Hélène Ferreira Interview Published on: 14, Feb 2022

Where did you grow up? Do you think your upbringing has played any role in influencing your writing?

I grew up in Gauteng in South Africa. My mom taught me to read before I went to school and she took us to the library regularly. Being surrounded by books of all different genres and having a love for reading instilled in us certainly inspired my imagination. Books and movies, stories, were very much a part of our family life.

Where did you go to college? What was your major?

I studied physiotherapy at Stellenbosch University. The course curriculum and credits were set; and being a Bachelor’s of Science degree, included everything from Zoology, Anatomy, Chemistry and Physics, to Psychology I + II, with Physiotherapy being the major.

Do you remember the first book you ever read or was ever read to you?

Not the first. I think I was too young to remember it. I do remember having had this wonderful green Hans Christian Andersen omnibus which I read incessantly. Some of it was very grim, bleak and violent – really powerful stuff. I remember hoping that the prince would choose the little mermaid over his fiancé with every reread. And how I cringed when the dancing shoes were cut of off the girl’s feet. Eventually, when my son was born, I thought back to all those mother characters giving their firstborns away in exchange for all sorts of things. My goodness.

What challenges did you face while publishing your debut novel?

I discovered that finding a publisher was very difficult. Finding an illustrator to give the books the right feel was the next challenge. When I grew up I gravitated to books with bright and lively illustrations. Even now I often choose the more ‘pretty’ book. (On this point, I must just say: I will read all genres with any covers. Science and geography especially.) I was very fortunate in finding two different (sets of) illustrators to breathe colourful life into my visions – even in a better way than I could’ve imagined. The next challenge, as any self-published author will probably know, was getting the layout right. The one day bleed has to do with cutting one’s finger, the next day an incorrect amount of bleed is suddenly the reason for print rejection of the budding new book. It is a steep and ongoing learning curve. I am really enjoying it.

What is the hardest part of being a physiotherapist?

Sometimes the affliction that affects a person’s quality of life cannot be remedied. Disease or injury can ravage a person’s body and their relationships.

Is it important that an author has other friends that are writers as well? Do you have any?

It certainly has helped me a lot. My brother wrote a lovely novel. He had some great advice for me in terms of marketing and the process of book publishing in general. I have a friend who is a well-known author/artist in South Africa. Through her experiences I came to understand how difficult it was to find a publisher who shared one’s vision.

Why did you decide to publish the US English Edition of your book, The Rainbow Boat?

I wanted The Blanket Tree Books to be generally accessible to any little readers of English. The books were published in UK English as spoken in South Africa, which made it difficult to distribute in America, because of some of the words being misspelled in US English. Spelling is very important for early readers; it has no real bearing in adult literature. Hopefully all the books in the series will eventually be available in both UK- and US English.

How did you come up with the idea of your book, The Storm Tree?

It sprang into my mind as I was watching the hill in our town while driving towards it. My husband and son play the piano and our house is always filled with music. I love nature and trees, so a tree that makes music and saves a town from up on its hilltop felt potentially inspiring. I have seen how the people of our town came together to help each other after a flood and again after a fire. Natural disaster definitely inspires a strong community feeling. All these divergent, but complemetary themes somehow came together in The Storm Tree.

What do you like to do to relax? What kind of TV shows do you enjoy watching?

Beach walks, reading, seeing friends, watching movies, board games. Family time. On TV I enjoy anything clever and entertaining. From Ozark to Pride and Prejudice; Brooklyn 99 to The Floor is Lava...

What is something no one tells you about writing a children's novel?

That once you have written it, who will know that it even exists and buy it?

What is the best writing tip you ever received and who gave it to you?

The text editors: be aware of those adjectives...

What have been some of your best experiences while traveling?

Not having a set itinerary. Doing whatever looks interesting as and when the opportunity presents itself. Like the time I took a train trip up to Shynige Platte on an antique train on a whim. Arriving at the top in the deep snow without even a jersey, I realized that I haven’t considered the weather conditions. That I would have to take the very next train back down. My kindly travel companions whom I met on the train offered to lend me a jacket, thinking I was in their tour group. I had to decline, because where would I have found them again to return the jacket? Subsequently, I then kept running into that same group of people in random locations throughout the rest of my holiday and we felt like old friends.

If you had to write a book about your life, what would its title be?

The multiple ongoing and completed projects and adventures. Unedited and unvarnished

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

Three or four for me at the moment. I am starting work on the next one, which will have a lovable little misguided animal in the lead role. Who will or will not see the lessons to be learnt from all his adventures? We will see...

When did you join AllAuthor? How has your experience been?

Shortly after publishing The Rainbow Boat in 2021. AllAuthor is a brilliant site! It has very helpful promotional tools for authors. I’ve found the AllAuthor community to be very supportive. The authors and readers have amazingly clever, entertaining and touching biographies. I entered the cover of the month contest in August and found myself reconnecting with friends and family in an effort to drum up some more votes. Everyone’s support and efforts were fantastic. The whole experience gave me a good sense of being part of a community, both in and outside of Allauthor.

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