Randy Williams Interview Published on: 17, Mar 2025

Can you tell us more about the town of Wesselly and how it plays into the themes of your book?

Wesselly is a town created by a family clan of vampires, who used humans as a work force to make it into a thriving place. The book picks up when the humans are preparing to take the entire town away from the clan of vampires. The book has an anti-theme.

The title “All Clowns Are Sad” is intriguing. What’s the story behind it?

One of the main characters are trio of clowns, and the rest of the title just came to me.

How did you develop the idea of a "perfect town"? What does perfection mean in the context of Wesselly?

Wesselly is the perfect town because it is self-sustained by its child labor work force.

The book, “All Clowns Are Sad” is set in the Summer of 2002. Why did you choose that particular time period?

The time period is a starting point to the follow up book to All Clowns are Sad, which will be about 25 years after.

What themes or messages do you hope readers take away from your book, “All Clowns Are Sad”?

I just hope they keep reading page after page.

Is there a character in the book that you relate to the most? Why?

Yes. A character named Rumor, who's a writer.

Did you face any challenges while writing your first book? If so, how did you overcome them?

Writing, all the fun comes to an end when it's time to write the final draft. I imagine myself trapped on an island, pulling together supplies to sail off, which coincides with finishing the final draft.

How does your second book compare to “All Clowns Are Sad” in terms of tone and themes?

Seabreakers had a more haunting tone.

Are there any real-life experiences or events that inspired elements of the story?

Yes, life as a low paid worker.

What’s your writing process like? Do you follow a routine or write whenever inspiration strikes?

I start with a little research then start the rough draft. A lot of times I feel like I got nothing until my pen hits the paper.

Who are some of your favorite authors or biggest influences in your writing journey?

Stephen King

How do you see the role of humor and sadness intertwining in your book?

Sadness plays as the parent of humor.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors working on their first book?

Have fun and hope it's the last one you'll ever have to write.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

I've had a wonderful experience with Allauthor.

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