Shani Night Interview Published on: 24, Feb 2022

Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Washington DC but lived most of my life in Maryland, in PG County.

My childhood was inspiring, and I try to reflect most of my childhood moments in my books. I grew up in an active community, and I was always busy with one activity or another. My love of the arts, cooking, baking, and outdoor play are all reflected in my books.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

That is trifold. My parents have always supported my adventures. But then, my daughter restarted me on my writing, and finally, my husband, who's my illustrator.

At what age did you write your first book? Did it get publish?

Thirty, but it was never published.

Maybe one day I'll have it published. I need to revisit that book since it's really been my guiding light.

Do you prefer reading or writing? Why?

Writing. It's freeing and calming to me, especially when you are surging with inspiration. I'm at my best when something has just captivated me and when I cannot stop the story from running in my head or through my fingers (writing).

There's nothing better.

Have you always loved writing or was it something that developed during your later years?

I've always loved writing.

I used to spend my summers writing songs and poetry, but for the last 12 years, there's been a growing need to put my thoughts and stories on paper and allow them to come alive in the form of characters. This is the reason behind so many books in the last two years; it's just been a burst of stories and feelings since I decided to write in 2020.

What encouraged you to start writing stories of your own?

My husband agreed to be my illustrator. I'd been asking him for nearly 13 years, and in 2020, he finally decided to do it. We're swamped in our careers, and 2020 allowed additional time we wouldn't typically have. Of course, 2020 presented other obstacles, but time wasn't one. Also, my daughter graduated and started a publishing company; she had a few clients, and the work she was doing inspired me.

Are you friends with other authors? If so, how have they helped you in your journey as a writer?

Yes. Initially. Now we are all busy, but they're always available.

Why is it a good idea for authors to work as freelance writers?

I think it's an excellent opportunity to grow your skill set, but more importantly, it's freeing, and anything is possible as a freelance writer. Some of us spend most of our lives in demanding careers; doing something as freeing as this is awesome.

When you start writing something new, what are some things you outline first?

I always outline the takeaway, the message, and what I want kids to take away from the book.

Then I go into the messages from the character. From there, the outline grows.

What is one story that took a completely different turn than what you originally planned to do with it?

My recent book, The Heart of a Lion, was initially written to educate readers about Sickle Cell but turned into a story to inspire all kids battling any health issue.

What is the best thing you ever spent money on as a writer?

Vacation spot in the mountains, to go and write. It was the best time to enjoy writing.

What are some of your plans for the future? Are you working on a new project at the moment?

Yes, I have a few things I'm working on: my first YA Novel and a Christian children's book. I also have a few new releases for the Shani and Friends series.

Shani, who's displayed in most of my books, reflects me and my life and my experiences as a young girl growing up in Maryland.

How long have you been with AllAuthor now and how have you been enjoying it?

A little over six months.

I'm just starting to get involved, but the features are fantastic. I'm figuring out Twitter, so that feature helps me out a lot. I like the community we're building, and I plan to interact more now that I've completed my last two books for 2022.

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