I was born in Philadelphia, PA, but moved to Maui, Hawaii when I was 4. My husband is from Minnesota. We met on Kauai and moved here after his time in the Coast Guard was over. We’ve been here for 25 years.
Are you an avid reader? Did you read a lot of books during your childhood?I try to get lost in someone else’s story each night, but that doesn’t always happen. I mainly read other author friends. I didn’t read a lot as a kid or young adult. The love of it came much later for me. I do feel like I missed out.
Can you tell us about your journey into writing romantic suspense? What inspired you to explore this genre?I can’t say for sure what led me to this. I guess I write what I’d like to read. I’ve never read Harlequin romances and am not a huge fan of Hallmark movies. I like a little “grit” to the story, not the predictability so many enjoy and find comfort in. I always say my characters are in control. I saw a fun meme that is sort of me in a nutshell: I don’t write my novel. My characters do stupid things, and I write up the accident report.
At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?I was told since the 3rd grade I would be a writer. It wasn’t till I was almost forty before I got that 1st book down. It was the first book in my middle grade series - Before Happily Ever After. I use the pen name Ann T Bugg for those.
How did you come up with the title of your novel, Eighty-eights, Baby?The book’s main character is a trucker. 88’s is CB talk for love and kisses. My characters usually name my books.
How did you approach incorporating twists and surprises into your romantic suspense novel, "Double Mocha, Heavy on Your Phone Number"?That is one of my favorites and my 1st romantic suspense. Things just fell into place there. I hadn’t planned on Ellie being a twin, Nancy just showed up. The devilish antics just happened after that.
As a writer, how many of the things you write are true?More than I should admit. Most of my characters have jobs I had. A couple Maui books are a lot of what happened to me (and hubby). In one book, everything that happened while I wrote it ended up in the book - from sauce boiling to a rescue boxer.
When you read a book, do you ever read the last chapter first so you know what will happen before you start from the beginning because you’re impatient?Never. If I read something by a friend, I will rarely read the back blurb. I like to be surprised in all things. I was never a present shaker and I’m the only person I know who didn’t find out the sex of their baby before birth.
How do you take your writing from idea to finished product? Do you have steps or a checklist?I'm what you call a pantser. That’s writing by the seat of your…butt. I’ve never outlined – it just happens. I’ve also never had writer’s block. I believe there’s a connection there. I’m not forcing getting from A-Z – I let it happen. My characters seem to know what they are doing and I roll with it.
How do you strike a balance between romance and suspense in your novels?That one is kinda tough. There’s always something going on, always someone “hunting” them, yet they find time to “get bizay.” I’m at that in-between genre. It’s not sweet but it’s not erotica.
Are there any specific 80's songs or artists that have directly inspired certain scenes or plot points in your books? Can you give us an example?Just one comes to mind. The original title for Let’s Start With Forever was Vienna Waits for you. The lyrics completely fit each scene and Marshall would sing them to Vicki. I wrote Billy Joel’s lawyer – it was a big fat zero to be able to use them unless I paid well over whatever I’d see in sales. Rightfully so, but I pouted for a long time. LOL I may still make a reference to it here and there, just can’t use the lyrics.
Can you share any insights or advice for aspiring romantic suspense authors?This is for all authors: Don’t be in a rush to get your book out there. I had an agent come knocking after my 1st title was published. I was under contract with a small press that got me nowhere. I always wondered where I’d be if I only tried a little harder.
Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?I’m actually working on two. I never do this, but I’m going back and forth between a stand-alone and an off shoot for my Hailey series. Fans have asked for Donny to have his own book. He’s finally giving it to me.
June Kramin is an author who prefers to go by the whimsical moniker "Bug." With a fascinating life journey that began in the vibrant city of Philadelphia but swiftly transplanted to the serene shores of Maui, Hawaii, Bug's story is as diverse as it is captivating. In the pages of her writing, Bug captures the essence of her rich experiences, infusing her narratives with a blend of nostalgia, romance, and a touch of whimsy.