; working with people is a question of energy and awareness. Everyone can basically work with people. It is a question of developing a presence and a quality to work from. It is also about discovering our own unique way to be and work with people from our authentic inner being.
The most important healing- and therapeutic ability is the capacity to be present. To be present means to develop a presence and a quality to work from. It means to be present with an open and relaxed heart, and to be grounded in our inner being, in the meditative quality within. Presence means to work from a meditative quality, from an inner "yes"-quality, from a state of non-doing. It is to be present for another person as a supporting light, as a supporting presence.
Meditation is the way to deepen our capacity to be present, and explore how to bring the meditative presence into the healing- and therapeutic process. It is about developing a meditative presence and quality, to develop the inner "yes"-quality, the silence and emptiness within ourselves, the inner source of healing and wholeness, the capacity to surrender to life.
Spiritual therapy works basically because we are all one. In the depth of our heart and being, we are in contact with each other. We are in contact with each other in the ocean of consciousness. This book is an invitation to open our hearts. This book is basically about love. It is designed to help us understand how healing happens. Healing is pure love. Healing and wholeness happens when we meet the love within ourselves.
Working with people from love, truth and wholeness is the psychology of being, the science of inner transformation. The psychology of being begins where Western psychology ends. It goes beyond Skinner, Freud, Jung, Rogers and Humanistic psychology. The psychology of being is the psychology of consciousness, a psychology for inner transformation. It is basically not a question of psychology; it is a question of being. The psychology of being begins where we are and takes us to that which we can be.
This book is designed to help us develop our presence, so that our presence and intuition becomes a source of love, joy, acceptance, understanding, truth, silence, wisdom and creativity in contact with another person.
This book presents a new dimension of healing with a base in meditation. Meditation is the way to deepen our capacity to be present and to explore how to bring the meditative presence and quality into the healing and therapeutic process. The underlying theme of the book is meditation, but not meditation as a static technique - but as the capacity to BE with ourselves and with another person in a quality of watchful awareness, acceptance and relaxation.
This book is written both for people who want to discover their own inner being and for those who work with other people and want to discover a new love, clarity, depth and inspiration in their professional work.
The book has been ranked as an international bestseller and I also saw that it is the most popular of all my books on Amazon India, which is an honor in a country devoted to awareness and meditation for thousands of years.
What role does meditation play in your daily life, and how do you recommend beginners start their own meditation practice?Silence is an inner treasure. Silence is the goal. When you have learn to be in silence, your life is transformed. You have learnt a new language: you become capable of being with the whole existence. What is meditation? Meditation is to learn to be with yourself, meditation is to delight in your own being. Meditation is a totally relaxed state of consciousness, where you are not doing anything. Meditation is just to be, not doing anything, no action, no thought and no emotion. You just are, and it is a sheer joy and delight. This joy and delight when you are not doing anything comes from nowhere or everywhere. The essence of existence is joy. Joy and happiness is your very being, your innermost core. When you look at the birds, the trees and the stars, you will see that the whole existence is joyful. Birds are happy for no reason, trees are happy for no reason and flowers are happy for no reason. The whole existence is made of joy. If you can just be with yourself, not doing anything, just enjoying yourself, just being with yourself, not doing anything, then you are in meditation.
Meditation is the art of learning to listen to our own heart. Meditation is the art of learning to listen to the intuition, the inner guide. Meditation is the art of learning to not listen to the voice of the outer spiritual teacher, but one's own inner spiritual teacher.
The inner being is already in contact with the whole. But mostly we live on the periphery, because our mind is the periphery. So slowly we forget that there is something inside ourselves, which has significant messages to us. Meditation is the process of moving within to the inner being. Rather than listen outside we have to listen inside. To be in contact with the inner being is going the right way. God is your inner voice. You have to move within to hear the still, silent voice of God. When you have learnt to hear it, your whole life is transformed. Then you have learnt to listen to your being and to follow your own heart.
One who can listen to your inner being has learnt a new language. One who can listen to his being has become capable of listening to the being of the whole existence. He can hear the song of the birds, he can hear the wind passing through the trees and he can hear the silent whisperings of the trees. The meditator has to begin with himself. The meditator begins to listen to his own being, and ends with listening to the being of the world. The day that you realize that your being and the being of the world are not separate, but one is the day of enlightenment. This is the ultimate fulfillment of life. The meditator has to make a commitment to put his energy into realizing the phenomenon called God, Tao, dhamma and truth.
We are all searching for happiness consciously or unconsciously. Happiness is the goal of life. Not only are human beings searching for happiness, but trees, flowers, animals, birds and rocks. The whole existence is searching for happiness. Only man is conscious enough to penetrate into the ultimate mystery of life. But not all men, because few people are really conscious. The majority of people live in unconsciousness.
Meditation is the beginning of a long journey. If you allow the journey much can happen, but it depends on you and how much you allow. It is difficult to allow, because it needs trust. It needs trust, because the journey includes challenges and taking risks. It is a journey from the known into the unknown. The journey moves into unknown territory, where you have to leave the ego aside. You have to leave your strategies of self-defense, resistance and security. You have to leave the shore on which you have lived and move towards the vast ocean. If one takes the risk of dropping the ego, the other shore is reached immediately, So be ready for the ultimate journey, and be fearless in absolute trust.
The inner being is already in contact with the whole. But mostly we live on the periphery, because our mind is the periphery. So slowly we forget that there is something inside ourselves, which has significant messages to us. Meditation is the process of moving within to the inner being. Rather than listen outside we have to listen inside. To be in contact with the inner being is going the right way. God is your inner voice. You have to move within to hear the still, silent voice of God. When you have learnt to hear it, your whole life is transformed. Then you have learnt to listen to your being and to follow your own heart.
