My father was in the Air Force and was stationed at a base in Spain, in the Pyrenees mountains, in a little town named Fuenterrabia. I was born in Bordeaux, France because it was the closest hospital.
After a couple of years he was reassigned to a base in southern California. We lived there a couple of years. My father left the military and we then moved to Weaverville, North Carolina. My parents grew up near there.
Was it tough as a military family to be moving and relocating from place to place during your life? How so?I have traveled a lot in my life and met a lot of interesting characters. I love seeing how people from different parts of the country, and world, differ in their thoughts, actions and beliefs. I believe that my experiences have made me the person that I am today.
Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?As a kid I loved going to the library, and lived to read. Winnie the Pooh and Curious George were some of my favorites when I was very young. Now, I have to say, that I enjoy reading John Saul, John Sanford and Dean Koontz. Otherwise, i love the historical romance books about life in Scotland and Ireland in the 1500's.
What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?My biggest dream as a child was to live in a lighthouse. I have visited several, and climbed to the top of some, but have never stayed in one. Cape Neddick - Nubble Lighthouse is my favorite.
Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?I never realized how big a difference that there is between having a publisher and self- publishing your book. I held the dream that you see on TV about a publisher handing you a big check, and then marketing your book, while I sat back signing them and raking in the money. My experiences have been way opposite from that. Currently, i have four books self published and one under a publisher.
How did you come up with the plot of your novel, The Clock Struck Midnight?I'd like to say that I sit down and thoroughly think my book outline out but it's just the opposite. An idea comes to me and I just sit down and start writing. I never have any idea what's going to happen next. I have no set times, places or any special methods to my madness.
How many books do you plan to write in the New Hampshire Crime Series?I have taken a break from my New Hampshire Crime Series books but I do plan to write more of them. My "The Clock Struck Midnight" book was a lot of fun to write and I do plan to write a sequel to it. Right now I am working on a book that takes place in rural Tennessee. I hope to release it by September this year.
Who inspired the character of Jeremy in "Before Dawn"?I lived in New Hampshire for 4 years. I loved the area. My characters there aren't based on anyone that I knew. 1. Just Like That 2. Nothing Else Matters 3. Fatal Prediction and 4. Before Dawn make up the series. They take place from the White Mountains all the way down to the Seacoast. I do plan to write book 5 soon.
How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?I have about 4 different book ideas swirling around in my head right now lol!! One that's kind of out there is about an earthquake off the coast of South Carolina. As an after effect, a volcanco rises out of the ocean, in the middle of the night, off the coast of Myrtle Beach, SC. This is a high tourist area. Anyway, things get crazy really quickly.
What do you like the most about AllAuthor? Do you have any suggestions for the website?I like the All Author application because, using it, I have one central area for customers to purchase all my books. They can read my bio, see available books, purchase, and read reviews all from this site.
I like to feature two of my books because All Author will automatically post tweets about these books, several times a day, for me. They give me the option to make my own banners and I can use their templates to make graphics using my book covers.
I thank you for taking time to get to know me. I wish you well and hope that your reading-writing endeavors are wonderful.
Born in Bordeaux, France to a military family, Sandy Wells has traveled a lot in her lifetime. She believes the experiences that she gained from her travels and life has added to the person that she is today. She started writing at the age of 59 and successfully had 5 books written in a year.