Tiya Rayne Interview Published on: 10, Oct 2020

What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?

I hated reading as a kid. Unless it was a horror book I could absolutely not read it.

Since how long have you been living in Arkansas with your three children?

I’ve lived in Arkansas for three years, but I move around often. In August my family and I relocated to North Carolina.

Being an avid reader, who has been your all-time favorite author?

I have so many. However, off the top of my head I’m going to say, Karen Marie Moning, Blue Saffire, and Theodora Taylor.

How did you develop an unhealthy relationship with coffee?

Kids. LOL! After so many late nights with toddlers and early mornings with babies I started to depend a lot on coffee to get me through the day.

Has anyone ever been able to find out the hidden numerous bags of jelly beans around your house?

No, and I pride myself on being able to say that.

Do you assign specific chores to your kids?

I do, and sometimes they actually do them.

What parenting tips do you have for the new parents?

Enjoy every small detail. Even when you’re bone tired and covered in spit-up, enjoy it and cherish the moments. It will keep you sane when they turn into teenagers.

When did you get married to your high school sweetheart?

We got married in 2003. It was a small wedding with only close family. It was perfect.

Who inspired the character of Ethan Wolfe in Wicked Prince Charmings?

So in Wicked Prince Charmings I actually wrote Dean and Longwei. Not Ethan, but I love him too. Dean was inspired partially by my husband, only for his love of baseball and coaching little league. Longwei was just someone I created after looking at a Jade Dragon figurine. He started speaking to me and telling me his story.

Why did you decide to write Young Adult Paranormal under the pen name KC Connor?

I started writing under KC Connor first. It is my Children’s’ initials. I chose a penname because I wanted to keep a little privacy and I thought it sounded cooler.

How did you come up with the idea for your book, Hawk: The Church Series?

Most books come to me in my dreams. I actually had the dream for the fourth book in the series. I went to write that book, but it just wouldn’t flow. Something was missing. That’s when Hawk started talking.

Who inspired the character of Morgan Downs in "Alpha"?

When I start a book, I always hear my Male character first and he usually tells me about his woman. So, I guess you can say Alpha really inspired her.

How do you feel about the rise in digital books in recent years?

I love the convenience of digital books. You can’t beat seeing something online and immediately being able to read it without even leaving your house to purchase it. However, I’m also still very much a paperback girl.

Did you miss going to coffee shops during the lock-down?

I’m actually not a coffee shop person. I prefer my Keurig and pajamas.

When were you first introduced to AllAuthor and how? What were your expectations coming in and did the website manage to meet them?

I was introduced a year ago by another author friend who told me I should subscribe. I didn’t have many expectations. I just thought it was another platform to promote. Boy, was I wrong. AllAuthor has been a lifesaver. The tools alone are well worth it and all the insight and connections have been incredible.

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