Marla A. White Interview Published on: 07, Mar 2023

Where did you grow up as a child? What was your favorite holiday as a child?

My family moved around quite a bit as a child, which might explain my love for reading!

Favorite holiday hands down is Christmas. I’m the youngest of 6 siblings so it was great (and sometimes awful!) to have everyone gather in one place.

Did you ever dream of becoming an author? What were your dreams during childhood?

I always dreamed of writing stories, but initially I saw myself as a TV writer. I think that shows in my dialogue in my books. I dreamed of writing and owning horses and am thankful that I got to do both.

Why did you choose to write in the romance genre?

I don’t actually write true romance. There’s a little spice in my mysteries, but I gotta admit, I’m a little too shy to go full on romance.

What was the first book you ever published? What year was this?

First book I published was technically an e-book novella in 2021, “The Starlight Mint Surpirse Murder”. First book available in paperback was my self-published contemporary fantasy, “The Angel by the Tower” also in 2021.

What are some things that haven't been done in the romance genre that you hope to introduce through your books?

Again, I’m not what I consider to be a true romance writer, but as far as the romances in my mysteries my particular tone leans into a dash of humor. Not that it’s never been done before, not at all, but it’s what I love to do.

How did your friends and family react to your first book?

Very very differently. My friends were very excited and were dying for the next book in the “Angel” series. My family…oddly not big readers. I’m not even sure more than one or two have read it.

What is the one most important thing you are trying to achieve by your writing?

I want to entertain people. One review of “Starlight” mentioned reading the book was a nice respite at the end of a tough day. Nothing makes me happier than that.

How different would your life be had you not discovered writing?

I discovered it pretty late in life, to be honest. I spent most of my life as a development executive working with writers on their scripts. I had written scripts, even came close to some success, but didn’t think I could do it. I wish I had the confidence in my writing back than that I do now.

What is the story behind "Cause For Elimination"? What do you enjoy most about writing contemporary romance?

“Cause” is inspired by my own experiences in the eventing world and with horses in general. It’s a world I love and a backdrop I hadn’t seen a lot of before. Dick Francis was one of my favorite authors growing up and was greatly influenced by his work. What I love the most, if I’m being honest, is the banter particularly between my two side characters, Lottie and Dennis, who are very strong personalities. I loved seeing Dearg, the fictional Scottish eventing legend grow from a one scene and done character to someone who has so much of an impact on the story that he might get his own book.

I’ve talked to other authors who have had the same experience. It sounds weird to say characters talk to you but on really good day, they truly do! Dearg was very pushy about deserving a bigger role in the story! LOL.

Who inspired the character of Lucifer in "The Angel At The Gate"?

That is an excellent and complicate question. At their heart, the “Angel” books are all about family. A family of archangels who bicker and love the same as the rest of us. So he’s inspired more by events and situations than any one particular person. As part of a big family myself, some days we all play different roles but none of them are quite as they seem.

Are you friends with other authors? If so, how have they helped you in your journey as a writer?

I have three very close friends who are authors. We used to meet once a month and exchange thoughts on each other’s pages. Time and distance prevents us from doing that but those get togethers definitely put my on the path to becoming a writer that I might never have followed otherwise.

Have you ever been approached by fans on the street? What's the nicest thing a fan has ever said to you?

I look forward to that some day!

How did you begin writing The Keeper Chronicles series? Do you find it more challenging to write?

I love spending time with Gabriel, Evie, Lucifer, Abby and Ryan so much I hate the days when I’m too busy to be with them! It offers a lot of opportunities to dig into beliefs, ancient mysteries, and mythical monsters, which can be challenging, but also a lot of fun.

What other things, apart from writing do you enjoy doing?

I love gardening and spend as much time outside as I can. I get obsessed with puzzles and sometimes have to force myself to take a break before starting the next one. Like everybody, I became and avid if not accomplished baker during the pandemic. I enjoy making craftsy gifts for friends and family as well.

What do you think of AllAuthor? Has this website been helpful to you?

I think AllAuthor has been tremendously helpful, featuring my books an helping get the word out over Twitter.

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