Jacqueline (Jackie) Lambert is an award-winning travel writer, adventure traveller, and dogmother, who loves history and curious facts.
B.C. (Before Canines) she hurtled, slid, submerged and threw herself off bits of every continent except Antarctica.
A.D. (After Dog), with husband Mark, she gave up work to become an Adventure Caravanner. Her aim: To Boldly Go Where No Van Has Gone Before.
Jackie has published six light-hearted memoirs about her travels since quitting work: Fur Babies in France, Dog on the Rhine, Dogs ‘n’ Dracula, It Never Rains But It Paws, To Hel In A Hound Cart, and Pups on Piste.
Her forthcoming books will chronicle her Brexit-busting plan to convert a 24.5-tonne army truck and drive to Mongolia.