One who can listen to your inner being has learnt a new language. One who can listen to his being has become capable of listening to the being of the whole existence. He can hear the song of the birds, he can hear the wind passing through the trees and he can hear the silent whisperings of the trees.
The meditator has to begin with himself. The meditator begins to listen to his own being, and ends with listening to the being of the world. The day that you realize that your being and the being of the world are not separate, but one is the day of enlightenment. This is the ultimate fulfillment of life. The meditator has to make a commitment to put his energy into realizing the phenomenon called God, Tao, dhamma and truth.
The first thing about being authentic and to create loving relationships to yourself, to others and to life is to remain true to your own being and to listen to your inner voice. Be truthful to yourself. You are not needed to change others or try to teach others according to your ideas, expectations or ideology. If you change, that is enough. How to remain true? The first thing is to remain true to your own being and to listen to your inner voice; otherwise your whole life will be wasted. The first thing is your being. Don't allow others to manipulate and control you. There are many people that try to control you, that want to change you, according to their ideas, ideals and ideologies. Remember to be true to your inner voice. To be authentic is to be true to oneself. Always listen to the inner voice and don't listen to people that want to control and manipulate you. Just close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. That is what meditation is all about, to learn to listen to your inner voice.
Meditation is an inner journey. It is a journey from your periphery to your inner being, your center. Normally we have lived on the periphery for many lives, so we have become totally oblivious of the fact that we have a center. A man living on the periphery is without a soul. It is a man living without roots. He knows not where he is coming from, he knows not where he is and he knows not where he is going.
Meditation means an effort to become conscious. It means to create the fire of awareness in you. It is to find the inner being, the center, in us, because it is there. Once we have found the inner center, we find our roots. Then we have a soul. We know who we are. And that is the greatest moment in a man's life. It opens up the mystery of life. Suddenly God becomes available in all its joy, beauty and mystery. Then life becomes eternal. Then there is no death. Then our life becomes a joy.
It is unfortunate that very few people have ever tried to know meditation, because meditation is the way to joy and happiness. Meditation means to participate in the celebration of existence. Without it life remains a misery, a sadness and a frustration.
Meditation is the only way to be the blessed one and to participate in the mystery of life. Meditation is the door to God.
Meditation is a freedom from all these conditionings that parents, the society and the religions have forced on you. Unless you are free you will never be able to hear your own authentic inner voice. Your parents will tell you "do this and don't do this." The priests will go on creating guilt and shame in you. They will not allow you to be yourself. Nobody in the world is really interested in anybody else being given the freedom to be himself or herself.
Everybody is trying to impose their ideas and ideologies on others. That is why humanity is in such misery and chaos.
A man without meditation is not part of existence. He exists, but he is not part of existence. He is separate from existence. There is no bridge between him and the whole. Life begins with meditation, because meditation creates the bridge between you and the whole. Without meditation you're like a separate island. With meditation you become part of the whole continent.
Meditation gives you a taste of joy, because meditation gives you a taste of something that is larger than yourself. It gives you a taste of the infinite, of the oceanic. Then you understand that existence loves you and cares for you.
Satsang helps you to discover the profound silence that prevails at the center of your being. Only then one knows what life is all about. Only then one knows the meaning, the beauty, the joy and the truth of truth. Only then one knows all that is worth knowing. Meditation is the process from the periphery of our consciousness to the inner being, the center of our consciousness. Meditation is another name for awareness. Meditation is to learn to be aware. As your awareness grows, you will be coming close to an inner place, where immense silence has prevailed for eternity. This is the real temple of God.
God does not speak to us from the outside. God speaks from your innermost core. But we do not hear, because that still, small voice is lost in the turmoil of the mind. Meditation is the science of stilling the mind, so that the inner voice can be heard. When you start hearing the inner voice, no other guide is needed. Then God is your guide. Then we do not have to choose between different alternatives, because then he directs you from within towards that which is right Meditation is learning the art of making the mind silent. And the art can be reduced to a simple maxim: to watch the mind. Watch the mind and what goes on in the mind without evaluation, without condemnation and without appreciation. Just be a watcher of the mind with awareness and acceptance. When you can watch the mind by and by it becomes silent. And the day the mind is silent, one hears the inner voice. And for the first time you have found the inner guide, the true spiritual teacher. The outer spiritual teacher helps you to find the inner spiritual teacher
God always comes to you as a deep joy in the heart. God always descends as a deep silence in the inner being. God does not come as something separate from you, God comes with a deep silence and joy of being one with the whole, one with God. God always comes as an inspiration in the being, because God is creativity.
This is why the climate of a spiritual person is creativity. That should be the criteria of a spiritual person. If the spiritual person is not creative, he is not a spiritual person. The taste of religion is creativity. God is the creator of the whole universe.
God will express himself in a thousand and one ways, he will manifest himself in thousands of different forms. He will flow from within you, and he will flow to you from the without. He will give a new joy, thrill and creativity to your life. Your life will grow wings. That is the meaning of being inspired by the divine, to be moved by God.
Your encounter with the Divine presence in a trance session in 1982 was a turning point. Can you describe that experience and its impact on your book, “God is Everywhere”?In 1982, I was directed by the Divine presence in a trance session with the American trance chancellor Lin David Martin: "You have listened to your intuition, to your true inner voice, more than most. You have been searching for the contact with the Spirit for a long time and now it is beginning to manifest on the outer plane. You have been gifted many times in previous embodiments and now everything will come rather easy for you. I want you to put your energy into the lives of others, because you can."
