Jenny Lowe Interview Published on: 06, Feb 2023

Where were you born and brought up? I was born in Bountiful, Utah and grew up about 30 minutes north of Salt Lake City. Which is your favorite spot in the place and why?

Utah has so many amazing places to visit. I was always close to National Parks, mountains and lakes, which offered a lot of variety in things I loved doing growing up, as well as today. Every season here is unique and beautiful.

Where did you go to college?

I went to the University of Utah and Weber State for my undergrad in Business Administration and Utah State University to obtain my MBA.

Where does your love for books stem from?

I grew up not a big fan of reading. As I got older, I found that reading was therapeutic and fun. I never anticipated that I would write a book, but I felt so passionate about telling my story and sharing my struggles with others. Writing a memoir seemed to be easy for me because it felt like very in-depth journaling. I felt I could let the reader really see who I am and how I processed my emotions through the most difficult time of my life.

What are the things you are passionate about and really enjoy doing?

I love music and I love to sing. I have loved singing since I was a little girl. I have spent time in recording studios and have sang in front of people on a number of occasions. I grew up figure skating and am very passionate about the sport. I love to travel and experience new cultures and new places. I love planning and organizing things and love even more when I can experience new things with people I love and care about. Above all things though, I am the most passionate about being a mother. My journey changed and shaped my life into something I never expected. My daughter means everything to me, and I am dedicated to being the best mom and wife I can be for my family.

How did you prepare yourself to share your honest and emotional story in "Saved By Hope"?

I knew that a story about infertility and all that comes with it couldn’t be told without being very honest and vulnerable about my experience. Even if that meant telling very personal details about my body and my life. Add to that, I wanted to share my experience with fighting cancer because I had felt so unprepared for what to expect. I also knew I wanted James and I to be represented as “Intended Parents” when we were using a Gestational Carrier, so I knew I would have to be open about the good moments as well as the bad. I told myself not to hold anything back and that the benefit of being so raw and honest was that it might help someone who read our story. It really wasn’t a question of IF I would honest and emotional, but HOW to best capture those emotions in writing to convey to the reader.

What challenges did you face while publishing your debut novel?

I do not claim to be a strong writer, nor did I ever think I would be able to say I published a book. So, the entire experience, between writing, editing and publishing was completely new to me. I ran into personal hurdles because I put a lot of pressure on myself to spend time writing in moments that I didn’t really feel up for it. I knew I had invested my time and money and I felt pressure to make sure I didn’t quit. I found my editor and publisher very much by luck because of a connection to a book I had read about a surrogacy journey. I felt very fortunate to find the people I worked with because I knew there would be a lot of different options and it just has to feel right to work with an editor or publisher when sharing such a personal story. I think if I had not had this special connection, I might have gotten lost in all the questions of how to start. There is so much information on the internet about self-publishing or traditional publishing, not to mention editing, that I might have felt too overwhelmed to even start. I learned a lot along the way and would maybe do some things differently, now that I know the process a bit more, but I felt I had such great support in my corner.

What kind of impression do you hope your books will leave?

As cliché as it sounds, I wanted this book to inspire the idea of hope for anyone struggling with infertility or a life-threatening illness. It can be hard to stay positive when you are continually met with negative news. It is so easy and completely normal to fall into pits of darkness and pain, even to embrace those feelings for a time. However, it is so important for your mental and physical health to rise above that darkness by staying positive and hold on to hope. I also really wanted to convey the importance of being open and sharing your journey with others. You never know what others around you have gone through or are currently experiencing, and your honesty and openness could impact others in a way you never expected. I found that telling my story was impacting so many around me before I wrote the book, and that impact pushed me to want to share it with even more people.

What are some books that have really impacted you and your writing?

To be honest, I read a lot of fiction and have never been super critical of other writers. For me, what was most important in my writing was that I wanted it to sound like I was writing in a personal journal. I wanted the reader to feel like they had an insight into my life that was more intimate than just words on a page.

Your book Saved By Hope is your first and only book as of now and was very warmly received by the audience. Since it is such a special book in itself, how does that make you feel?

I am truly humbled and honored that it has been received as well as it has. I love hearing from strangers that tell me how it impacted them. I have been so blown away by the kindness of others because this was such a personal story to tell. I was so scared people would be bored or not care, but it has been the exact opposite and it truly is such an amazing thing to experience. Words really can’t describe how thankful I am.

What is your ideal setting to write in?

Oddly enough, working remotely since COVID19 started, you would think I wouldn’t want to spend any additional time sitting in my home office than needed, but that is where I wrote the entire story. After each chapter, James would come into my office and let me read out loud to him. I felt less distracted in a space that was already reserved for work time.

What kind of books do you like to read in your spare time? Who is one of your favourite authors?

Again, I mostly read fiction, and if I am honest, I don’t really read a lot from the same author. If I had to say what my favorite series is, I would say Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I love that I can read the series at any age, and it is descriptive, fun and imaginative.

Would you call yourself a ‘foodie’? What are some of your favourite foods and cuisine?

I absolutely am a foodie. I love all kinds of food from really gourmet cuisine to greasy fast food. One of my favorite things about traveling is being able to immerse myself in a new place and new cuisine.

Do you plan to continue writing memoir or will you also like to write in other genres?

At this point in time, I don’t have any plans in the future to write another book but will never say never!

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

AllAuthor has been a great space for me to connect with other authors and with readers. I love the support I have received from others through this channel. It is also so nice to be able to go to a site and find a lot of information about a particular book or genre and see what others are saying about the things they are reading.

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