When I was younger (11 or 12) my role model was definitely Nancy Drew. This was my favourite book series. I even carried a notebook and pencil with me to interview people wherever I went.
What are some of the most profound "shower thoughts" you've had?Lol I like this question. I think if anything, some good scenes for my books were thought of in the shower.
Which is the first book you ever wrote? Have you published it or will you in the future?The first book I write was a sci-fi fantasy called Liv. It’s not published as of yet, but I will be announcing the release date Oct 1, 2020.
What's the single most important thing to know when raising kids?Patience, patience, understanding, oh, and patience. Kids absorb everything, teach them wisely.
As an owner of a catering company, how does it feel to start and run the company? Did you have any prior restaurant experience before, and did it help?Starting our catering company was exciting and very daring at the same time. My husband and I had left our jobs to do this, so it was a bit of a leap of faith. Running the company comes quite well for both of us, we have a great team behind us. My husband has 19 years of cooking experience and I also had 14 years prior of catering experience. Yes, the previous experience absolutely has helped us both through this journey.
What is the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing and which one's better?I personally don’t have any experience with traditional publishing. I went straight to self-publishing when I was ready with Just Drive, so I can’t say which is better. However, I can say that I very much enjoy the prosses of self-publishing. I have been able to make 100% of the decisions and I was fortunate enough to get Just Drive into a bookstore on my own.
Who inspired the character of Megan Patterson in "Just Drive"?Megan Patterson was originally created from a real-life experience that I had. As her character developed throughout the story she developed her own personality. She was basically made up.
Are horses difficult and expensive to take care of?Horses can be difficult to care for if you don’t know what you’re doing. And yes, they can be expensive. They are a full commitment type of animal to own.
What are some of the things you have learned from your favourite authors?The main thing I’ve learned from my own favourite authors is that there are no rules. I have had many questions such as: how long should a chapter be? Or how many pages should be in a book?
The answer is to do what you want. You’re the writer, just write.
What is your creative process like? How does an idea in your head become a novel?I actually get most of my ideas when I’m driving. Some I write down, then later change it. Most of the time my story comes to me as I’m writing, as if I’m watching a movie. What will happen next, while it plays in my head.
What do you most enjoy about writing in the suspense genre?Just Drive is the only book I’ve written in this genre and wasn’t sure at first how it was going to come out in the end. I would say the thing I liked most was that I had to be quite creative with the plot and twists of the story to keep readers in suspense at all times throughout the book.
What are the most important things to consider when moving to a different city for the first time?My husband and I lived in the city before we had moved to the country, so we knew what to expect. But it’s definitely a big change, much louder.
If you could do it again, what would you not do when publishing your first book?When I published Just Drive, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. If I could do it again, I would take my time. I rushed into it and my formatting was off. Live and learn, the next book will come out better.
How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?My next book is going to be a sci-fi fantasy that is actually going to be a trilogy, called Liv. Liv is a young girl who is diagnosed with a rare sleeping disorder that causes her to sleep for a large majority of the day (19 hours) sleeping this much causes Liv to be confused about what’s real and what’s not. When her dream world turns to nightmares, she discovers much more about herself then she would have ever imagined.
How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?I honestly very much enjoy being with AllAuthors! I’ve met other authors, created nice teasers that I can share, I love the banners and I always get in on the cover contests. AllAuthors has been easy and simple to work with and I was able to create a nice website for my readers to go to for purchasing my book, or just view my profile. I’ve recommended the website to other authors who also enjoy all the benefits.
Canadian author, Sara Louisa is the author of one published new release called Just Drive. The first book she wrote was a sci-fi fantasy called Liv. She mostly gets ideas for her stories when she is driving. Her book, Just Drive grabs you from the second you start reading it.