About Author

Michelle Savage

Michelle Savage

Michelle Savage is a writer and author of The Entanglement Series.

A Steamy and Erotic Romance Writer, Michelle has a way of transporting you into the shoes of her main Heroine. Allowing you to explore worlds filled with love, betrayal, tragedy, humor, friendship, lust and so much more. Taking you on a rollercoaster ride you won’t forget.

Michelle has been a lifelong writer and began creating worlds in middle school. She enjoys writing about the alpha males, the star-crossed lovers, the forbidden loves. Pushing limits and allowing twist and turns to unfold with each chapter.

Michelle lives in Kentucky with her partner of over a decade and their furbabies. She’s a big supporter of animal rights and mental illness/breast cancer awareness.

Michelle Savage's Books

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Rebirth: Phoenix Fire series
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
Rebirth: Phoenix Fire seriesby Michelle Savage and J. TruesdellPublish: Mar 21, 2023Series: Phoenix Fire SeriesSuspense Paranormal Romance Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
Winter's Kiss
(1) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Winter's Kissby Michelle SavagePublish: Aug 02, 2022Series: Season's LoveContemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
All of You: Perfectly Imperfect Series
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
All of You: Perfectly Imperfect Seriesby MICHELLE SAVAGEPublish: Dec 01, 2023Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance Romance
A Christmas Wish: A Holiday Romance To Warm Your Heart (Forever Safe Christmas II Book 14)
(1) $0.99 kindleeBook,
A Christmas Wish: A Holiday Romance To Warm Your Heart (Forever Safe Christmas II Book 14)by Michelle SavagePublish: Dec 14, 2020Series: Forever Safe Christmas II SeriesContemporary Romance Romance

Michelle Savage's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Michelle Savage.
** Also, there might be other book series by Michelle Savage not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Phoenix Fire Series

    1 Rebirth: Phoenix Fire series - Published on Mar, 2023
  • Season's Love

    1 Winter's Kiss - Published on Aug, 2022
  • Forever Safe Christmas II Series

    1 A Christmas Wish: A Holiday Romance To Warm Your Heart (Forever Safe Christmas II Book 14) - Published on Dec, 2020

Michelle Savage Interview On 06, Mar 2023

"Raised by a strong single mother, Michelle Savage is a writer and author of The Entanglement Series. She has been a lifelong writer and began creating worlds in middle school. She’s a big supporter of animal rights and mental illness/breast cancer awareness."
What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?

I was in dance and gymnastics until I hurt my ankle.

How did your childhood influence your current attitude towards work ethic?

I was raised by a strong single mother, it fully influenced it by making me work hard and be proud of myself.

How many books did you read before writing your first published novel?

I would have no idea, lots. lol

Why do you call yourself a "lifelong writer"?

I don't think I've ever called myself that.

Where do you find inspiration for the character of the alpha males you write about?

Charlie Hunnam is a big influence. As is Travis Fimmel.

Do your book ideas usually start with the characters, story/plot, historical events, or something else?

Characters and plot. That's where it all begins.

How did you come up with the idea for your book, Coming Home?

A song actually.

Who designed the cover of your book, Winter's Kiss?

I did.

What is the #1 mistake that you see first-time authors make? What mistakes did you make on your road to becoming an author?

Comparing yourself to other authors, which is something I did. I think writing what you want, what your muse calls for is the best.

When deciding your book character, do you go with a name that no one has heard before, or a familiar name?

I do a little bit of both.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Writing, no. Promotions, yes!

When writing novels, is it better to have daily time-spent-writing goals or words-written goals?


Audio book vs e-book vs printed book, which one do you prefer and why?

E-book and printed all the way. I would love to do audio but it's so costly.

Which is the next book you are writing? Give us an insight into it.

I'm working on a few. However, one I'm proud about is co-authored supernatural romance and then a solo viking romance.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

It's been well, though I do feel certain authors get a little more attention especially in the cover contest. Don't think I've ever been in the top ten and the votes given to the top seem a little much.

Michelle Savage All time Favourite Books

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Ask Michelle Savage a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Michelle Savage? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 6 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Michelle Savage Michelle Savage 6 years ago
      • I suppose I can't answer Charlie Hunnam three times...can I? lol
        No really, I would say of course Charlie Hunnam, because well I love him and the goodness in him that's evident in just pictures of him. I also I would invite Andy Whitfield, even though he has passed and wasn't around that long this man and his strength during a hard time inspired me so much. Last, but not least, I would invite Betty White. She's amazing in every possible way, simple as that.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 6 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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