I have lived in Chagrin Falls for almost 30 years. I have always lived in the northeast suburbs of Cleveland. Growing up, I lived in Mayfield Village, which is about 20 miles away.
When did you begin designing Christmas ornaments? How has been your journey of being a freelance artist?I have been designing Christmas ornaments for about 35 years. It started out as a hobby, to the point I have now gained a following for my designs. I have worked very hard at keeping my designs original and fresh, with both my ornaments and freelance work.
Why is writing romance novels important to you? Why did you choose this genre?I had no intention of writing a romance novel, let alone a series. In 2008, 2010 and 2012 I was a finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off. Some of the other finalists and I started emailing back and forth and a few kept telling me I should write a book. So, one day I sat down and did exactly this. I had always thought I would write about my experience as a finalist, a more humorous style of writing, but evidently this was not to be. I do include a lot of humor in my series. After all, one can’t be serious all of the time. Especially when it comes to falling in love.
Coming up with the titles of your latest series every month is a difficult task. How do you think of monthly titles for your books?Usually about half way through the book, the title comes to me. Up until then I draw a blank, but as the story starts to fall into place, it hints at what the title should be. I always include the title somewhere in the story. I didn’t know this, but I guess a lot of people look for this when they read a book.
How did you come up with the idea of writing Twelve love stories for twelve months?I had no intention of writing a series. At first, I was almost overwhelmed by the fact I was actually writing a book. But a close friend of mine, whom I asked to read my manuscript, told me she couldn’t wait to read what was going to come next in the story. So, I thought, why not? The title, A Million Decembers set the tone for the idea of a love story for each month, in no particular order. I think I must have been out of my mind to attempt a series with twelve books, but here I am, already halfway through (Book 6 is just about ready to be published). I must confess, I’m quite proud of myself.
Who inspired the character of "Chester Mazzori" in "February's Angel"?Chester… he’s a great guy, isn’t he? I really don’t know what inspired me to come up with his personality. I think I wanted to show this tough-don’t-bother-me-because-I-can-do-fine-on-my-own kind of guy had a soft spot inside, just waiting for someone to bring it out. And Sophie was able to do this. When it comes to complete opposites, they fit the bill.
What is the most outrageous thing you've done to write or publish one of your books?I can’t think of anything to answer this. I am not an aggressive or pushy person. My husband keeps telling me I have to get my name out there, push my books. But I just can’t do this. I’ve even made it a point not to ask people what they think of the book unless they bring it up. I know, not good. I guess marketing just isn’t my thing. I’m hanging on to the hope that eventually the series will catch on.
How much do you think you have grown as a writer since your first book in the "Twelve Months, Twelve Love Stories" series?My writing has become so much better with each book I write, the words flow more effortlessly. And I love it when people get so excited when they hear I have written a book(s). Especially when they’ve read one and tell me they can’t wait for the next to come out. This makes me feel like I have accomplished something special.
As a writer, how do you keep track of all the different characters and stories you've written? Do you have any favourites?It is getting harder and harder to keep everyone straight and in the right timeline. I like to introduce a few new characters in each book to keep the reader’s attention, making them wonder who the MC’s will be next. My favorite MC’s are probably Chester and Sophie. There is just something very loveable about them. But then I tend to fall in love with each new set of MC’s as I write their story. It’s always a sad time when the book finally comes to an end, while at the same time, I am already thinking ahead to the next book and getting to know what the MC’s will run up against.
What are some things you wish someone had told you when you were still new to the writing world?Read, read, read as much information as you can if you are thinking about self-publishing a book. Because there are so many people out there who try to sell you on what you need to be successful. I get very upset with all of these vanity publishing companies who make promises, but it really only comes down to the money. I believe if you write something good, eventually you will come out the winner in the end. It takes a lot of hard work, but it’s definitely worth it.
How do you think social media platforms like Instagram help you to reach a wider audience?I am still learning all the ins and outs of Twitter and Instagram. Now that my sixth book has been published, my plan is to devote more time to both of these sites. Not only are they a great way to get the word out about my book and the series, but they're also an opportunity to connect with other authors. My problem is there never seems to be enough time and if I had a choice, I'd rather spend the time writing.
How has the audience and readers received "A Million Decembers"? Does their response inspire you to write more?Well, let’s just say, I’m hanging in there. I have received a lot of very positive reviews and followers of the series and this is what keeps me going.
Which is the next book you are working on? When is it due for release?Book #6 of the series, A January to Remember, is now available in both paperback and EBook through Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0960031197 and also through the UBL: https://books2read.com/u/mgGpVq</p> Who are some of your author friends and how have they helped you in your growth as a writer?
One of my good author friends is JingleBelle Jackson. She writes a series called the South Pole Santa. She was the person who encouraged me to finally make the plunge and self-publish. I have a few other friends who are more than willing to be my readers and aren’t shy when it comes to letting me know about any changes or missed mistakes.
What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some highlights?I appreciate the sincerity of AllAuthor and the fact you are always taking steps to make improvements to the site. I like that I’m able to check out what other authors are doing and this informationis also open to readers. After all, they are what keeps us writing.
Author of "Twelve Months, Twelve Love Stories" series, L. B. Joyce lived in Chagrin Falls for almost 30 years. A freelance artist by day, with designing Christmas ornaments her specialty, she’s also a writer by night. She been designing Christmas ornaments for about 35 years and has worked hard at keeping her designs original and fresh. Her descriptions of the settings make it easy to visualize and draw the readers into the story.