About Author

Jill Shannon

Jill Shannon

Hello, my name is Jill Shannon and I write erotic romance novels. My first three books revolve around BDSM cruise ships. Each have their own story and main characters. My recent series is a motorcycle club series, again each is a standalone book with their own stories. In each of my books I try to address an issue that relates to the day to day struggles facing many people we may not even know. I try to write stories that keep the reader engaged. And erotic scenes that keep the reader wanting more. I would like to invite new readers into my world of writing and hope they enjoy my books.... read more

Jill Shannon's Books

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Jill Shannon's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Jill Shannon.
** Also, there might be other book series by Jill Shannon not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Celtic Demons

    1 Killian's Masterpiece: A Dark Mafia MC Romance (The Celtic Demons Book 1) - Published on Jun, 20182 Diesel's Keepsake: A Dark Mafia MC Romance (The Celtic Demons Book 3) - Published on Jul, 2021

Jill Shannon's Awards and Achievements

    Jill Shannon has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • The BookFest Bronze winner

    Diesel's Keepsake: A Dark Mafia MC Romance (The Celtic Demons Book 3)

  • The BookFest Silver Winner
    2022 award
  • Rocky Mountain Cover Contest
    2020 award
  • Reader's Choice Award

    Killian's Masterpiece: A Dark Mafia MC Romance (The Celtic Demons Book 1)

  • BDSM Golden Flogger Nominee
    2018 award
  • BDSM Golden Flogger Nominee
    2018 award
  • BDSM Golden Flogger Finalist
    2017 award

Jill Shannon Interview On 09, Sep 2020

"Erotic romance author, Jill Shannon has an ability to write the most captivating, most enthralling, lovingly described, and the hottest books around. Her books are a great read with thrilling characters and sizzling action. She writes what she loves: erotica with some very descriptive and spicy love scenes. With every book, Jill Shannon masters the skills of her craft."
What is a childhood memory that makes you smile?

My first train ride to my grandparents house. My mom and grandmother were getting back on the train to go to the city, and I was staying with my grandfather. We heard the ice cream man coming. So we went outside to wait, he bought me an ice cream cone and we sat on the front porch while I ate it. Not long after that he passed, but that memory of that day and the time we spent together, always makes me smile.

What is a childhood ambition that you had?

Honestly, I can't remember one specific thing I really wanted to do. Even as a child, I lived for the day. If my friends wanted to be a nurse or a doctor or a mom, so did I. But I think if I had to nail it down to one thing, it would have to be a P.E. teacher. I was very active as a child and loved playing sports. I got along really well with my teachers, and they made their jobs look so easy. To this day I still love all kinds of sports.

Which was the first book you read and how was it?

Fern Michaels Captive Passion was the name of the author and book. For a thirteen year old the book was an eye opener, but I fell in love with romance books. I began looking for books about pirates, which led me to Johanna Lindsay and the Mallory family.

Why did you chose the erotic romance genre?

I chose erotic because, I have read so many love scenes in romance books that they all began to sound the same, with minor differences. With erotic I can give my readers some very descriptive and spicy love scenes without restictions.

How did you begin writing the motorcycle series?

I chose a motorcycle series, first because they say write about what you know. I have been riding as a passenger since I'm eighteen, and love everything about it. And second, because motorcycle clubs have always fascinated me. A brotherhood unlike anything else, loyalty and trust that they all rely on, and a code they all live by.

Who inspired the character of WIllow Lawson in "Hunter's Treasure"?

Honestly, no one. I wanted my heroine to have an unusual profession. I chose a salvage diver because I've never read about one in another book.

How many books do you plan to write in The Celtic Demons series?

As of right now, I'm in the process of writing the third and final standalone in the series. But we'll see, I might add one more.

What are some of the most clever ways to escape/ prevent writer's block?

I can't say that I've had a bout of writer's block but there are times when the words won't come easily. When I'm stuck on a scene in my books, I generally walk away from it, but keep it in my mind. I'll clean, watch a show, all the time working out ways to complete the scene.

What does a normal day look like for a professional book author?

I'm up at five o'clock in the morning. I walk a mile and a half, back home I'll make my tea and catch up on the news. I shower, dress, and write until my husband gets home. There are other days I never write one word, because I'm running around with errands.

Which book took the longest to write in the Midnight Oasis series?

I would have to say Onyx. It was my first book, and I had so many ideas floating around in my head that wanted to be in the book. I also wanted it to be different, which is why I gave some of my secondary characters scenes in this book.

Who designs your book covers? Have you participated in the Cover of the Month contest organised by AllAuthor?

Blushing Books, my publisher creates my book covers. However, in my recent book Hunter's Treasure I asked Vinny Varden from the UK to be my model for the cover, and he readily agreed. So, I used his photo, but Blushing did all the finishing touches. As far as the cover of the month contest, yes I have. I entered Hunter's Treasure.

What are tips for writing an erotic romance?

Have fun. You can determine how hot you want your love scenes, so have fun. Like any other genre stay true to your characters and their stories. If you don't believe them, neither will your readers.

What is the secret to finally accelerating your writing career?

I believe that would be a strong following. Having readers that will buy your book just because your name is on the cover, means a lot. Also, promoting it on any social media platform. Finding a company like AllAuthor also helps. They give you the tools to create book mock-ups. They also create taglines for promoting your book, then go the extra mile and Tweet the post they create for you. They are an excellent company to help promote your books.

What are your book promotion ideas that actually worked?

Entering contests definitely helped. Even if you don't win, you receive a banner for being nominated, most times. Those banners on a book cover say to a reader that your peers like your writing.

When did you join AllAuthor and what are your opinions about the website so far?

I recently joined AllAuthor, and for me personally it was money well spent. They provide so many different ways to display your books. Individually, grouped together, sales, kindle unlimited, all photos to use that display your book. They create book mock-ups and taglines, they allow you to set up an author page on their website.They create Tweets that they themselves post to their Twitter page. The only thing I would recommend they do is start an Instagram page as another platform. I find that people respond more to my Instagram posts of my books than any other media platform. I can interact with readers easier, and see what they are reading, plus it doesn't take up my whole day as Facebook and Twitter do.

Jill Shannon's Favorite Quotes

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Ask Jill Shannon a Question

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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Jill Shannon Jill Shannon 4 years ago
      • yes, I read my reviews. That's the only way I grow, by hearing the opinions of others. As for poor reviews, I treat them as the Olympics does. I take 1 high score out and 1 lower score out, generally I'm still averaging a 4.5 rating, and it doesn't feel so bad after that.
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