In the introduction to the book "God is Everywhere", Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says: "I found Swami Dhyan Giten's book "God is Everywhere" to be a guide book for truth seekers.
The book says: "God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine" gives a sense that God, the divine, is present in the world. It gives a glimpse of silence, love, joy, truth, meditation, freedom, creativity, the timeless and eternal and the mysterious.
The thirst for the divine is in everyone. The thirst for the divine is an innate quality. It is our inner potential. We may be aware of it or we may not be aware of it, but there is not a single individual who has not the thirst for God. The most fundamental question in life is to learn that existence cares for you. Existence is not indifferent. Existence is full of love.
We are taken care of in infinite ways, but all those ways are invisible. They are not tangible, you cannot see them, you can only feel them. These hands are God's hands. God is not separate from existence. God and Existence needs you the way we are. You are fulfilling something immensely valuable in the life of existence.
We have lost the capacity to trust, to love. We have lost the sensitivity to feel the infinite around us. We have forgotten how to relate with the totality. We have forgotten how to relate to trees, birds, animals, rivers and people. We have even forgotten how to relate with our own self, with our own body and with our own mind. We are living unrelated and meaningless, which is why a sadness is surrounding the whole humanity.
Meditation is an initiation into a wider context of existence. You are a small drop, but behind you is the great ocean of God. You are God's river. Even if you are a drop, without you the ocean will be less.
Religion is to be in tune with the whole. Religion is to be in love with the whole. Religion is to be together with the whole. Religion is a rebellion. Religion is a rebellion against politics, power, greed and society. Religion is not a tradition and religion is not in the scriptures. Religion is always alive. When religion becomes traditional it only serves the politicians, the priests, the churches and the society, but it does not serve the soul of man.
Religion means to listen to our own authentic being. Religion means to listen to the silent voice within ourselves, which will always lead us right. Religion means to realize that God is already available to you, both from the inside and from the outside. Religion means to realize that we are already one with God. Religion means the understanding and awareness that makes your doors open and allow God to enter in.
Religion is the understanding that this world is a manifestation of God. It is the understanding that the world is full of God. Every stone, bird, animal, river and person are full of God. Go deep into everything and you will find God. Look deep into the eyes of the woman you love, and you will find God.
Love is the bridge to God. Unless you love, there is no bridge to God. Let your love become an invitation to God, a welcome to God. Let your love become a prayer to God. In deep love, God is close. When you become silent and empty, the doors to God opens. In deep silence and emptiness, you become one with God.
This book challenges our view of God by saying that God is God is not a theory, God is not a religious ideology or theology, God is an experience. God is not a person. God is the underlying consciousness in existence. God is the soul of the Universe.
This book offers a unique and intelligent perspective and says that God is within. God is hidden in your own heart. God is within yourself. God is your innermost being. Silence is the key to God. The inner emptiness is the door to God. Love is the proof of the existence of God. Love is what creates meaning in life. Without love, life lacks meaning. It is love that opens the door to God.
We need to follow our heart, we need to follow our being, We need to have the courage to listen to our heart. To follow our heart and being means to learn to trust yourself. Hidden deep within ourselves is the silent voice of truth. If you become silent, you will be guided from within from the silent inner voice. Then you will discover that your nature is to become God. Only by going through the experience of love, one becomes a heart. It is the fire of love that creates the soul. Not having a heart is what makes life meaningless, but millions of people live without a heart. The heart is the spiritual center of our being. It is only love that can bring joy to our life. And it is the heart that can open the doors to God. God can enter only through the heart. God is hidden in our own heart. God is within ourselves, but we seek him outside of ourselves. We seek him in the churches, the temples and the mosques, and we go on missing him. God is not in the scriptures either. God emerges out of your heart. Love people, love trees and love animals. Never miss an opportunity to love. The more you love, the closer you come to God.
[]( "")'s review of "God is Everywhere" described the book like a profound exploration of spirituality and a must-read for anyone on a spiritual journey. []( "") says in their review of the book: Swami Dhyan Giten’s book '”God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine” offers a profound exploration of spirituality and the concept of divinity. Written by an acclaimed author, this paperback serves as a guide for those seeking a deeper understanding of their own inner divinity and the presence of the divine in every aspect of life. The book delves into various spiritual practices and provides insightful teachings that inspire readers to embrace their inherent divinity. With a compelling narrative and thought-provoking insights, 'God is Everywhere' is a must-read for anyone on a spiritual journey.
"God is hidden in your own heart. Love is the bridge to God. Without love, life lacks meaning. It is love that opens the door to God." Swami Dhyan Giten, ”God is Everywhere”
Your teachings have reached a global audience. What do you believe resonates most with people from different cultures and backgrounds?This is a good and complex question, so let me answer it in three steps. My teachings and my books have touched the hearts of thousands of people and are appearing with increased frequency in magazines, blogs and homepages. The influence from the teachings and the books continues to grow and are reaching intelligent people and seekers of truth in virtually all countries in the world.
The first way to answer your question is that individuals from different cultures and backgrounds basically walk one the two paths to enlightenment. They either walk the The path of love, which is the female path to enlightenment or they walk The path of meditation, which is the male path to enlightenment. This does not mean that both man and woman can walk one of these paths. The path of love is the path of love, joy, relationships, devotion and surrender. The path of meditation is the path of meditation, silence, aloneness and freedom. These two paths have different paths, but they have the same goal. Through love and surrender the person that walks The path of love discovers the inner silence. Through meditation and aloneness the person that walks The path of meditation discovers the inner source of love. These two paths are like climbing the mountain of enlightenment through different routes, but the two paths are meeting on the summit of the mountain - and discover an inner integration between love and meditation, between relating and aloneness.
