About Author


  • Genre:

    Action & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy Children's
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 30 December, 1954
  • Member Since: Mar 2016
  • Profile Views: 34,452
  • Followers: 60
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads,

Living my dream of being an author! I've always created scenarios and small plots in my head, sometimes for fun, and sometimes to keep myself out of trouble (didn't work). After teaching middle grades for 24 years, I listened to my fifth-graders and began writing my stories. That's how the Adi's World series began. The four book series is now in print. I am now living my own dream of being an author. It's a great life!

Jo-Marie's Books

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Adi's World
$3.03 kindleeBook,
Adi's Worldby Jo-MarieAction & Adventure Fantasy Children's
Living the Secret
Free kindleeBook,
Living the Secretby Jo-MarieAction & Adventure Fantasy Children's
A Promise Broken
$3.99 kindleeBook,
A Promise Brokenby Jo-MarieAction & Adventure Fantasy Children's
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Believeby Jo-MariePublish: Feb 02, 2017Action & Adventure Fantasy Children's

Jo-Marie Interview On 17, Mar 2017

"God and faith have always played a centre role in the life of Christian fantasy writer Jo-Marie Mlsek. Married for over 30 years with two adult sons, she taught in elementary school for twenty-four years and is now a retired teacher and full-time writer. To Jo-marie, writing is an escape from everyday life into a world where characters can achieve whatver they dream. At first, she didn't believe she had it in her to be a writer but was prodded by her fifth grade students to follow her dreams just like she would always tell them to follow theirs. She's been writing for that same group of students that believed in her and got her started ever since. She is currently unwell and therefore unable to write regularly but is optimistic that she will be able back on her feet soon. To her readers and everybody else, she says- "Life’s a journey. Live your dreams.""
Tell us about your life and your struggles.

My life is truly blessed. It’s not that I don’t have difficulties and challenges, but I know that I am never alone in this world and that someday I will spend eternity with my Heavenly Father. I’ve been married for more than three decades and have two adult sons. I’ve taught elementary school students for twenty-four years. I’m now a retired teacher and full-time writer. At the present time I’ve had to put my writing career on a back burner because of health problems. However, I will soon be back in business. I look forward to having my fourth book published (very soon) and to completing my current story.

How passionate are you about writing?

Writing is a favorite activity of mine. It lets me escape from the craziness of everyday life. I enjoy creating an alternate world in which characters can achieve whatever they dream.

How long have you been writing and what inspired you to become a writer?

I got the idea for Adi’s World (my first book) over thirty years ago, but I never wrote the story. The truth is that I never believed I could do it. The funny thing is that I was the teacher (fifth grade) that always encouraged her students to “live their dreams”. Well one day my students called me on the fact that I helped them reach their goals, but didn’t do it for myself. From that day on those students gave their teacher “writing homework”. Then on the last day of school before summer break, I was basically instructed to “get my book done before coming back in August”. I did what I was told. That was four books ago. I thank those students for changing my life.

How did you get the idea for your first book?

I stuck my head into a hole in a rotting tree. No, I don’t recommend doing this, unless you like itching for about a week.

While choosing a name for your character, what aspects do you consider that determines what you finally call them?

My main character is Adi. I’m not sure why I picked that name, but after I did I used those letters (A, D, I) as the lead-in for each chapter’s theme. Adi would always tell her mentor, Michael, the same phrase. “I am Adi, a difficult incident. Or I am Adi, a different individual.” The rest of the character names just seemed to flow from Adi.

Do authors in general and you in particular plan series beforehand or do they just happen?

For me, it’s both. For Adi’s World the character names, main setting (inside a hollow tree), and the main plot conflict just came to me. However, all the details took a lot of planning (many versions of those plans).

How do you choose which stories to tell?

I write whatever God inspires me to write. I believe my writing talent and ideas come from Him. When I pray before writing, the words flow. When I “do it on my own”, it’s just not good.

Do you ever get writer’s block?

I only get writer’s block when I try to do it on my own. However, due to personal health issues I haven’t had the desire to write for a while. When I’m in a daily writing pattern I have to write! If “life” gets in the way for more than a day, I’m not much fun to be around. But now, due to illness, I feel comfortable not writing regularly. I have no doubt that once my health/focus issues are resolved I will again return to my second home (Adi’s World).

Do you have a “reader” in mind while writing?

Yes, throughout the entire series, I’ve been writing to that group of fifth-grade students that believed in me and got me started.

Who is the first person to read the first draft of your books?

My first beta reader was my teaching partner Peggy Osborn. She read all the first drafts of series one. That job has now been accepted by a new beta reader, Michele Dallmann. Both are extremely creative teachers whose opinions I trust.

How do you get reviews? Which was the best review you ever got?

I get reviews from my regular readers. They are usually students, teachers, and staff from the schools I visit. I’m now learning how to reach out to a wider audience. I have two favorite reviews of Adi’s World: Michael Kastre wrote “This amazing book flows smoothly, capturing the imagination of the reader as she creates a fascinating world, one that is foreign, and yet familiar to us at the same time. This is a rich tale of life, relationships, and challenges as seen through the eyes of a young girl.” Denniger Bolton wrote “You know how we readers of fiction are always telling each other that there is nothing new under the sun? I’m here to tell you I’ve just read a truly unique story.”

What does the word “story” signifies for you?

story = adventure & living your dreams

Do you think an author should be bound by Genre?

Absolutely not! An author needs the freedom to write whatever she/he is moved to write. Sometimes that can be fiction, other times nonfiction. As a reader, I love different genres. The Adi’s World series is actually a cross between genres. It’s realistic fiction within a fantasy setting.

Are you currently working on anything?

I am doing the final editing of Believe, the fourth & final book of the first Adi’s World series. I’m also composing the prologue to this series. The prologue is tentatively titled Life’s a Journey.

Do you have a special time or place for writing?

I have no special time, but do have a special place. I’ve turned our living room into an office. Most of my writing happens there. I think better when my fingers are moving across a keyboard.

How do you promote your work?

Right now this part of my life is on hold. I look forward to reigniting it.

How will QuotesRain help you in your book promotion and sales, would you like to refer this platform to your author friends?

Not sure. Let’s talk!

Would you like to share something with your readers and fans?

Life’s a journey. Live your dreams.

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