Lauren Alsten Interview Published on: 28, Mar 2022

Tell us a little about your hometown and your life growing up.

My hometown used to be a medium-sized Midwestern suburb, with just the right blend of farms and malls. I used to hang out in the backseat of my mom’s car, gazing out the orange hatchback and writing stories about children and stuffed animals in my green spiral notebook.

Which of your childhood dreams was the first to die?

Life was filled with amazement but also sorrow, as one of my childhood friends died of a brain tumor at the tender age of eight. I figured out the same year that nobody hops down your chimney once a year bearing gifts. From then on, I didn’t quite believe in the notion of forever, or “everything’s going to turn out fine.” I was always painfully aware that life could change at any moment, and sometimes it was painful. Everything you thought was true could suddenly be gone. Luckily, I’m not the same person anymore, and now, I’m so very grateful for every experience that comes my way, good or bad. They’re overwhelmingly good most of the time ❤

Describe to us the moment when you decided to pursue writing as a real career? What are some inhibitions you had at the time and how did it turn out?

I’m still deciding to make it my career! It’s taking longer than anticipated

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