The second way to answer your question about how people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds resonate is that man's search for silence, love, joy, compassion, meditation, truth, spirituality, freedom and God need a climate of freedom. The political ideologies capitalism, socialism and communism don't accept that man has a soul. These political ideologies are basically a material way of life. One of its fundamental tenets says that man is nothing than matter. The modern Western psychology was first defined as "the science of the soul", but now it is defined as "the science of mind and behavior", which means that modern Western Psychology do not think that man has a soul. This means that these ideologies will suppress and deny man's soul. These ideologies are in opposition to man's soul, spirituality and God. So these ideologies will not supply the climate for freedom, which is needed for meditation and spiritual growth.
The danger of the belief that man has no soul, no spirit, is also that it leads to war. It results in killing people without any conscience, because man's soul has been denied. And this destroys the opportunity for man's spirituality and growth. The greatest danger facing man right in his quest for the soul and spiritual growth is that the politicians and the vested interests all over the world will concentrate all political and economic power in the hands of the elite, which will control man's mind and soul.
The third way to answer your question is that my work and my books focus on making humanity happy. This is especially important right now, because humanity is living in a very transformative period right now, which will end either in a climate crisis, a third world war or the transformation of humanity. My new book "Man is part of the whole", which I am currently writing, is a way to help humanity in this difficult period, and to help seekers of truth and meditators to live through this period.
Miserable people do not care whether humanity and the earth survives or not. Miserable people with power do not care whether humanity and the earth survives as long as their greed for power and money are satisfied. Miserable people are deep down so miserable, so they may think that it would be better if everything were finished. Happy people would like humanity and the earth to survive forever. Humanity has to learn how to be more happy, to learn to be more silent and meditative and to learn how to be more loving. That is the only protection against the climate crisis and a third world war.
People who are happy are not people, who cannot be forced to kill and murder other people. When you are happy and joyful, you do want to be destructive. You want to create something to make this world more joyful and beautiful. When you are miserable, you want to be destructive and destroy something. Creative people, poets, artists, authors, painters and musicians, are the people who have made humanity and the world more beautiful. They have contributed flowers of love, silence, joy, truth, compassion and creativity to the world. The crisis for humanity and the earth is a chance for the intelligent and creative people to disconnect themselves from the past, and start living in a new and creative way. And this has to be done now, because the time is short. We will have to create a new humanity, or there will be no one left in a short time.
Appreciate everything that is beautiful, and condemn everything that is ugly and inhuman. To change the world into a new human consciousness, we want to take the world away from the hands of the destructive politicians. We have to teach people love, silence, joy, truth, compassion, consciousness, understanding and awareness all over the world. If we can make humanity happy, it is the way to transform humanity.
My book “The Call of the Heart” says that love is the ultimate law of existence. The book is about discovering the art of love, the way of the heart and the path to true happiness. It is an exploration of how to make humanity happy.
In this book I say that love is not an exclusive relationship with another person, but a state of being. Love is our intrinsic quality. I also challenge our view of love by saying that love is our very being, but love has become almost impossible, because society and religions do not allow it. Society and the religions condition us in such a way that love becomes impossible and hate becomes the only possible way. Society and religions do not allow freedom. Society and the religions have reduced humanity to a mere state of survival, a low state of consciousness.
Can you explain what samadhi is and how one can achieve it? How does it relate to the concept of enlightenment in your teachings?Samadhi, enlightenment, truth and nirvana are different words to describe the same experience. The fragrance of meditation is enlightenment. To attain to enlightenment is to attain to all. When you are not, you become the whole. Man can live in two ways: the natural way and the unnatural way. The natural person is the enlightened person. To be natural is to be enlightened. Enlightenment is a state of being natural. People become enlightened only when they have discovered their original source; when they have become natural they are enlightened. Enlightenment is to be ordinary, to be nobody, to be natural. Enlightenment is a simple process: it is just becoming your authentic self, your authentic being. And it is so luminous that in its light all darkness and all doubt disappears. Enlightenment is simply a process of discovering yourself. Enlightenment is nothing but the discovery of our original face - the essential reality you brought with you, and the essential reality you will have to take with you when you die. And this original face is luminous, because it is part of eternal life. And a tremendous insight arises that you are not separate from existence. These are the three stages of enlightenment, the three glimpses of satori. 1. **The first stage enlightenment: A Glimpse of the Whole The first stage of enlightenment is a short glimpse from faraway of the whole. It is a short glimpse of being. The first stage of enlightenment is when, for the first time, for a single moment the mind is not functioning. The ordinary ego is still present at the first stage of enlightenment, but you experience for a short while that there is something beyond the ego. There is a gap, a silence and emptiness, where there is no thought between you and existence. You and existence meet and merge for a moment. And for the first time the seed, the thirst and longing, for enlightenment, the meeting between you and existence, will grow in your heart. 2. The second stage of enlightenment: Silence, Relaxation, Togetherness, Inner Being The second stage of enlightenment is a new order, a harmony, from within, which comes from the inner being. It is the quality of freedom. The inner chaos has disappeared and a new silence, relaxation and togetherness has arisen. Your own wisdom from within has arisen. A subtle ego is still present in the second stage of enlightenment. The Hindus has three names for the ego: 1. Ahamkar, which is the ordinary ego. 2. Asmita, which is the quality of Am-ness, of no ego. It is a very silent ego, not aggressive, but it is still a subtle ego. 3. Atma, the third word is Atma, when the Am-ness is also lost. This is what Buddha calls no-self, pure being. In the second stage of enlightenment you become capable of being in the inner being, in the gap, in the meditative quality within, in the silence and emptiness. For hours, for days, you can remain in the gap, in utter aloneness, in God. Still you need effort to remain in the gap, and if you drop the effort, the gap will disappear. Love, meditation and prayer becomes the way to increase the effort in the search for God. Then the second stage becomes a more conscious effort. Now you know the way, you know the direction. 3. The third stage of enlightenment: Ocean, Wholeness, No-self, Pure being At the third stage of enlightenment, at the third step of Satori, our individual river flowing silently, suddenly reaches to the Ocean and becomes one with the Ocean. At the third Satori, the ego is lost, and there is Atma, pure being. You are, but without any boundaries. The river has become the Ocean, the Whole. It has become a vast emptiness, just like the pure sky. The third stage of enlightenment happens when you have become capable of finding the inner being, the meditative quality within, the gap, the inner silence and emptiness, so that it becomes a natural quality. You can find the gap whenever you want. This is what tantra calls Mahamudra, the great orgasm, what Buddha calls Nirvana, what Lao Tzu calls Tao and what Jesus calls the kingdom of God. You have found the door to God. You have come home.
