Laurie Buchanan Interview Published on: 28, Jun 2021

What's your happiest memory from childhood?

The Christmas that I received a microscope is a fantastic memory. I was bound and determined to become a mad scientist, and getting a microscope was a big step toward that goal.

How has your childhood shaped who you are today?

I'm fortunate to have had outdoorsy parents. That made a huge positive impact on who I am today.

Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?

My mother instilled my love of books. I started reading by myself around the age of seven and haven't stopped since. I currently read about two books a week and post a short review for each one of them. Many of my own readers follow my reading journey on Goodreads.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My husband, Len, is my number supporter. My sister, Julie, is right on his heels.

What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the publishing journey?

My favorite part is the actual writing. There's nothing better than clearing my schedule and knowing that I've got several uninterrupted hours to sit down and write. My least favorite used to be marketing, but AllAuthor has made it easy!

What has the reception been like for your book "Indelible: A Sean McPherson Novel" so far? Have you received any fan mail?

If you can go by the reader reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub, Indelible's been well received. And I’m delighted to share that so far, it's won two book awards.

Who inspired the character of Sean McPherson?

When I was at a writing retreat on Whidbey Island (off the Washington state coast), I saw a groundskeeper pushing a wheelbarrow, and my mind started spinning tales. That was the initial seed of Sean McPherson.

Do you have a "reader" in mind while writing?

I have me in mind when I write. I write what I love to read—not only the types of storylines but HOW it's told—the writing style.

While choosing a name for your character, what aspects do you consider that determine what you finally call them?

I wanted my main character to be of Irish descent, so I researched Irish male given names and sir names, and Sean McPherson is what I chose. His nickname is "Mick" (short for McPherson).

Do you ever get writer's block? Any tips on how to overcome it?

Fortunately, that hasn't been an issue for me.

Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness from a stranger?

Yes, on numerous occasions. The most recent instance was when I was putting gas in my car. A young man who was also pumping gas was washing his car windows while he waited. When he finished, instead of putting the squeegee away, he came over to my car and cleaned my windows too.

Which option do you prefer, reading some books or watching movies adapted from them?

I much prefer to read a book than to watch a movie adaptation.

Does writing make you feel more relaxed, or does it do the opposite and give you a lot of energy?

For me, it's a bit of both. Writing (especially when I'm in the zone) is relaxing, but it takes mental energy. By the time I finish a writing session, I'm drained.

Which is the next book you are working on? Could you give us an insight into it?

ICONOCLAST (book two in the Sean McPherson novels) is already at the publisher. It hits the shelves on May 3, 2022. Part of it takes place on a whale-watching boat near the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington state.

IMPERVIOUS (book three in the Sean McPherson novels) is three quarters finished. It hits the shelves in the spring of 2023. Part of it takes place in New Orleans.

INIQUITY (book four in the Sean McPherson novels) will hit the shelves in the spring of 2024. Part of it will take place in Seattle.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

Excellent! The customer focus I receive from AllAuthor has far exceeded my initial expectation. And the graphic-creation tools are fun easy to use.

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