Frank J Musumici Interview Published on: 27, Aug 2021

What do you miss the most about growing up in Hoboken, New Jersey?

The feeling of community a small town like Hoboken provides to its residents. Now many may disagree with my description of “small town” since Hoboken’s population during my childhood stood at 45,000 and was squeezed into 16 blocks. You would be surprised with that many people it seemed as though everyone was either a friend or belonged to your extended family. If you need me to be specific then it would be hanging out with my friends in Four Street Park cracking jokes about one another including tossing friendly insults about each other and our families.

Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Every summer playing with my friends at the local school yard (Wallace School), two-touch football, Johnnie on the pony, bottle caps and kick the can.

Do you remember the first mystery novel you read?

The Killing Floor by Lee Child- I was working as a railroad conductor and one evening, a commuter finished it and handed it over to me to read. It was a great read, so much so, that I read every “Jack Reacher” book after that making Lee Child one of my all-time favorite authors.

When and how did you decide that you wanted to be a professional writer?

I don’t consider myself a professional writer only because it’s not the source of income to support our family. If anything, I consider myself someone who has stories to tell with the expectation to get to as many readers as possible to enjoy them.

What inspired you to write the novel, Marked?

One of the common issues that has come up as I read a multitude of books was each would devote a chapter or two to fluff. I decided to write a book that did not contain any fluff. Each page provided some importance or insight into the storyline. The purpose was to provide the audience no choice but to read all night in order to get to the end.

How do you write a suspenseful book, when you already know where the plot is going?

Great question, the way I was able to get by that was to write the story without the suspense. Once it was done, I would remove the portions that provided the answers readers would have been asking if it were not in the story.

What do you enjoy reading the most?

Mysteries and thrillers are the only genres I read. Yes, I’ve limited myself but those stories do not get old for me.

What is one of the biggest mistakes you made as a new author and how did you fix it?

I made the mistake of not having my manuscript professionally edited prior to sending out to agents. That mistake resulted in receiving 125 rejection letters. One agent turned the light on for me by suggesting I get an editor to review my manuscript prior to sending out. I did and it was finally picked up.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Whenever I felt like writing, usually late evenings when my kids were in bed or playing video games.

Who is your target audience? What are some things you wish your readers would take away from your books?

I wanted “Marked” to appeal to every adult above the age of eighteen. The way in which the dialogue between the protagonists uses humor in all conversations regardless of seriousness. This type of humor can either diffuse a dicey situation or exacerbate it. Whichever one it is will still be entertaining to the reader.

How do you spend “quality time” with yourself?

Is this a trick question? Why reading a good book, of course.

Do you usually write the 'back-of-the-book' blurbs at the back of your books or does your editor?

No, for, “Marked” I wrote the blurb.

Which is your favorite place to visit in Hudson County?

Visiting with family who are sprinkled throughout Hudson County. As well as being able to reminisce with my kids at all my stomping grounds when we are there for any events, for example, Hoboken High School, 4th Street Park (Church Square Park), Wallace School, and the Piers.

Are you working on a new book? Is it going to be a series or a standalone?

I’m currently working on a new standalone, “Hunted”. I’ll be pitching it in September 2021 so all agents associated with AllAuthor be aware and ready to respond.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

Since the book was published by a small publishing house, Austin Macauley, U.S.A, I didn’t have a big marketing budget. Authors are expected to do their share of marketing and promotion. I’ve conducted research and participated in several promotional campaigns with other companies but the one that I believe was most helpful in promoting, “Marked” and me as an author was AllAuthor.

The services provided authors are tremendous, especially the feature your book which provides exposure not normally seen or provided from other promotional companies. That’s one great reason, I’ve recommended AllAuthor to other writers, but like those commercials that tell the viewer, “but there is more” it’s true with AllAuthor. The extras provided are what I believe puts them over the top, such as the Review GIF Maker and my favorite tool the Seasonal Mockup Banner. This one creates promotional banners for specific occasions, like Christmas.

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