You have been described as a "spiritual master of love and silence." How do you integrate these two aspects into your teachings and daily life?Man's basic search is for love. He wants to love and he wants to be loved. He wants to be loved unconditionally, and he can be fulfilled only when that happens. But it does not happen, because he never loves unconditionally. All lovers expect unconditional love from the other person, but nobody is ready to give it. There is something missing in both you and the other person. One has to begin with oneself. One has to work upon oneself to be able to love unconditionally. One has to love unconditionally not only people, but trees, birds, animals, stone and the wind. You have to spread your love to the whole. The day you can love the whole, without expecting anything in return, you have known the fundamental secret of life. You have known prayer, the ultimate love. Then the whole will pour its love on you. And that is what we have been searching for many lives.
My beloved friend Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal has described me: "Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life." Love is the flower of meditation. Without meditation the flower of love will not blossom. Without meditation what we call love is not really love. Without meditation love will only bring misery. What we call love will be possessiveness, jealousy, hate, domination and destructiveness.
Without meditation love will not be possible at all. When you go deeper in meditation, silence and awareness, the false and artificial will disappear and the real and authentic will start growing. Romantic love will grow into real love, anger changes into compassion, sadness will grow into and greed changes into sharing. When you come closer to the center of your being your ego will disappear. And the moment the ego disappears, love arises. Love is the flower of agelessness. Love is the crescendo of life. One who has attained to love has attained to God.
The most important spiritual teaching is to love yourself and watch. Love yourself and watch are the two steps of meditation. Just as food is nourishment for the body, love is nourishment for the soul. Without nourishment for the soul, the body becomes weak. Without the nourishment of love, the soul becomes weak.
To make you spiritually weak, all the religious traditions have taught you to love others, but don’t love yourself. All the cultures and civilizations have taught you not to love yourself because if a man cannot love himself, he cannot love anybody else either. That nobody can exploit, manipulate, and control you. You have been made afraid of being in love with yourself, which is the first step of love.
A man who loves himself respects himself. And a man who loves and respects himself loves and respects others. He becomes aware that we are not different: we are one. In the foundation, we are part of one nature. A man who loves himself starts overflowing so that his love starts reaching others. You love other people. You love animals, flowers and trees. Love makes you a spiritual force. Love yourself, because it can transform the whole world. Love begins with yourself, and then it can spread. Love yourself, and watch. The first step is to love yourself, and the second step is to watch. Love is the first step to knowing yourself. If you do not love yourself, you will never know yourself. Love your body, love your mind, and love your soul. Watching is meditation. Watching is another name for meditation. Be aware, be alert, and be conscious. The first step in meditation is to love yourself, respect and accept yourself as you are. The second step in meditation is to watch – watch when you take a walk, watch when you eat, and watch when you spend time with friends.
Love is the most precious thing in life. With love, life becomes meaningful. Without love, life becomes meaningless. Love as much as you can. Don't be miserly in life. Ordinarily people do not want to give love, they want to get love. This is what creates the misery of the world. The basic problem of the world is that everybody wants to receive love, but nobody wants to give love. Just as food is nourishment for the body, love is nourishment for the soul. Your soul also needs nourishment.
This is what creates starvation in the world, because we have been conditioned against love. We have been conditioned against loving and accepting ourselves, which makes it difficult to love others. We need to love ourselves first before we can love others. When we give love, you will receive love back, because love is an inexhaustible source. We have to learn to give love, we have to learn to share love. And do not only share it with human beings, share it with the whole existence. Share it with the trees, the flowers and the animals. Be in a constant state of love. Be in a love affair with existence. This is meditation, this is prayer.
Humanity is suffering from a lack of love. All other problems arise out of this problem. War, poverty and conflicts can disappear within minutes, because they are not the real problem. They are symptoms that love is missing. We have the science and technology to make earth a paradise, but nobody has the heart that can share. Instead science and technology are being used to destroy and to be destructive.
