K.G. Inglis Interview Published on: 30, Mar 2021

Since how long have you been living in a beach town on the Southern Coast?

I’ve been calling my beach town home for about 14 years. It’s a great place to live with it’s friendly and relaxed atmosphere, but isn’t too far from the big city to miss out on the benefits it has to offer.

What was your childhood dream and what are you doing now? Are you satisfied?

My childhood dream was to be a Vet, but I when I discovered you needed good Math to get into the course I changed my mind. If I run out of fingers and toes to count, I’m lost. So, instead I chose to work at the university instead, first in medical research and then administration. Now, I work from home as a medical audiologist 70% of the time and 30% writing my novels. I’m loving what I do, but I would like to make writing my career 100%.

Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?

I have my first six books published through Xlibris, and while it suited me to use their services in the beginning, since I had no clue what I was doing, I have now come to the conclusion that Self Publishing is the way to go for me. I have found that having someone else controlling many aspects of my books is very limiting when it comes to things like promotion and marketing them. I’ve now started publishing my own books, starting with book 7, Eternal Youth and a Box Set of books 1-4.

Which was the first book you published on any online book site?

Originally I posted my books on FictionPress and BooksieSilk for people to read for free. It was the owner of BooksieSilk who originally started me on the path to publish my books when he offered me a contract with his publishing company. I still keep teaser chapters for each book on both those sites for each of my books, including upcoming books not yet released.

What is a piece of helpful advice for people who are interested in writing romantic suspense?

Plan out your plot carefully so you don’t forget about the small clues, twists and turns you put into the story, and know your characters personalities well. It helps if you can use events or situations familiar to you, to bring the scenes to life more fully.

How did you begin writing the Eternal series?

I had a story stuck in my mind that I kept hoping I would read in someone else’s book, of course no matter how many books I read, I just never did. So, one day I decided to write that story myself and I quickly discovered it would take more than one book to tell the whole story. I have fifteen books planned for the series with ideas for at least one spin off series.

Who inspired the character of Narayan in Eternal Temptation?

Narayan, a Buddhist monk, is a character with high morals and strict disciplines who struggles with his vampire nature. Basically, his character was created as a representation of the struggle many people have in everyday life, conforming to expectations but craving something more or different, and feeling like they’re stuck in limbo somewhere in between until something fundamental happens to set them on their true path.

What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

You need to know your characters and have a carefully thought out plot. People want to be able to connect with what is happening through visually descriptive scenes and relatable events, thoughts and feelings.

What kind of audience do you hope to appeal to with your books?

My books have some adult content so definitely over 18 years old. Otherwise, anyone who loves paranormal romance, vampires, werewolves, dragons, magic, angels and demons, and who want to be entertained through lots of fun, laugh-out-loud humor and who love to be kept on the edge of their seats with fast paced suspense, action and drama, will love my books.

What are some books that are a must read for all avid readers?

There are so many books I could recommend, but for people who love historical romance/drama, Diana Gabledon’s Outlander Series. For PNR books, Jacquelyn Frank’s Nightwalker Series, Maggie Shayne Wings Of the Night Series, or Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse Series. Or for something with more adult content Lora Leigh Breed’s Series….to name a few.

When writing novels, is it better to have daily time-spent-writing goals or words-written goals?

Personally, I prefer to set my goals by time, not words-written. I find if I can set aside eight hour blocks to write, I achieve a higher quality of writing than if I try to reach a target of 2,000 or 5,000 words in one sitting.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Finding the time to write can be hard. Even when you plan to sit down to write, sometimes life gets in the way. It is frustrating to have a scene stuck on replay in your mind and knowing it will only stop once you’ve written it into the appropriate place in the story.

What is the sweetest fan-mail that you have ever received?

For me, just receiving posts on my social media pages of excited people holding my books makes my day.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is it about?

I am currently writing book 9 in the Eternal Series. It is a story based in Florence, Italy, with strong historical ties to the Medici family in the 15 th century, in the search for one of the missing artefacts. There are many humorous and dangerous scenes as the characters sent to retrieve the artefact go undercover posing as a couple at a Couples Therapy Retreat. Concurrently the story also covers events leading up to a wedding in Fey with evolving new dangers from a dimensional breach to the Underworld which has been opened.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

I really enjoy being associated with AllAuthor. There are many ways an author can promote their books and gain exposure to thousands of potential readers on a sustained basis with AllAuthor, that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

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