Kristy Dixon Interview Published on: 09, Jan 2024

What is the name of your hometown and what do you think is the best thing about the place?

I live in Syracuse Utah. I love it because it’s big enough for a Walmart, but small enough to still see farms. I have to comment every single time I see a cow or a sheep. I’m a bit annoying at times.

Can you tell us about your journey as a writer, starting from when you first began writing stories at the age of seven to where you are now as an author?

When I was seven, I started trying to outdo my classmates by writing the longest stories. I loved making up stories in my head when I probably should have been listening to the teacher. I started a bunch of books over the years, but I never finished them. I would move on to a different idea. Once I hit the right category it became more fun, and I am now able to write and finish. I have brainstorming sessions with my kids and we have a lot of fun. The Silver Eclipse was my first trilogy and I hope to have many more.

You initially attempted historical fiction but switched to fantasy writing. What inspired this transition, and what do you find most enjoyable about writing fantasy?

One day my fifteen-year-old told me to stop writing western romance and historical fiction and try ya fantasy. That was when everything took off. The Silver Eclipse was my first trilogy and I hope to have many more. Fantasy is really fun because you don’t have to obey rules. Anything can happen and that makes it magical.

What inspired your first original story? Did you share the tale with anyone?

I can’t remember when or how I first had the idea. I used to keep all my ideas to myself but now I share everything with my husband and kids.

"The Silver Eclipse" was written at the urging of your children. How did their input and influence shape the story, and what do they think of the final result?

I have regular brainstorming sessions with my teens. I tell them what I’m thinking and they give me their input. They make sure I don’t put anything in that will embarrass them. I have to lock my file so they can't take anything out without my permission! Some situations are loosely based on my kids and they love it. My teens have all read the trilogy multiple times and my nine-year-old listens to the audiobook every night. She has some of it memorized. They all love telling their friends about it. Some of my biggest fans came because of my kids telling people about it.

With nine children and six chickens, you have a busy life! How do you manage to find time for writing amidst your family responsibilities?

I actually have ten children now. It can be hard to find time, but my kids are so excited about my writing that they are willing to help out more. I also neglect the mountain of laundry more than I should…

Could you share some of your favorite writing routines or rituals that help you stay productive and creative?

I just write when I can. It’s impossible with so many kids to keep to a schedule. I also only write what I can. If I’m stuck on one book, I write a different one. Sometimes I’m writing three at a time. It’s better to mix it up than to do nothing when I’m not feeling one project.

Are there any authors or books that have had a significant impact on your writing style or the themes you explore in your stories?

My books are nothing like The Wheel of Time, but they were the first fantasy books I fell in love with. Harry Potter and Keeper of the Lost Cities are the two series that pulled me into a love for younger fantasy reads.

Can you give us a brief overview of "The Silver Eclipse" and what readers can expect from the book?

Graham is a sixteen-year-old boy from Earth who lives with his aunt. He accidentally follows a girl named Wren through a portal to a magical world. Portals are illegal and unpredictable so she can’t take him back. The series revolves around Graham, Wren, Tal, and Ming Li as they work to stop an evil organization called The Dark cloud. It focuses a lot on friendship and making choices. There are magical creatures and a lot of humor. There is some romance in the second and third books because that is something I can’t seem to leave out of anything I write.

What challenges did you encounter while writing "The Silver Eclipse," and how did you overcome them?

The story came naturally, but I did get interrupted a lot. My three-year-old wanted to brush my hair while I typed so that was an adventure. I had to start writing in shorter sessions to get more quality writing in.

Letting people read my books was hard at first. Once I received a lot of positive feedback it became easier.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers, especially those who are juggling family life and creative pursuits?

First, do not let it get in the way of the family. It’s easy to get lost in your own world and forget who you are doing it for. It will still be there when you come back. Second, just do what you can and don’t set unrealistic expectations.

You mentioned your love for cookies. Do you have any favorite writing snacks or treats that keep you motivated during long writing sessions?

I wish I could say broccoli… Cookies are my weakness. My daughter makes an awesome Disneyland chocolate chip cookie. I’m also a huge fan of chocolate milk and hot chocolate. I’m really not healthy when I write.

How can readers connect with you, learn more about your work, or stay updated on your latest releases and news?

I have a website at where you can sign up for my newsletter.

Are there any upcoming projects or stories you're currently working on that you can share with your readers?

I just got a book back from my editor, and I am really excited about it. It is called The Amethyst Crown. It is a standalone, but it can be read after The Silver Eclipse. It has two minor characters from The Silver Eclipse and takes place two years in the future. It is a romantasy and can appeal to adults as well as teens.

I’m also working on another trilogy in the same world that involves a continent and a people that have been lost to the world for hundreds of years. It has some characters from The Silver Eclipse. It’s going to be a fun one.

What is your takeaway based on your experiences with AllAuthor? What is it about this site that you like and dislike?

AllAuthor has saved me a few times when I needed to make ads. I love the different mockups and templates that I can easily add my book covers to.

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