Seventy percent of the nation's income is being used on the army and development of new weapons. Man can be immensely happy. The world is full of all that is needed for man to be happy: the trees, the flowers, the people, the rivers, the mountains and the stars. But somewhere inside man something essential is missing. Man has forgotten the language of love. He lives through anger, power, violence, jealousy, conflicts and possessiveness. They are the enemies of love. These are the poisons, which destroy love. A meditator has to drop all that is against love. He has to move the barriers against love, so that love can start flowing, because love is our nature. When these obstructions are removed, love becomes a golden light It is a light that not only lights up your path, but it can also light the path of other people.
It is a light by which one becomes aware of God's presence. Love is the only light, which can become the bridge to God. Love is the only light, which becomes the realization of God.
Love starts with loving and accepting yourself as you are. Loving yourself and selfishness are two different things. To love and accept yourself does not mean to be narcissistic and obsessive with yourself. A basic love and acceptance for yourself are a basic phenomenon to learn to love other people. It is only then that you can really love somebody else.
Accept yourself, love yourself, because you are God's creation. There has never been anybody like you, and there will never be anybody like you. You are a unique creation of God, and without you God's symphony would be less. Acceptance creates the climate and atmosphere out of which love grows. Love is only possible when there is a deep acceptance of yourself, a deep acceptance of others and a deep acceptance of existence. Then for the first time, life is happening in your life and God is happening in your life. That is what life is all about.
The moment you love and accept yourself as you are, you begin to trust yourself, you begin to trust others and you begin to trust existence. When you accept yourself, you begin to accept life. When you reject and condemn yourself, you also reject life. If you reject yourself, you are also rejecting God. If you accept yourself, you also accept God. Then whatsoever happens is God. Then life is good and death is good, then love is good and aloneness is good.
Love is the fragrance of the eternal. It is the experience of conscious people, not of the unconscious people that the world is full of. Only a few people have really known what love is. Love is a rose of your own inner being Love is a spiritual experience, which has to do with your own being.
The first step is to know yourself, and love will come as a reward. Love is a shadow of your consciousness. Be more conscious and love will be there. You and love cannot exist together. If you are ready to disappear, to disappear as an ego, leaving only a pure being, a pure consciousness, love will blossom. Disappearing you will be able to give so much love, because it is not something exhaustible. And the more you give, the more you become capable of giving love. The greatest experience in life is when you simply give without any conditions, without any expectations. Then you can give love with a deep sense of gratitude to all that accept it. You can go on giving to everybody, not only to human beings, but to birds, animals and trees. From all over existence love starts showering on you. The more you give the more you receive. Life becomes a dance of love.
I would say to begin to start trusting yourself is the first lesson and the fundamental lesson on the spiritual journey. Trust is only possible if you first trust yourself. The most fundamental lesson has to happen within yourself first. In India, where they have developed the inner science of spirituality for thousands of years, they made a basic condition that one should begin to develop trust in oneself. If you do not trust in yourself, then no other trust is possible. If you trust you are open, receptive, if you are doubting yourself, you are closed. Intuition is basically to develop a trust in yourself. When you trust yourself, you can trust others, you can trust existence. Love and silence are the two ways to develop intuition, to develop trust in yourself. Trust is a prerequisite for love. Start loving yourself, if you do not love yourself, who is then going to love you? To love yourself is the first step to love others.
Love starts with loving and accepting yourself as you are. Loving yourself and selfishness are two different things. To love and accept yourself does not mean to be narcissistic and obsessive with yourself. A basic love and acceptance for yourself are a basic phenomenon to learn to love other people. It is only then that you can really love somebody else. Accept yourself, love yourself, because you are God's creation. There has never been anybody like you, and there will never be anybody like you. You are a unique creation of God, and without you God's symphony would be less. Acceptance creates the climate and atmosphere out of which love grows. Love is only possible when there is a deep acceptance of yourself, a deep acceptance of others and a deep acceptance of existence. Then for the first time, life is happening in your life and God is happening in your life. That is what life is all about.
The moment you love and accept yourself as you are, you begin to trust yourself, you begin to trust others and you begin to trust existence. When you accept yourself, you begin to accept life. When you reject and condemn yourself, you also reject life. If you reject yourself, you are also rejecting God. If you accept yourself, you also accept God. Then whatsoever happens is God. Then life is good and death is good, then love is good and aloneness is good.
Love starts with loving and accepting yourself as you are. Loving yourself and selfishness are two different things. To love and accept yourself does not mean to be narcissistic and obsessive with yourself. A basic love and acceptance for yourself are a basic phenomenon to learn to love other people. It is only then that you can really love somebody else. Accept yourself, love yourself, because you are God's creation. There has never been anybody like you, and there will never be anybody like you. You are a unique creation of God, and without you God's symphony would be less.
Acceptance creates the climate and atmosphere out of which love grows. Love is only possible when there is a deep acceptance of yourself, a deep acceptance of others and a deep acceptance of existence. Then for the first time, life is happening in your life and God is happening in your life. That is what life is all about. The moment you love and accept yourself as you are, you begin to trust yourself, you begin to trust others and you begin to rust existence. When you accept yourself, you begin to accept life. When you reject and condemn yourself, you also reject life. If you reject yourself, you are also rejecting God. If you accept yourself, you also accept God. Then whatsoever happens is God. Then life is good and death is good, then love is good and aloneness is good.
The spiritual journey means to learn to listen more and more to the heart. It means to learn to follow the heart. It means to gather the courage to follow the heart, instead of listening to the mind. The heart is yours, it is given by God, the divine. If you listen to the heart, it will not be difficult to go into meditation. Then you will know what to do and not to do. You immediately know what to do in the moment. You know from your being. The heart knows what to do, because the heart is already in contact with the whole. The heart lives in the mysteries of existence.
