Roland Sato Page Interview Published on: 22, Apr 2020

Born in Brooklyn New York, which is your favorite childhood memory?

The diversity of cultures something that the Midwest lacked in the 70's. The food, entertainment, and the history was quite educating. It benefit my business strategy.

Being born in a military household, how did it inspire your career?

My influences were of strict discipline therefore that's all I knew. It helped at a early age however upon early adulthood I believe it made my rebel. The military delivered many law enforcement opportunities to my door. I don't regret joining or my upbringing it gave me the discipline that maybe saved my life. I can handle any situation I encounter.

Did you miss anything while having grown up in a well-disciplined home with five other siblings?

Coming from a well knit family of course I miss the good ole days. Yet my family now (wife & children) are the most important part of my life. I can cherish the old memories but I live my life for the new.

What made you decide to plant your roots pursuing a military life in the Army Reserves?

The Reserves provided the financial means to pursue a college education and was a excellent feature on my resume.

How was your life impacted when your career was cut short when you were convicted of federal crimes due to your childhood affiliation?

Complete disarray. A ultimate nightmare. It's like a shark attack the fear of being eaten alive and drowning at the same time. As we discuss before my background prepared me for situations like such.

How did writing help you fight depression?

Complete distraction and then it resurfaces old memories that were forgotten. It update my memory archive. Like " Oh wow almost forgot about that."

Which was the moment when you decided to trade visual art for literary art?

Upon my diagnosis of Lupus my hand motor skills diminished, depression followed. So it was a matter of maintaining my sanity. Both trades require a creative imagination.

What inspired you to write your book, Eating the Forbidden Fruit?

For me as a artist I have success when I indulge in something I have personal knowledge about. I didn't have to do research to make sure it's credible I merely told my story.

How long did it take you to think about all the true events in your life that you have included in your first book?

When you encounter something traumatic like I did. You don't forget. Even if you try. You don't forget so it doesn't happen again. My situation has scared my memory for the rest of my life.

How much discipline does it take to be a writer? Would you say you are disciplined?

I am because I have no choice. My depression consumes me so it's a necessity. We all know to be successful in one's endeavors it requires commitment so there you go. Could you imagine a mediocre physician or police officer? Not good! Thus you will love my book because you witness the conflict in my career. Loyalty to the badge or my childhood friends.

How has being an author changed your life up till now and what are some new goals you've set for yourself?

I'm still the same. Matter of fact I don't consider myself a author as of yet. That's a honor I must earn. We will see how Eating the Forbidden Fruit goes before I claim an author's title. I am a humble man wishing to share my story. A story of transparency, karma, confession, and redemption.

What is your creative process like? How does an idea in your head become a novel?

Being military and law enforcement my memory is like a archive storage. I retain past incidents like no other. lol A curse and a blessing.

Is there anything new that you're working on? When can we expect the next book to come out?

Oh yes "Eating the Forbidden Fruit" has just begin its journey yet I have started on two other projects "Skin Deep" based on my Body Art career the temptations and the drama. Thirdly "Walking the Purple Road" my 40 day stay in the hospital experiencing unbearable pain. Also how a family love forced me to fight for recovery. During those 40 days I can count on one hand the times my wife left my side. True love can conquer all.

Describe being an author in five words. What are some things you love and hate about the job?

I'm not a academic so critics will come for you. What I need my audience to understand is my mission is to bring you into my world. For me to accomplish that successfully we have to journey into the urban concrete jungle of St. Louis. Where there is more common sense than academics. That's the rule of the streets.

How did you come to learn about AllAuthor? How has this website helped you?

Upon research for top marketing platforms for authors. AllAuthor was there and what I love about your platform you make sure the members take advantage of all the helpful tools. To be honest AllAuthor is the only one who does that. The others I encountered take your money and the feedback is minimal. You might not hear from them. You are the blue collar service with grass root results.

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