As the daughter of a military officer and a R.N.,I have spent my life exposed to different customs. We are referred to as an Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCK). My interest in cross-cultural relationships began when I was young and we lived in Japan, where I attended school. I still have a set of coins my father bought to commemorate the 1964 Olympics held in Tokyo as well as my kimono and obi belt. By the time I graduated from high school, I had attended 14 different schools in Japan and the U.S. My passion for cross-cultural awareness never abated. Years later, this fascination was stirred when I graduated from law school (1989). After spending a month that summer experiencing China, Hong Kong, and Thailand with a fellow summer associate, I wrote in my journal: “I need to be doing something where I’m traveling and working with people in different cultures.”
As an expert in cross-cultural business communication, what do you see as the most common challenges businesses face when operating internationally?Where do I start? It may be best to make a list:
Undergoing self-analysis to better understand how your personal cultural conditioning impacts how you act and react in difficult circumstances / under stress. Understanding that language is complex and reveals deep layers of culture. Different languages may result in misinterpretations and miscommunication creating business barriers. Accepting that cultural values differ worldwide. Each culture has its own value system that develops over time. There are many methods to analyze cultural values and perspectives. Realizing that people communicate differently across the globe. Communication styles have been analyzed by numerous experts. In Australia, the U.K., and the U.S.A communication people tend to communicate with precision and openness also known as “low context” style. In Asian countries including China, India, and Japan communication is more subtle and “high context.” Developing an effective communication style that encompasses high-level emotional intelligence. Be willing to embrace ambiguity, openness, and flexibility. Seeking cooperation as opposed to becoming frustrated. Ask for background information about decision-making. Utilizing appropriate workforce motivation. The success of incentive programs based on achievement are not uniformly appropriate across all geographical locations; for example, not all workers seek individual recognition and prefer team acknowledgement.
Could you share some practical techniques from your book that businesses can use to improve their cross-cultural communication and increase revenue?One practical technique is to engage in the eight-question framework offered to readers which provides a deeper appreciation of the differences between U.S. and Asian cultures by providing cultural analysis and practical examples. As a woman, consider implementing the steps suggested on the challenges of conducting business in Asia. For example, in China, the best way to smooth a path as a global businesswoman is to establish your credentials and gain credibility well in advance of arrival:
◾ Have an awareness of women’s history and status in Chinese business culture. ◾ Research and cultivate local business connections and contacts in your Chinese host city. ◾ Have a mutual contact forward your CV and business qualifications prior to introductions. ◾ Find local contacts to act as intermediaries and accompany you to meetings and negotiations. ◾ Understand Chinese hierarchy and, as the female business leader or top negotiator, request male team members enter after you to which provides non-verbal communication of your senior rank. ◾ Learn a few Mandarin greetings—the effort will be appreciated and help to break the ice.
Congratulations on the success of your book "Access to Asia"! What inspired you to write it, and how has it been received since its release?Thank you, we have been humbled by how well the book has been received. My inspiration for writing the book is my clients. During training sessions, clients requested that I capture my business experiences in writing and share these stories as practical examples, instead of relying on the training materials.
For example, providing techniques for bridging cultural differences not only between the U.S. and Asia, but also between Asian countries including China, India, Japan, and Korea. U.S. clients were puzzled as to why their Asian or European counterparts weren’t willing to take risks or make investments on innovative products or new financial funds. This led to us addressing a few cultural dimensions within our 8-question framework. We specifically address “fear of the unknown” or “uncertainty avoidance.”
Access to Asia has been well received; we were humbled and simultaneously thrilled to receive a Kirkus Starred Review and be named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2015. Additional noteworthy acclaim and awards include: Winner in the 2018 Book Excellence Awards for: a. Multicultural Non-Fiction Winner in the 2018 Independent Press Awards for: b. Multicultural Non-Fiction Winner in the 2017 New York City Big Book Awards for: c. Multicultural Non-Fiction Winner in the 2016 International Book Awards for: d. Business: Communications/Public Relations d. Business: Reference Winner in the 2016 USA Best Book Awards for: f. Business: Communications/Public Relations Winner in the 2016 Book Excellence Awards for: g. Category: Reference Winner in the 2016 Bookvana Awards for: h. Business: Careers Winner in the 2015 International Book Awards for: i. Best New Non-Fiction i. Business: Communications/Public Relations i. Best Cover Design: Non-Fiction Winner in the 2015 USA Best Book Awards for: l. Business: Communications/Public Relations l. Business: Reference
What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who are just starting out and looking to build a successful business?My guiding principle: Mindset and Success are intertwined. Adjusting to unique and new cultures without losing yourself in the process requires self-awareness, establishing personal boundaries and knowing just how far you are prepared to modify them as situations arise. Some activities may not be for you. Knowing this beforehand will save grief and face for you and your Asian business partners. It is possible to refrain from participating without judging other cultures. Often the wise and more successful approach is to keep an open mind to new experiences, as the pioneering work of Stanford psychology professor Dr. Carol Dweck highlighted. According to Dweck’s research, people who hold rigid beliefs as to what they can or can’t (should/shouldn’t) achieve have fixed mindsets. They tend to be less successful in the areas of business, education, and sports than people with growth mindsets. Growth people consider challenging experiences to be essential to developing new abilities. “Virtually all great people have had these qualities.” Surrounding myself with people who are more intelligent and brighter than I am. Mentoring with successful women who guide with transparency. Learning new languages is the door to culture, opening our eyes to a whole new perspective through the vocabulary, grammatical structures, and expressions. Traveling to unknown destinations where the locale hasn’t been discovered by tourism. Getting outside my comfort zone by myself or with a brilliant co-author Expanding my perspective through continued immersion in different cultures
How do you balance your roles as an independent board director, attorney, trainer, and author?I’m not sure I balance them well at all. When I don’t strike a balance, I inject humor and admit to “an epic fail.” To answer your question, for me personally, it would be impossible without striving to do the following:
a. Maintaining my spirituality with meditation and music. b. Prioritizing family by scheduling specific times to spend together. c. Attending early morning workouts with a personal trainer three days a week. d. Focusing on my nutrition and forgiving myself when I eat Czech Kolache. e. Maintaining electronic and hard copy daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and five-years to visualize short- and long-term goals and commitments. f. Differentiating between “want” and “need” before making a commitment. g. Deeply considering my priorities, I respond “no, thank you” when asked to volunteer. h. Keeping evolving short- and long-term project lists for both professional and personal purposes.
Sharon Schweitzer is a prominent figure in cross-cultural business expertise, known for her roles as an independent board director, attorney, and founder of Access to Culture. Her accomplishments include being an award-winning entrepreneur and author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book in International Business, "Access to Asia." Based in Austin, Texas, Sharon resides with her husband John and their golden retriever, Toffee.