Love is not an exclusive relationship with another person; love is the quality that arises when we are in contact with our inner being, with our authentic self, with the meditative quality within, with the inner silence and emptiness. This inner emptiness is experienced by others and is expressed on the outside as love. This love is not addressed to a specific person; it is a presence and quality that surrounds a person like a fragrance.
What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced on your spiritual journey, and how have you overcome them?Meditation is the beginning of a long journey. If you allow the journey much can happen, but it depends on you and how much you allow. It is difficult to allow, because it needs trust. It needs trust, because the journey includes challenges and taking risks. It is a journey from the known into the unknown. They journey moves into unknown territory, where you have to leave the ego aside. You have to leave your strategies of self-defense, resistance and security. You have to leave the shore on which you have lived and move towards the vast ocean. If one takes the risk of dropping the ego, the other shore is reached immediately, So be ready for the ultimate journey, and be fearless in absolute trust.
The deepest pain in my heart has always been to be separated from life, to be separated from the inner song of meditation, to be separated from the Universal song. The most important thing in my life has been to discover the inner song of meditation in my own heart and being.
I remember an insight that taught me much about life. One day I felt that I had everything that I really wanted in life. I had a creative and meaningful work as a therapist and course leader, I had a relationship with a beautiful woman, who I loved and who loved me, I had friend that I trusted and I had money to do what I wanted. But in spite of all this, I still had a feeling that there was something missing in my life. I was not satisfied. The thirst and longing in my heart was still searching for something more. It made me realize that the deepest pain in my heart was that I was still separated from the Whole and that no outer things or relationships could ease this pain.
Aloneness has been my constant companion in life. I lost early the people that I loved: first when my young and unmarried biological mother had to leave me because of outer circumstances. I was adopted by a very loving couple, who could not conceive a child. I have always felt naturally loved by them, and I have never really felt that I was adopted. Instead, I have always felt that I did a little detour to be able to be adopted by my real parents.
Then my mother died when I was 15 years old after a long sickness. On her funeral I took the decision to never depend on anybody again. Her death created such a deep pain in me that it was also the death of relationships for me. Then my father died when I was 21 years old – and I was completely alone in the world. This created a basic feeling of being alone and unloved in me, it created early a feeling of independence and self-suffiency in me. It also created a basic feeling of not trusting that I am alright as I am, and of not trusting that life takes care of me.
This created such a pain in me that I simply repressed the pain for many years in order to survive. These early meetings with death also created a thirst in me to discover a quality, an inner awareness that death could not take away. Now I can see that these early painful experiences are a blessing in disguise. It liberated me from relationships. I relate with people, but there is always an aloneness within me. I realize that a seeker of truth needs to accept that he is totally alone. It is not possible to lean on other people like crutches. When we totally accept our aloneness, it becomes a source of love, joy, truth, silence, meditation and wholeness. Aloneness is to be at home in ourselves, to be in contact with our inner source of love, while loneliness is to hanker for other people, to hanker for a source of love outside of ourselves. Aloneness is to come home.
Being and working with people in courses has also been a meditation in itself for me. It has been a valuable experience in learning to trust and listen to my intuition, to the inner source of love, truth and wisdom, to the Existential voice within. It has been a lesson in how we through our intuition, through the silent whisperings of our heart, are in continuous contact with Existence.
When I did a therapist education in USA 1984, one of the course leaders – who had given personal and spiritual guidance to thousands of seekers of truth from all over the world, and who I consider to be one of the best spiritual therapists in the world – said that I was going to get enlightened, that I would ”disappear into the silence”.
I did not really understand what he meant then, and it was totally absurd for me when other course participants congratulated me afterwards. The thought that I was going to be enlightened was totally absurd for me. For me enlightenment was something that happened to special and chosen persons like Osho, Buddha, Jesus, Lao-Tzu and Krishnamurti. I did not feel either special or chosen. I did not feel worthy of being enlightened.
Enlightenment is a paradoxical phenomenon. You need to be committed to become enlightenment, and to do whatever is necessary to make it happen. But at the same time you cannot force enlightenment to happen by sheer will. It is like the situation with happiness: you cannot force happiness to happen, but you can create the right circumstances for happiness to happen. You need to be willing to die, to let go of your limited sense of “I”, to achieve enlightenment. I can feel a deepening thirst to die, to dissolve into the silence, in my heart and being.
It is astonishing to realize that growing up actually means to become one with Existence. It means to find the whole Existence within myself, it means to discover that Existence is alive in my own heart and being. The song of a bird echoes my own inner voice, the beauty of a flower reflects my own inner beauty, a dog becomes an expression of my own unconditional love and friendship, the majestic mountains create an ecstatic joy, and I discover all the shining stars of the sky within my own heart. It is to realize that the whole Existence is alive, and that the underlying thread of consciousness is God.
Life is really very simple. In each moment, we have the opportunity to choose between saying “yes” or “no”, to listen to our intuition, to listen to our true inner voice, the Existential voice within ourselves. When we say “yes”, we have contact with Existence and we receive nourishment, love, joy, support and inspiration. When we say “no”, we create a separation from life and begin to create dreams and expectations of how it should be. We begin to live in the memories of the past and in the fantasies of the future – as if any other time than here and now really could make us happy and satisfied.
How do satsangs contribute to spiritual growth, and what can participants expect from attending a satsang with you?Satsang is a direct insight and experience of being, our inner source of love, truth and freedom. This experience transforms our entire life and consciousness. Padma, my beloved friend for many lives and a participant in satsang described her experience of satsang: "Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten about the Upanishads is so exciting.
