Toronto, Canada
What were the factors you considered before deciding your career goal and objective?I had an Aunt that was a nurse, it was an easy choice.
Do you remember the first book you ever read?Likely something like Cat in the Hat
Who all are a part of your family? How critical are they of your writing?My husband and children are very important to me. They supported my decision to write a book.
How has been your experience of working within home care and hospital settings?I love my jobs, both hospital and community nursing have their own challenges and rewards.
How was Emerald Sky Investments started?I wanted to learn something new with my spouse for our future. We decided to start learning how to invest in real estate.
Did you expect to become an award-winning author of the book, You Deserve More: How to Reinvent Yourself at Any Age? What was your reaction?No I didn't. Receiving this award through the Raymond Aaron group, was wonderful!
What inspired you to write your second book, "How to Identify & Navigate Toxic Relationships: You Deserve More!"?I have learned through both work and personal experience, there is a lot of toxicity within various relationships. This books feels like it will help others deal with toxic relationships.
What is something no one admits about being a CEO?I believe may admit the work effort required. You start working in the business, then you have to work ON the business.
What are some ways in which you try to help everyone live their best life?Help them identify what is making them feel unfulfilled or dissatisfied. Unhappy with where they are in life or with their relationships.
Is it common to have toxic relationships in your life?Yes, it can be, as we come into contact with new people all the time. As well, family and friend relationships can become toxic. My second book helps identify when certain relationships become toxic and how create boundaries and reduce or eliminate toxic relationships.
What's the single best bit of advice you've been given as an entrepreneur?Learn, meet people, join groups and just start. Small steps ahead is better than none and don't feel you will know everything before you begin, you never will. We learn from mistakes also.
How important is physical fitness to mental acuity?Physical and emotional health are linked together. We need them to both be stable, for goal attainment to occur. I discuss both in detail within the book.
What are some book suggestions about self-empowerment?We learn how to identify what we want in relationships and in life, both follow a similar theme in the way that we are Wanting More, but due to different reasons. In my first book (Any Age), we discuss in general terms what may be holding people back from goal attainment and how to work on their confidence to make changes. In my second book (Toxic) we are more specific on relationships and how they are not working for us.
When were you first introduced to AllAuthor and how?I had seen other other posts on social media, talking about this site.
Empowerment Author, Jill Hartzog has worked within home care and hospital settings in both Canadian and US healthcare systems. Her debut novel, "You Deserve More!" is an award-winning book on how to identify and achieve personal and professional goals. The authors really understand the reader and provide an easy read. Her second book, How to Identify & Navigate Toxic Relationships: You Deserve More! has now hit Amazon as well.