I represent a strong cultural background naturally, influenced by the Creole Culture of my birth island The Commonwealth of Dominica. My strict creole upbringing from childhood is another avenue of thought as the inspiration behind Oceans of Thoughts comes from far beyond. My childhood experiences in school and other activities play quite a role in Oceans of Thoughts.
Can you tell us about your journey as a writer and what inspired you to start writing poetry?I have been writing since childhood. But published in 2020. Poetry is my voice, my inspiration of spoken word, that is now being heard.
Being featured in the Queens Underground Film Festival Poetry Showcase is a remarkable achievement. How did this opportunity come about, and what was the experience like for you?The opportunity presented itself on social media to participate in the Open Mic event at the Queens Underground Film Festival. I registered for the event and followed up on it. The Open Mic event was a wonderful experience.
You've participated in Open Mic events and written newspaper articles to showcase your work. How has this public engagement influenced your writing and your connection with your audience?Yes, I have participated in many Open Mic events and written articles. As a Cultural and LiteraryArtist, I use any platform to showcase my work. The response from the audiences is tremendous and that surely would encourage any artist to keep on pushing for greatness.
"Oceans of Thoughts" has received excellent reviews. Could you share the story behind the creation of this series and what it means to you personally?Oceans of Thoughts is my autobiography written through inspirational poetry, which is orchestrated to inspire and resonate with the readers, as the messages coming through, changes lives .
In addition to your writing, you're known for your involvement in the arts, dance, and culture. How do these other forms of artistic expression influence your poetry?I am a cultural dance artist of creole culture from The Commonwealth of Dominica. However, Oceans of Thoughts is a whole different genre of work.
You've been interviewed on various radio talk shows and TV stations. Could you share a memorable moment or experience from one of these interviews that had a significant impact on you and your work?Yes, I have been interviewed as far and wide as possible. In reference to the question, it would be rather unfair to select any interview, as in my honest opinion, all the interviews and podcasts for Oceans of Thoughts were each a wonderful memorable experience.
Your daughter, Malti McClean, is an integral part of your life. Has she played a role in shaping your writing, and if so, how?My daughter Malti McClean played quite a role on this project as she was the computer expertise on Oceans of Thoughts book series. She helped with putting together the templates for all three books in Oceans of Thoughts book series.
Can you describe your writing process? Do you have any specific rituals or habits that help you get into the creative zone?I do not have any formal writing process. I write any time. I write anywhere. I write with the urge, the inner voice. I write with the inspiration. I write with the vision. Follow your mind. Quiet your mind. Listen to your intuition and write.
What authors or poets have inspired your writing the most, and how have they influenced your own style?Actually, I have been asked this question several times and have no answers for the question. I do not follow anyone. I always had my own writing style. I write with the inspiration.
"Oceans of Thoughts" is a profound and inspiring work. Are there any particular themes or messages that you aim to convey through your poetry in these books?Yes, Oceans of Thoughts is an Inspirational work of self-changing messages. Oceans of Thoughts is a walk through your inner self. Oceans of Thoughts will let you look at yourself within. Oceans of Thoughts addresses social issues. Oceans of Thoughts is a series compacted with social studies, social sciences, literature, history in different genres of poetry. The inspiration of Oceans of Thoughts is channeled through me. Oceans of Thoughts is meditative, inspiring, and motivating.
How do you balance the demands of being a writer with your other commitments and responsibilities in Queens, New York?As I mentioned previously, I have no formal set time to write, however, sometimes I write at night. I just have to balance my time to accomplish my goals
Could you provide some insight into your future writing projects? Are there new books or creative endeavors in the works?Oceans of Thoughts Book Four is on the horizon with more inspiring poetry, and new motivational work to capture your interest.
What advice would you give to aspiring poets and writers who look up to your success and would like to follow in your footsteps?To aspiring poets : Write everything down. Listen to your intuition, your inner voice and write. It is a beautiful thing to let your voice be heard through writing. Through poetry. You now have a voice, and it will be heard. So do not hesitate, just write it all down.
Lastly, what do you think of your AllAuthor experience so far? Would you recommend this platform to other authors and friends?AllAuthors has given me a platform to share my work in Oceans of Thoughts Book Series to the world. This platform has given my writing style in poetry an avenue to be read, and heard, and a tremendous opportunity to be seen. I do believe that AllAuthors is a great platform for authors.
Rosalind Severin McClean, acclaimed author of the best-selling "Oceans of Thoughts" series, captivates audiences worldwide with her inspiring poetry. A versatile artist, she shines in dance and culture, featured in international festivals and media, showcasing her exceptional talent and profound writing style. Born in Dominica, she now resides in Queens, New York, with her daughter, Malti McClean.