Satsang with Giten is like a scent, a flowering of This is it! Satsang with Giten has the same taste as satsang in India. Suddenly meditation is not dry and sterile, but an experience of love, silence and prayer, of being one with life .I was so afraid that I would lose the silence that I had found during satsang in India, but I found the silence again in satsang with Giten.
Samadhi is like dying. The fear that I experienced in the beginning in satsang when I went into samadhi, when I disappeared into the silence, has now disappeared totally. Satsang with Giten is like coming home. I went into samadhi three times during a satsang weekend with Giten - and I got a map and an understanding for how to go into samadhi again. Before I started to attend satsang, I did not think that enlightenment was possible, but now I feel that it is possible. Satsang with Giten confirms what I have really always known. I never thought that samadhi was possible, but in satsang with Giten, samadhi is knocking on the door.”
My beloved friend Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal read this description and said: "That is 100 % true."
How can people integrate the divine into their daily lives, especially in a fast-paced, modern world?Meditation is an inner journey. It is a journey from your periphery to your inner being, your center. Normally we have lived on the periphery for many lives, so we have become totally oblivious of the fact that we have a center. A man living on the periphery is without a soul. It is a man living without roots. He knows not where he is coming from, he knows not where he is and he knows not where he is going.
Meditation means an effort to become conscious. It means to create the fire of awareness in you. It is to find the inner being, the center, in us, because it is there. Once we have found the inner center, we find our roots. Then we have a soul. We know who we are. And that is the greatest moment in a man's life. It opens up the mystery of life. Suddenly God becomes available in all its joy, beauty and mystery. Then life becomes eternal. Then there is no death. Then our life becomes a joy.
Are there any new projects or books that you are currently working on? What can your readers look forward to next?I am currently writing the book "Man is part of the Whole", which is embarking on the greatest adventure in life, which is our real destiny in life. We are to disappear as we are to become that which is our real destiny: the whole. Man lives in a disharmonious way, because his effort is to live as an entity separate from the whole. He is trying the impossible, because he is part of the whole and can only be part of the whole. When you know how to be harmonious with yourself, you can be harmonious with existence.
The book presents a great synthesis between love and meditation, between the inner and the outer, which will create a new man, a new being, a new consciousness. The book is divided in three parts: Love and The Art of Living, The Art of Creativity and Meditation and The Art of Being.
Humanity is living in a very transformative period right now, which will end either in a climate crisis, a third world war or the transformation of humanity. This book is a way to help humanity in this difficult period, and to help seekers of truth and meditators to live through this period.
The book presents The New Man, A New Being, A New Consciousness - Vision for a New Humanity, which is an invitation to the intelligent and creative people of this threatened world. The new man is going to be the salt of the earth, who is concerned with how to increase silence, joy, love, truth, compassion and creativity of life.
It is a response to the report of the United Nations from the World Commission of
Environment and Development "Our Common Future", which identifies the major issues threatening the future of the world. The New Man presents a proposal for a viable humanity. It presents a diagnosis of the psychological and spiritual causes, which divides human beings into warring factions. It outlines the critical steps required if there is to be any future for humanity and the earth.
Humanity and the earth is one whole, one humanity. Looking at the world with a bird's eye view, it seems that we need one humanity. We need to begin to think of the whole.
Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says about the new book: "The people of the world need the fragrance of love. It is Giten's contribution to humanity."
In a letter to the U.S. President about the new book, I say that the past of humanity has been ugly. He says that earth needs the birth of a new man, who represents peace and brotherhood. It is the birth of a new man that can live at peace with existence. It means a new man, who can live in deep love, joy and creativity.”
In a letter to António Gutierrez, Secretary-General of the United Nations, about the book I say that humanity is suffering from a lack of love. All other problems arise out of this problem. War, poverty and conflicts can disappear within minutes, because they are not the real problem. They are symptoms that love is missing. We have the science and technology to make earth a paradise, but nobody has the heart that can share. Instead science and technology is being used to destroy and to be destructive.
The book includes the following topics: - The difference between saying Yes and No to Life, The difference between the new and the old man, Love and the Art of Living, The Art of Creativity and Meditation and the Art of Being, Man's Consciousness: A New Understanding of Life The, The Three Levels of the Human Consciousness: The head, the Heart and The Being, Do we have a Future?, Democracy: Freedom is the Essence of Democracy - Human Freedom and Wealth, Political ideologies: Democracy, Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, - Education - A New Education for the New Man, The Political Leader; War is a must for the Political Leader, Love unites and hatred Divides, The essence of Religion is love, To be in Power with Awareness, - Science and Consciousness, The Four Types of Man: Workers, Power: Politicians and Warriors, Business man and Knowledge: Wisdom and Spirituality, The Four Life Areas: Student and education, Family man, work and desires, meditation and enlightenment, Meditation - The Way to Change, Nations are the greatest problem, The Future: One world, one Earth and One Humanity, Creativity: To Make the World more Beautiful and Making Humanity Happy.
Information about the new and upcoming has been sent out to world media, and a distinguished New York based literary agency answered that the book "has sparked significant interest."
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Swami Dhyan Giten is a renowned spiritual teacher and author whose profound teachings have inspired and touched the hearts of thousands around the world. His books, articles, and quotes are increasingly featured in magazines, blogs, and homepages, reaching intelligent seekers of truth across the globe. With a rich body of work, Giten is the author of several best-selling books that explore topics of meditation, spirituality, and the journey to self-realization.