Penny N Haavig Interview Published on: 09, Aug 2023

Theater appears to be a significant part of your family's history. How has growing up in a family of stage performers influenced your writing style or storytelling techniques?

Theater has always been a passion of mine, on and off the stage. I excelled in Speech and English due to my family history.

What were some of your career aspirations as a child or teen and have they changed over the years?

As a younger person, I felt insecure and had a very low self esteem. I never thought I could perform in front of an audience. My faith in God, brought my talent for performing out in the open in my adult years.

How have your New York roots influenced your writing? Do you find that your Minnesota surroundings also play a role in shaping your stories?

My mother spoke to countless ladies groups with an amazing sense of humor. She always wanted to write a book about her interesting life, but never got around to it. I have many photos from those early years and that helped me put, “Laugh Clown Laugh” on paper. I’ve been in Minnesota for 20 years, my mother lived here for 8. I started writing about her story after she passed away.

Can you tell us about your experience being an extra in the movie "The Way We Were"? How did you get involved in the film, and what was the most memorable part of the experience for you?

My mother talked me into trying out for the movie, “The Way We Were.” It was an awesome experience. Hundreds of young men and women went to Albany, New York to an employment agency on a Saturday to audition. Several casting directors divided us in small groups, we had to stand up and turn around slowly one way and then the other. People were cut, but I remained through several cuts. I felt like a movie star on the set with Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford. We were told not to ask for autographs, because we’re considered part of the cast. I was in a few scenes but could never find myself. I kept the pay stub for years.

Who inspired the character of Moretti in "Laugh Clown laugh"?

My Grandfather was born in Italy. The main character in this book, was based on his life. The name was changed to protect the innocent.

Horses and cross country skiing seem to be important to you. How do these activities inspire or influence your writing process?

I’m not writing at the moment, but when I was very important to take breaks to do something that clears ones mind. Words flowed when I got back to work.

How did you approach incorporating personal experiences and family history into your book, Ebony Finds a Friend? Do you find it challenging or inspiring to draw from your own life when crafting stories?

Ebony finds a Friend was a college project. My mother was a very busy artist at the time, so I tried my best to illustrate this picture book. I didn’t think it was good enough for publishing. A horsey friend of mine remembered this story for years and years. She was at my New York book signings. Helen always asked about “Ebony”. I dedicated this book to her when she passed away. Ebony was actually my first horse and he was all black. Yes, it is challenging to draw from own life when I’m writing.

When are you most satisfied with a book or piece of writing? Do you often edit things OUT of your books?

I get a huge rush when I complete a chapter of my writing. Yes, editing is the most important piece to getting a book ready for publishing. I go back to Chapter 1 and read it out loud. Deleting is a normal process.

What message or themes do you strive to convey through your book, Missionary to the Oddballs?

That God can heal one of emotional issues and mental strife. There’s something of beauty in all of us.

What was your greatest achievement in your writing career?

To see my books in print!

What other things, apart from writing do you enjoy doing?

I volunteer at Love In the Name Of Christ, a non profit organization that helps people in need. I love to walk, ride horses, spend time with my husband and visit my children and grand children in different parts of the country.

Do your book ideas usually start with the characters, story/plot, magic system, or something else?

My Grandfather used to use his vaudeville humor on me when I was a kid. He would nudge me and say, “Laugh Clown Laugh.” The characters in my two novels were based on real people.

Who is your target audience? What are some things you wish your readers would take away from your books?

Target audience for my books: Christian Fiction, Contemporary fiction, This has always been a struggle for me.

Is there anything new that you're working on? When can we expect the next book to come out?

I’m not working on anything at the moment, but I do have a few ideas. Independently published authors have a hard time keeping their books afloat. It costs a mammoth amount of money to advertise and promote. I’m very happy another author friend told me about All Author. Your company does a wonderful job.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

As I said above, AllAuthor does an excellent job with promoting books. I love the cover of the month contest. Your rates are great as well. Thank You for giving me this opportunity to be interviewed.

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